Amendment No.21 proposes to amend the Shire of Northam’s Local Planning Scheme 6 by rezoning Lots 279 and 280 (No.50) Boronia Avenue, Wundowie, inserting ‘Rural townsite’ as a new clause, amending the zoning table, and amending the scheme maps accordingly.
The Western Australian Planning Commission proposes to rezone approximately 178 hectares
of land in Maida Vale from the Rural zone to the Urban Deferred zone in order to facilitate
future residential development.
The amendment proposes to rezone various lots along Helena Valley Road and Midland Road from the ‘Rural’ zone to the ‘Urban’ and ‘Urban Deferred’ zone, ‘Parks and Recreation’ zone, and ‘Primary Regional Roads’ reservation. The scheme map is to be amended accordingly.
The amendment proposes to rezone the land from ‘Residential’ to ‘Mixed Use’ and make related changes to the Additional Use provisions to facilitate the implementation of the Nedlands Village Precinct Structure Plan.
The City of Gosnells has initiated Amendments 166 to zone land from General Rural to Business
Development. The Amendment areas is known as Precinct 3B within the Maddington Kenwick Strategic
Employment Area.
The City of Gosnells has initiated Amendment 169 to zone land from General Rural to Business
Development. The Amendment area is known as Precinct 2 within the Maddington Kenwick Strategic
Employment Area.
The amendment proposes to insert new Additional Use provisions into Schedule 2, to allow a ‘Multiple Dwelling’ as an additional use on Lot 463 (No.108) Swan Street, Guildford, and to amend the scheme map accordingly.
The amendment proposes to reclassify areas from ‘Rural Residential’ zoning to ‘Local Scheme Reserve – Drainage/Waterway, or ‘Environmental Conservation’ or ‘Public Purposes; or Local Road and deleting the provisions relating to ‘RR19’ in Schedule 8 (Rural Residential Zone Special Provisions) and replacing those provisions with special provisions.
Amendment 171 proposes to rationalise TPS3 by rezoning various lots from ‘Development’ to Residential’, reclassifying land from ‘Development’ or Local Road’ to ‘Parks and Recreation’ or ‘Lakes and Drainage’ and/or ‘Local Road’; reduce the extent of the Development Control 13 special control area boundary and rationalisation of implemented structure plans (13A, 13B, 13C, 13D, 13E, 13G and 13I).
Local Planning Scheme (LPS) 2 has been prepared to enable development outcomes that are generally consistent with LPS 1 and the vision and intent of existing strategic planning projects/documents