The amendment proposes a scheme amendment to rezone land at Lot 132 (No.23) Wirra Corner, Part Lot 9002 (No. 548) and Lot 9035 Lyon Road, Wandi from ‘Rural Water Resource’ and ‘Special Rural’ to ‘Development’ zone, to facilitate the residential development. The amendment also proposes to amend the boundary of Development Contribution Area 5 Wandi and Development Contribution Area 9 Wandi/Anketell to include the subject land.
The amendment proposes to rationalise zonings and to remove provisions from Table 9 of the Scheme, to reflect existing development that has been undertaken at the areas identified above, in accordance with the Twin Bartram Local Structure Plan (No. 36), Wentworth Heights, Success Local Structure Plan (No. 14) and Lot 3 Sciano Avenue, Success Structure Plan (No. 14A). The proposed amendment also seeks to reduce the spatial extent of ‘Development Area’ Special Control Area No. 14 (DA 14) in the scheme map.
The Shire proposes to replace its existing planning scheme with Local Planning Scheme 3 (LPS 3). The proposed LPS 3 will provide for consistency with updates to the Planning and Development (Local Planning Scheme) Regulations 2015 and model scheme text.
The amendment proposes to rezone approximately 56 hectares of land generally bound by Armadale Road, Hanlin Road and Broome Street, Forrestdale from the ‘Rural’ zone, to the ‘Urban’ and ‘Urban Deferred’ zones and ‘Parks and Recreation’ and ‘Primary Regional Roads’ reservations.
The Western Australian Planning Commission has prepared the Ellenbrook Station Precinct Improvement Scheme No.1 which proposes to guide development and subdivision of the Ellenbrook Station Precinct
The Shire proposes to consolidate and replace its existing planning schemes with Local Planning Scheme 6 (LPS 6). The proposed LPS 6 will provide for consistency with updates to the Planning and Development (Local Planning Scheme) Regulations 2015 and model scheme text.
The amendment proposes to replace the existing ‘Industry’ definition in Schedule 1 to be consistent with the Model Provisions contained in the Planning and Development (Local Planning Schemes) Regulations 2015. In addition, a new definition of ‘renewable energy facility’ will be inserted into Schedule 1 of the TPS.
The Western Australian Land Authority (DevelopmentWA) proposes to amend the Hope Valley-Wattleup Redevelopment Project Master Plan to create new precincts, a new development area and development contribution area to align with the Development Area 5 Structure Plan
The amendment proposes to modify ‘Special Character Area’ provisions at Clause 5.7.3 of the Scheme, to provide for local government discretion in determining development applications when variation to a Schedule 4 standard is proposed.
The amendment proposes to rezone Lot 340 Coronation Street, Trayning from ‘Public purposes - Civic and Cultural’ to ‘Residential’.