Amendment 14 proposes to rezone Lot 52 (No.45) and Lot 166 (No.47) Canning Beach Road, Applecross from Residential R12.5 to Residential R30 to facilitate three multiple dwellings in a three-storey apartment building.
Amendment 183 proposes to rezone Lots 10 and 11 Dundebar Road and Lots 28 and 29
Belgrade Road Wanneroo from Rural Resource to Urban Development and amend the scheme
map accordingly. The amendment also proposed to include into Schedule A – Supplementary
provisions to the deemed provisions, subclause (3) relating to Clause 69 of the deemed
provisions. Subclause (3) is intended to enable development contributions to be required at
time of development approval, should no subdivision or amalgamation be involved.
*The City of Kalamunda has advised the EPA it will not be proceeding the scheme amendment.
Rezoning the two lots from Industrial Development to Light Industrial zone.
Amendment 6 proposes to change the zoning of a portion (485m² of 1863.97m²) of Lot 326
Hartfield Street, Queens Park from “Public Open Space” to “Residential R30” and Lot 414 Godfrey
Street, Queens Park (485 m²) from “Residential R30” to “Public Open Space”.
Amendment 107 proposes to delete the provision preventing future aged care facility development from being strata titled.
Amendment 197 proposes to normalise already subdivided portions of ASP 36 and ASP 48. Normalisation will include inserting structure plan zonings, reserves and residential density codes for the subdivided portions of the structure plan areas and inserting them into the DPS 2.
Amendment 91 proposes to enable the rezoning of Lots 1, 22 and 100 Caledonian Avenue, Maylands from 'Maylands Activity Centre Special Control Area 4 R60' to 'Maylands Activity Centre Special Control Area 2 RACO', and modifying setback requirements within Special Control Area 2.
City of Cockburn is proposing to update the ‘Resource’ zone provisions to correct anomalies, ensure alignment with State Planning Policy 2.3 and to refer to Water Quality Protection Note 25, in order to reflect the current policy intent of TPS 3.
The Western Australian Planning Commission proposes to rezone a portion of Lots 900 and 901 Lage Road and portion of Lot 201 Great Northern Highway, Bullsbrook (18.1 hectares) from the Rural zone to the Urban Deferred zone.