Amendment 190 proposes to rezone the area to Special Use to facilitate an aged care
Amendment 1 is an omnibus amendment which proposes a number of revisions to the
Scheme text and maps. These largely relate to changes to reflect existing land uses, and
administrative requirements.
Amendment 1 proposes to amend a text anomaly to replace ‘Holiday Houses’ with ‘Holiday Accommodation’ for Lot 308 Banksia Drive, Coral Bay.
The City of Armadale proposes to rezone the West Piara Urban Precinct North from General Rural to the Urban Development zone.
Introduce a new ‘Urban Development’ zone and apply it to the Redcliffe Station precinct to serve as an underlying zoning that facilitates the implementation of the Redcliffe Area Centre Plan (ACP). Establish a Development Contribution Plan (DCP). Update the boundaries of the Development Area 6 Special Control Area to accord with established road alignments within the Perth Airport estate. Introduce new provisions applicable to the Development Area 6 Special Control Area to provide for the implementation of the ACP.
*The Shire of Exmouth has advised the EPA it will not be proceeding the scheme amendment.
The EPA will provide strategic advice to the Minister for Environment on the potential cumulative impacts of the activities and developments proposed for Exmouth Gulf. The assessment periods for Subsea 7‘s Learmonth Pipeline Fabrication Facility proposal and the Shire of Exmouth’s rezoning proposal will be extended so that the findings of this environmental study can be fully considered.
The Shire of Exmouth proposes Amendment 1 to rezone part of lots 223, 234, 235 and 1586 Minilya-Exmouth Road, Learmonth from 'Rural' and 'Foreshore Reserve' to 'Special Use 10' to facilitate the development of a pipeline fabrication facility (Learmonth Pipeline Fabrication Facility). The scheme amendment is being assessed on aspects that relate to the proposed change in zoning of the land.
The public review process for the scheme amendment is managed by the Shire of Exmouth and the review period will run from 2 October 2019 until the 30 November 2019. The documents below are also available on the Shire of Exmouth's website . To make a submission on these documents, or for more information about the scheme amendment, please contact the Shire of Exmouth at .
The EPA has published the Response to Submissions for the Scheme Amendment. The Response to Submissions for the Learmonth Pipeline Fabrication Facility proposal is available here under 3. Assessment, Environmental Review.
Rezoning of proposals in the cities of Armadale, Cockburn, Gosnells, Kwinana and Rockingham and the Shire of Serpentine-Jarrahdale.
The City of Swan proposes to zone the land to ‘General Industrial’ with a ‘Restricted Use’ and
‘Local Road’. The scheme map and scheme text are proposed to be updated accordingly.
The Shire of Capel proposes to rezone Part Lot 2 Calinup Road Gelorup from ‘Rural’ to ‘Special Rural’ and include the land within Special Rural Zone Area No. 2.
The City of Albany proposes to rezone Lot 5780 Down Road South, Drome from Priority Agriculture to Special Use No. 26 to facilitate the development of the Albany Motorsport Park. Development and use of the Motorsport Park is required to be in accordance with the conditions specified in Schedule 4 of the scheme, the Albany Motorsport Park Precinct Plan and approved management plans for Noise, Water, Hydrocarbons, Waste, Dust, Acid Sulphate Soils, Protected Exclusion Zone, Decommissioning and Construction.