The City of Swan has initiated Amendment 199 to amend the scheme text to include provisions
for the preparation and implementation of a Fauna Management Plan where required by
Council, as part of a Structure Plan or an approval to commence development and/or
Amendment 193 proposes to amend the use class table to allow ‘Medical Centre’ to reflect the
existing land use as a dental practice.
The proposed amendment is to amend the scheme map to rezone portions of Lot 5131 and
part Lot 705 Jandakot Road Treeby from the Resource to Development zone and include the
lots in Development Area 44 (DA44). The amendment proposes to amend the scheme text to
insert DA 44 into Table 9, with associated provisions.
The amendment will facilitate a consistent zoning classification for the existing commercial
land uses within the amendment area, and provide a greater flexibility for any future
The City of Stirling proposes to recode Lot 4 Walcott Street, Menora from R12.5 to R60 and to
allow the ‘Additional Use’ classification to include ‘Veterinary Centre’, ‘Consulting Rooms’ and
‘Medical Centre’. This Amendment proposes to facilitate medium density residential/mixed
use development of the site. The site contains existing buildings.
Amendment 190 proposes to rezone the area to Special Use to facilitate an aged care
Amendment 2 proposes to add the “Additional Use” of “A place of Worship and Reception
Centre” to 187 (Lot 60) Hawkins Road, Jandabup. These “Additional Uses” will facilitate the
future development of a Hindu Temple.
The City of Wanneroo proposes to insert a new clause so that the minimum lot size in a ‘Mixed Use’ zone shall be 300m².
The City of Wanneroo proposes to zone land that has been developed in accordance with the Brighton West Village Centre Agreed Local Structure Plan No. 52 from Urban Development to Commercial and Residential.
Introducing provisions for a Development Contribution Plan.