The City of Armadale proposes to rezone the West Piara Urban Precinct North from General Rural to the Urban Development zone.
Amendment No. 84 proposes to ‘normalise’ completed structure plans in the above
development areas where development has been mostly or fully realised. The amendment
proposes to amend the scheme text and maps to replace the Development zone in each of
these areas with the respective reserves, zones, and density codings of the approved structure
plan, and remove obsolete text.
Amendment 188 proposes to rezone part of Lot 23 by allowing the additional use of Motor Vehicle Repairs in the north-west portion of the lot.
Introduce a new ‘Urban Development’ zone and apply it to the Redcliffe Station precinct to serve as an underlying zoning that facilitates the implementation of the Redcliffe Area Centre Plan (ACP). Establish a Development Contribution Plan (DCP). Update the boundaries of the Development Area 6 Special Control Area to accord with established road alignments within the Perth Airport estate. Introduce new provisions applicable to the Development Area 6 Special Control Area to provide for the implementation of the ACP.
Amendment No.112 proposes to include DevelopmentWA’s Kelmscott Precinct into the Town
Planning Scheme (TPS) No.4 boundary in order for the City to reassume planning control over
the Precinct. It would also establish TPS No.4 zonings for the normalised area which are
consistent with the zonings proposed by Metropolitan Region Scheme (MRS) amendment
To rezone Lot 1 Stirling Crescent, the majority of Lot 2 Stirling Crescent, and Lots 192, 3, 20 and 501 Adelaide Street, Hazelmere from 'General Rural' to 'Special Use' and reserve a small portion of Lot 2 Stirling Crescent to 'Local Road'.
The City of Wanneroo proposes to amend the scheme to normalise the zonings of the four structure plan areas to then allow the Structure Plans for be revoked.
The City of Swan proposes to zone the land to ‘General Industrial’ with a ‘Restricted Use’ and
‘Local Road’. The scheme map and scheme text are proposed to be updated accordingly.
The City of Armadale proposes to introduce a Development Contribution Plan (DCP) over the Piara Waters West Urban Precinct.
The City of Belmont proposes to add ‘Third Party Signage’ as a land use in its zoning Table
and designate ‘Third Party Signage’ as an ‘X’ (not permitted) land use in all zones.