The City of Wanneroo proposes to align its District Planning Scheme 2 with the Model Provisions for local planning schemes included in the Planning and Development (Local Planning Schemes) Regulations 2015.
The amendment involves changes to the overall arrangement of the scheme text, and aligning the Scheme’s existing zones and land uses to those of the Model Scheme Text. Current scheme provisions and development requirements relating to each zone, including special provisions where relevant, are to be carried forward to the appropriate schedules.
The City of Perth proposes to introduce several redevelopment precincts into its City Planning
Scheme 2 (CPS 2). The redevelopment precincts are currently under the planning control of
the Central Perth Redevelopment Scheme, with Development WA as the responsible authority.
CPS 2 Amendment 46 is a part of the process known as Normalisation, which is the transition
of planning control from Development WA as a redevelopment authority to a local government
and the WAPC.
CPS 2 is the City of Perth’s primary local planning scheme and operates in conjunction with Local
Planning Scheme 26 (LPS 26) which provides for land uses and built form guidance for
normalised redevelopment areas. The existing zoning and development controls under the
Central Perth Redevelopment Scheme will be transferred to CPS 2 and LPS 26 when the
redevelopment scheme ceases to operate.
The City of Perth proposes to introduce several redevelopment precincts into its Local Planning Scheme 26 (LPS 26). The redevelopment precincts are currently under the planning control of the Central Perth Redevelopment Scheme, with Development WA as the responsible authority. Amendment 4 is a part of the process known as Normalisation, which is the transition of planning control from Development WA as a redevelopment authority to a local government and the WAPC.
LPS 26 contains provisions for the planning and development control of Normalised Redevelopment Areas, including land uses and built form guidance, and operates in conjunction with City Planning Scheme 2. The existing land use and development controls specific to the redevelopment precincts will be transferred to LPS 26 when the Central Perth Redevelopment Scheme ceases to operate.
Amendment 83 proposes to delete a clause from Schedule 7, Sub-Area 1.3.1 of the scheme text relating to the street setback of upper floors in the West End Heritage Area of Central Fremantle. The scheme provision requires the upper level to be set back so it is not visible from the street adjacent to the site. The amendment will facilitate new buildings to be more in character with heritage buildings.
The City of Canning proposes to rezone Lot 999 (No. 105) Manning Road, Bentley from
‘Residential’ with a density code of R80 to ‘Mixed Use’ with a density code of R80. The rezoning
will facilitate future mixed commercial and residential development. Lot 999 is currently
developed as a single house
The City of Canning proposes 33 modifications to the scheme text and maps for various lots in Queens Park and East Cannington. The changes aim to provide easier to understand scheme text, update scheme map designations to reflect existing land use/completed subdivisions, and to provide improved urban design outcomes through updated public open space designations.
Amendment 9 proposes to modify the southern boundary of the Canning Bridge Activity Centre Plan so that the boundary follows the carriageways of Helm Street, Sleat Road and Wren Street to Ullapool Road. The effect of the boundary change will be to exclude an area of properties already developed for residential purposes (R17.5) from the Canning Bridge Activity Centre Plan. The excluded properties will be rezoned from Centre Zone RAC-0 to Residential R20.
Amendment 82 proposes to amend land use definitions (to align with the Model provisions for
local planning schemes as laid out in the Planning and Development Regulations 2015) and
introduce updated use class permissibility and parking requirements for new land uses.
The City of Subiaco proposes Amendment 1 to clarify that Heritage Listed properties and
declared Heritage Areas adopted under its previousTown Planning Scheme No. 4 continue to
have the same protection under Local Planning Scheme No. 5.