The amendment proposes to reclassify areas from ‘Rural Residential’ zoning to ‘Local Scheme Reserve – Drainage/Waterway, or ‘Environmental Conservation’ or ‘Public Purposes; or Local Road and deleting the provisions relating to ‘RR19’ in Schedule 8 (Rural Residential Zone Special Provisions) and replacing those provisions with special provisions.
The Western Australian Planning Commission proposes to amend the Metropolitan Region Scheme to transfer land along a section of Breakwater Drive between Lisford Avenue and the Mitchell Freeway reservation (herein referred as Breakwater Drive) from Urban, Urban Deferred, Rural zones and Parks and Recreation reservation to the Other Regional Roads reservation.
The Shire of Harvey has initiated LPS 2 to replace the existing District Planning Scheme 1.
The Shire of Toodyay proposes to replace its existing scheme 4 with an updated scheme 5.
Transfer of zones and reserves within the City's former Town Planning Scheme 1A into the
existing contemporary Local Planning Scheme 1. No changes to zones or reserves are proposed
in the amendment.