Amendment 217 proposes to amend the scheme maps to reclassify part of Lot 82 West Parade, South Guildford that was made unzoned by the gazettal of Metropolitan Region Scheme Amendment No.1396/57 to ‘Special Use Zone No.24’, replace the current “Special Use Zone Precinct Map” in Schedule No.4 – Special Use Zone No.24 with the revised Special Use Zone Precinct Map (changes relating to the above Lots), and update the current “Description of Land” in Schedule No.4 – Special Use Zone No.24
Local Planning Scheme 11 proposes modifications to scheme text and map in accordance with the recommendations of the Town’s Local Planning Strategy and the requirements of the Planning and Development (Local Planning Schemes) Regulations 2015.
Amendment 181 proposes to rezone a portion of Lot 1 and a portion of Lot 2 Great Northern,
Highway Bullsbrook from 'General Rural' to 'Residential Development'; rezone a portion of Lot 1 Vale Road,
Hazelmere from 'Rural Residential' to 'Light Industrial' with 'Restricted Use'; and rezone a portion of Lot 100
Weir Road, Malaga from Regional Reserve 'Public Purposes' to 'Industrial Development'.
Modifications to the Zoning Table for the Land Uses 'Home Business', 'Chalets (Short Term Accommodation)' and 'Restaurant'.
Rezoning approximately 26.54 hectares from the Rural Zone to the Urban Deferred Zone, portion of Caporn Street Urban Precinct, Sinagra.
Hazelmere Enterprise Area Structure Plan Precinct 9A - Bushmead
Hazelmere Enterprise Area Structure Plan Precinct 2A and 2B - Helena River Precinct
Hazelmere Enterprise Area Structure Plan Precinct 7 - HEA South
Hazelmere Enterprise Area Structure Plan Precinct 4 - Hazelmere Interface