Amendment 136 proposes to remove the 2 % Developer Contribution Plan Administration fee
and introduce the appropriated scheduled administration fee as per State Planning Policy 3.6
— Infrastructure contributions.
To reclassify a portion of Lot 253 from Local Scheme Reserve (Public Purposes – Water Authority of Western Australia) to Residential R17.5 and amend the Scheme Map accordingly. The proposed Scheme Amendment seeks to formalise the existing use of the land as garden space by repositioning the boundary between Lots 253 and 311.
The City of South Perth proposes to replace Town Planning Scheme 6 with Local Planning Scheme 7. The new Scheme proposes to rezone land in a number of areas to facilitate urban land fill, consistent with the City’s Local Planning Strategy and State Planning Framework.
The City of Bayswater proposes to amend Town Planning Scheme 24 to rezone and recode land in the Bedford North Area; modify the existing Special Control Area No.17 to enable the development of the site for mixed use purposes and to accommodate a residential component at an appropriate medium to high density; and include additional uses to specific lots to broaden the types of land uses that can be contemplated on those lots.
The City of Armadale proposes to rezone the West Piara Urban Precinct South from ‘Rural Living’ and ‘General Rural’ zone to the ‘Urban Development’ zone.
The City of Vincent proposes to reclassify the portion of land bounded by Bourke Street, Loftus Street and the Mitchell Freeway from ‘Regional Centre’, ‘Public Purpose’, ‘Mixed Use’, and ‘Residential’ to ‘Centre’. Also, to amend the Scheme Map to reflect ‘Centre’ zone for the land referred to as the Leederville Activity Centre. The ‘Centre’ zone is designated land for future development as a town centre or activity centre. Future detailed planning will be in accordance with the structure planning provisions of the Scheme or the Activity Centres State Planning Policy.
The City of Melville proposes to remove the restricted R4 classification for the above properties in the Willagee Local Centre, which was in place to minimise parking congestion. The amendment will generally allow the normal Centre Zone C4 land use permissibility to apply. New development and change of use proposals would still be required to meet required parking standards. The site is already developed and contains existing commercial buildings.
The City of Stirling proposes to rezone Lot 196 from ‘Residential (R50)’ to ‘Mixed Use’ and ‘Development Requirement (DR1)’ to facilitate redevelopment for residential and commercial purposes. The site currently contains a single dwelling.
The scheme amendment proposes to rezone the above lots from ‘Private Community Purposes’ to ‘Local Road’ and ‘Urban Development’ to facilitate future residential development.