Rezoning from General Agriculture to Rural-Residential, Lot 24 of Nelson Locations 1772 and 3776 Conte Road and Vasse Highway, Pemberton.
Expansion of Development Investigation Area 21.
Modifying provisions to establish a Holiday House use, various strata lots at Part Location 410 Caves Road, Margaret River.
Rezoning from Public Purpose Reserve - Special Uses to Development Zone - Residential , Lot 312 Jeffrey Road, Glen Iris.
Proposed rezonings Lot 426 (Reserve 12911) Garnett Road & Lots 183, 184 and 185 (Reserve 27370) Whitehead Road, Gnowangerup.
Rezoning Lot 11 Temple Road and Lot 38 South Western Highway, Picton.
Scheme Amendment 0031/57 Lot 312 Jeffrey Road, Glen Iris, City of Bunbury.
The Greater Bunbury Region Scheme (GBRS) defines the broad pattern of land use for the City of Bunbury and the Shires of Harvey, Dardanup and Capel. The main purpose of the GBRS is to provide the statutory basis for implementing region plans such as the Bunbury - Wellington Region Plan (WAPC, 1995) and Greater Bunbury Structure Plan (WAPC, 1995) to ensure that regional facilities such as regional open space and regional roads are provided. The GBRS includes regional reservations and broad land use zones.