Lots 89 - 95 & 100 Dundebar Road and Lot 88 Garden Park Drive, Wanneroo.
Rezoning from Rural to Special Rural and Development (various locations).
Rezoning from Regional Reserve - Parks and Recreation to Development Zone. The EPA considers its previous advice regarding the proposed Metropolitan Region Scheme amendment dated 8 March 2013 still stands.
Rationalisation of Pt Lots 40 and 41 River Avenue, Maddington.
Rosehill Golf Course Redevelopment City of Swan
The Western Australian Planning Commission’s Metropolitan Region Scheme Amendment 1188/57 proposes to rezone 70.37 hectares of land at Wellard East from ‘Rural’ to ‘Urban Deferred’ to facilitate urban development. The amendment will define the boundary between future urban development and Bollard Bulrush Swamp, which is protected under the Environmental Protection (Swan Coastal Plain Lakes) Policy 1992 and mapped as a Conservation Category Wetland.
The proposed amendment is rezoning from Special Rural to Special Use (Residential Aged Care), Lot 500 (32) Gavour Road, Wattle Grove.
The EPA has sought and received advice regarding the potential environmental impacts of the proposed Residential Aged Care Facility from the Department of Health (DoH), the Swan River Trust (SRT), the Department of Water (DoW) and the Department of Environment Regulation (DER).
The advice received indicates that insufficient information has been provided to comprehensively determine the nature of the hydrological connection between the treated effluent disposal/irrigation area and the Swan/Canning river system.
The purpose of Amendment 9 is to rationalise the Development Areas within Latitude 32 and modify the Hope Valley Wattleup Redevelopment Project Master Plan 2004 text and mapping.
Rezoning from No Zone to Kwinana Town Centre Zone and Modifying Scheme Text - Lot 303 Wellard Road & portion of unmade 'Wellard Road' Road Reserve.
Hazelmere Enterprise Area Structure Plan Precinct 9A - Bushmead