ProjectProponent: Aigle RoyalProposal description: Aigle Royal propose to develop Lots 11 and 74 Beenyup Road, Banjup for residential development and conservation. The site adjoins Jandakot Regional Park. 10.25 hectares of the site is proposed for residential development and a wetland buffer. 23 hectares is proposed to be managed for conservation. Proposal Content Document: PCD 310124.pdf (PDF, 1.75 MB)Assessment Number: 2255Region: PerthReferred under EP Act: s38Industry sector: Land useLast updated: December 6, 2024Current Status: Public Environmental Review period closed 1. ReferralComment on this referral: Urban Development of Lots 11 and 74 Beenyup Road, BanjupComment period: Monday, 29 June, 2020 to Sunday, 5 July, 2020Referral documentation: Referral Form.pdf (PDF, 5.1 MB) Supporting Document.pdf (PDF, 641.18 KB) Appendix A - 1269AB Flora and Vegetation Survey Banjup Final Report .pdf (PDF, 6.37 MB) Appendix B - Final Threatened Orchid Survey Report.pdf (PDF, 805.03 KB) Appendix C - 2123AB Black Cockatoo and Banksia Assessment final 4.4.17.pdf (PDF, 3.09 MB) Appendix D 18.06.04 DWLS_2 Report reduced_Part1.pdf (PDF, 1.32 MB) Appendix D 18.06.04 DWLS_2 Report reduced_Part2.pdf (PDF, 5.55 MB) Appendix D 18.06.04 DWLS_2 Report reduced_Part3.pdf (PDF, 1.18 MB) Appendix D 18.06.04 DWLS_2 Report reduced_Part4.pdf (PDF, 7.43 MB) Appendix D 18.06.04 DWLS_2 Report reduced_Part5.pdf (PDF, 3.77 MB) Appendix D 18.06.04 DWLS_2 Report reduced_Part6.pdf (PDF, 6.37 MB) Appendix D 18.06.04 DWLS_2 Report reduced_Part7.pdf (PDF, 5.75 MB) Appendix D 18.06.04 DWLS_2 Report reduced_Part8.pdf (PDF, 5.79 MB) Appendix D 18.06.04 DWLS_2 Report reduced_Part9.pdf (PDF, 5.67 MB) Appendix D 18.06.04 DWLS_2 Report reduced_Part10.pdf (PDF, 5.91 MB) Appendix D 18.06.04 DWLS_2 Report reduced_Part11.pdf (PDF, 5.43 MB) Appendix E - NatureMap 2km and PMST 2KM.pdf (PDF, 180.14 KB) Appendix F - Eco Logical Report for City of Cockburn.pdf (PDF, 5.16 MB) Supporting document figures 1 to 7 (PDF, 2.26 MB) Supporting document figures 8 to 15 (PDF, 6.42 MB) 2. Decision on whether to assess this proposalChair's Determination: Assess - Additional Assessment Information (public review)Extract of determination: Urban Development of Lots 11 and 74, Beenyup Road, Banjup (PDF, 211.24 KB)Preliminary Environmental Factors: Flora and VegetationTerrestrial FaunaInland WatersDate published: Monday, 20 July, 2020 3. AssessmentRequest for further informationDate: Wednesday, 15 July, 2020File upload: CMS17819 - Request for further information.pdf (PDF, 154.05 KB) Environmental ReviewPublic submissions: Friday, 22 November, 2024 to Friday, 6 December, 2024Make a submission: Urban Development of Lots 11 and 74 Beenyup Road, Banjup - Additional InformationEnvironmental Review documentation: Banjup Section 38 ERD Assessment No. 2255_Rev2.3.pdf (PDF, 1006.87 KB) Appendix A_1269AB Flora and Vegetation Survey Banjup Final Report 2.2.16.pdf (PDF, 8.57 MB) Appendix B_Targeted Flora_2017_Final Threatened Orchid Survey Report.pdf (PDF, 770.25 KB) Appendix C_Fauna_2123AB Black Cockatoo and Banksia Assessment final 4.4.17.pdf (PDF, 3.06 MB) Appendix D_3863 Banjup BC Assessment _Rev1.pdf (PDF, 2.42 MB) Appendix E_Basic Fauna 2023-0119-002 V2 final.pdf (PDF, 14.31 MB) Appendix F_SRE assessment Beenyup Rd 20210302.pdf (PDF, 13.4 MB) Appendix G_Flora and vegetation 2023 10244_015_V2 (1).pdf (PDF, 18.81 MB) Appendix H_Water_18.06.04 DWMS_2 Report (1).pdf (PDF, 58.87 MB) Appendix I_EPBC Approval Decision.pdf (PDF, 644.76 KB) Appendix J_EPBC Variation Approval.pdf (PDF, 635.58 KB) Appendix K_Banksia TEC (Stage 2)_environmental_offsets_calculator_v1.1.pdf (PDF, 10.08 KB) Appendix K_BC Breeding Trees (Stage 2)_environmental_offsets_calculator_v1.1.pdf (PDF, 9.75 KB) Appendix K_BC Foraging Habitat (Stage2)_offsets_calculator_v1.1.pdf (PDF, 10.54 KB) Appendix L_Water Balance References.pdf (PDF, 918.13 KB) Appendix M_UNDO Tool Report.pdf (PDF, 2.44 MB) Appendix N_GHG_Banjup Lot Development GHG Assessment v2.pdf (PDF, 1.32 MB) Section_38_Assessment No. 2255_Banjup_Figures.pdf (PDF, 6.73 MB)Date Published (Environmental Review documentation): November 22, 2024 Change to proposal during assessment under s. 43A s. 43A notice: CMS17819 - s. 43A Notice - 140722.pdf (PDF, 3.43 MB) s. 43A Notice 310124.pdf (PDF, 1.95 MB)Date of approval s. 43A: Wed, 31/01/2024