Amendment 12 proposes to introduce site-specific provisions to form a building envelope over Lots 50 and 35 and amending ‘Table 2 -Development Requirements’ by adding a new clause under the ‘Town Centre’ zone. These provisions relate to an increase in permissible building height and changes to setbacks and plot ratio controls
Amendment 161 proposes to rezone various landholdings on Hoffman Road, Mandogalup from ‘Rural A’ zone to the ‘Development ‘zone.
Amendment 159 proposes to rezone various landholdings on Rowley Road, Mandogalup from ‘Rural A’ zone to the ‘Development ‘zone.
Amendment 124 proposes to transfer planning control for the Scarborough Redevelopment Area (including the Scarborough Development Contribution Plan) from DevelopmentWA to the City of Stirling.
It is proposed to include the Scarborough Redevelopment Area into the Local Planning Scheme boundary; rezone various sites from ‘Unzoned’ to ‘Development’ zone; introduce the Scarborough Redevelopment Area ‘Special Control Area’ including provisions; amend Schedule 11 – Development Contribution Areas; introduce Schedule 11B Scarborough Development Contribution Plan to include further details and introduce Schedule 13 - Scarborough Redevelopment Area into the Local Planning Scheme.
Amendment 9 proposes to rezone Lot 373 (No. 21) Eucla Street, Mount Hawthorn from ‘Residential (R30)’ to ‘Commercial’. Lot 373 has long been used as a private carpark servicing the adjoining commercial premises under non-conforming use rights. The proposed amendment is to facilitate the resolution of an ongoing compliance matter relating to historically unauthorised works at the lot.
Amendment 10 proposes to rezone Lot 1 Vive Avenue and Lots 2 – 4 Camberwarra Drive, Craigie to reflect existing subdivision and development that has occurred in accordance with the approved Craigie High School Site Local Structure Plan. The proposed amendment includes the rezoning from ‘Urban Development’ to ‘Residential’, ‘Public Open Space’ and ‘Local Road Reserves’. Relevant residential density codes are proposed for areas to be zoned ‘Residential’. The amendment also proposes to insert requirement No. 4 at Table 8 of the Scheme, to provide for retention of trees along Camberwarra Drive.
Amendment 201 proposes to add ‘Additional Use No. 46’ of ‘Car Park’ to a portion of Lot 2 Delich Road, Carabooda. The proposed additional use is to facilitate the future development of a caravan and boat storage facility on the south-western portion of the lot.
Amendment 108 proposes to rezone the lots from residential ‘R10’ to ‘R10/30’ and amend the
Scheme Map accordingly. This will facilitate future higher density development. The site
contains existing residential development.
The City of Armadale Town Planning Scheme 4 Amendment 116 proposes to rezone part of
Lot 10 and part of Lot 12 Rowley Road, Lot 5, 7 and 9 Oxley Road and Lot 5066 Kargotich
Road, Forrestdale, from Rural Living zone to Industrial Development zone to allow for Stage 2
of the South Forrestdale Industrial Area (SFIA) structure planning to occur. Additional scheme
text provisions are provided which sets out future structure planning requirements for the
Amendment 152 proposes to rezone various landholdings comprising the former Glen Iris Golf
course on Berrigan Drive, Jandakot from ‘Special Use’ and ‘Residential R40’ to the
‘Development ‘zone.