The amendment proposes to remove the permissibility of the ‘Service Station’ land use in the ‘Mixed Use’, ‘Local Centre’, ‘District Centre’ and ‘Regional Centre’ zones. The amendment also proposes to insert scheme text to prevent the ‘Service Station’ land use class in areas adjoining or adjacent to ‘Residential’ or ‘Mixed Use’ zones.
The amendment proposes multiple changes to the Scheme, including insertion of new provisions, modification of residential density coding and changes to the Scheme map to support the implementation of the proposed Kardinya District Centre Activity Centre Plan.
Local Planning Scheme 11 proposes modifications to scheme text and map in accordance with the recommendations of the Town’s Local Planning Strategy and the requirements of the Planning and Development (Local Planning Schemes) Regulations 2015.
Amendment 3 proposes to rezone Lot 700 (No.2) Phillip Street, East Fremantle from ‘R17.5’ to ‘R25’ and amend the Scheme Maps accordingly.
Local Planning Scheme 2 proposes scheme text modifications in accordance with the recommendations of the Town’s Local Planning Strategy and the requirements of the Planning and Development (Local Planning Schemes) Regulations 2015.
Amendment 13 proposes to introduce discretion to building height controls for new residential development. This change is necessary as some of the building height provisions in LPS 3 have been superseded by the “deemed provisions” in the Planning and Development (Local Planning Schemes) Regulations 2015.
Amendment 91 proposes to allow an additional use of ‘Tavern’ in the ‘Office/Residential’ Zone at Lots 1-5 Goodwood Parade, Burswood. The amendment also proposes to insert associated development standards/conditions at Schedule C of Local Planning Scheme. The proposed amendment is to facilitate the relocation of the Blasta Brewing Company and provide for operational continuity.
Amendment 203 proposes to include ‘Office’ as an additional use in the ‘Service Industrial’ zone in District Planning Scheme No. 2 for Lot 247 (No. 7) Prindiville Drive, Wangara. The proposed amendment is to facilitate the ongoing use of the site for offices.
Amendment 113 proposes to introduce a ‘Local Planning Policy 6.17 - Protected Tree Register’ for trees on private land.
Amendment 10 proposes to modify and replace existing provisions within the City of Vincent’s Local Planning Scheme 2, including changing the land use permissibility table for ‘Caretakers’ dwellings’ and rezoning Lots 9 & 100 Haynes Street, North Perth from ‘Residential’ to ‘Public Open Space’.