ProjectProponent: Greatland Pty LtdNotice of Change of Proponent: Notice of Change of Proponent - 161224.pdf (PDF, 156.93 KB)Proposal description: Newcrest Operations Limited proposes to construct and operate the Telfer – Havieron Gold Mining Project (the Project). The Telfer Gold Mine is located about 55 km to the west of the Havieron Gold Mine and 400 km south-east of Port Hedland in the Great Sandy Desert region of Western Australia. The project includes: The open pit and underground mining and subsequent processing of gold-copper ore at the Telfer Gold with associated infrastructure including a 160 MW natural gas-fired power station, waste rock landforms, tailings storage facilities, accommodation village and borefields. A 440 km-long natural gas pipeline corridor from Port Hedland to the Telfer Gold Mine. The underground mining of gold-copper ore at the Havieron Gold Mine for processing at the Telfer Gold Mine, as well as the continued and/or expanded use of existing associated facilities at Havieron, including the underground decline to access the orebody, waste rock landforms, evaporation ponds, stockpiles, and accommodation village. The construction and operation of the Infrastructure Corridor between Telfer and Havieron to facilitate the transport of ore and other materials between Havieron and Telfer, including tailings and waste rock materials for the progressive backfilling of the Havieron Gold Mine, and the installation of a pipeline for water supply and a powerline within the corridor. Assessment Number: 2446Region: PilbaraKimberleyReferred under EP Act: s38Industry sector: GoldLast updated: December 5, 2024Current Status: Assessment on Proponent Information – public submission period closed 1. ReferralComment on this referral: Telfer - Havieron Gold Mining ProjectComment period: Tuesday, 9 May, 2023 to Tuesday, 16 May, 2023Referral documentation: Newcrest_Telfer-Havieron_Gold_Project_Referral_Supporting_Doc_v1-1.pdf (PDF, 35.15 MB) Significant Amendment - Telfer-Havieron Gold Mining Project Mar2023.pdf (PDF, 959.54 KB) Telfer-Havieron_Gold_Mine_Proposal_Content_Document_230404.pdf (PDF, 3.85 MB) AppxB_Vegetation&Flora_Reports.pdf (PDF, 32.12 MB) AppxC_Telfer-Havieron_SigSpeciesMP.pdf (PDF, 17.39 MB) AppxD_Terrestrial_Fauna_Reports.pdf (PDF, 32.59 MB) AppxE_Telfer-Havieron_GHG_Emissions_Assessment.pdf (PDF, 1.37 MB) AppxF_Telfer-Havieron_Gold_Project_Prelim_GHGMP.pdf (PDF, 1.07 MB) AppxG_Havieron_SubFauna.pdf (PDF, 9.74 MB) AppxH_Preliminary_MCPweb.pdf (PDF, 40.55 MB) AppxI_Havieron+Corridor_Surface_Water.pdf (PDF, 24.39 MB) AppxJ_H3_Hydrogeological_Report_Havieron.pdf (PDF, 23.28 MB) AppxK_Havieron_Soils_Report.pdf (PDF, 22.09 MB) AppxL_Waste_Characterisation_Reports.pdf (PDF, 16.82 MB) AppxM_Telfer-Havieron_Offset_Strategy.pdf (PDF, 3.53 MB) AppxN_TelferMS605+606_CAR_2021+22.pdf (PDF, 2.69 MB) 2. Decision on whether to assess this proposalChair's Determination: Assess - Additional Assessment Information (public review)Extract of determination: Telfer – Havieron Gold Mining Project (PDF, 315.38 KB)Preliminary Environmental Factors: Social SurroundingsFlora and VegetationSubterranean FaunaTerrestrial Environmental QualityTerrestrial FaunaInland WatersDate published: Monday, 27 May, 2024 3. AssessmentEnvironmental ReviewPublic submissions: Wednesday, 13 November, 2024 to Wednesday, 4 December, 2024Make a submission: Telfer-Havieron Gold Mining Project - Additional InformationEnvironmental Review documentation: Proposal Content Document (PCD).pdf (PDF, 1.15 MB) Revised Referral Supporting Document - Rev 6.pdf (PDF, 90.77 MB) RFI Appendix 1 - JBS&G Flora and Vegetation EPA RFI Responses Memo.pdf (PDF, 582.93 KB) RFI Appendix 2 - Biologic Vertebrate Fauna EPA RFI Responses Memo.pdf (PDF, 887.92 KB) RFI Appendix 2a - Reports of acoustic recorder analysis (6).pdf (PDF, 1.55 MB) RFI Appendix 3 - MineEarth Mine Closure Plan EPA RFI Responses Memo.pdf (PDF, 157.74 KB) RFI Appendix 4 - Rockwater Surface Water Assessment EPA RFI Memo (1).pdf (PDF, 1.32 MB) RFI Appendix 5 - Worley Hydrogeology EPA RFI Responses Memo (1).pdf (PDF, 38.18 MB) RFI Appendix 6 - Updated figures.pdf (PDF, 20.92 MB) RFI- Response table.pdf (PDF, 872.28 KB) Appendices cover and contents pages.pdf (PDF, 478.64 KB) AppxA_Stakeholder Engagement Register.pdf (PDF, 403.48 KB) AppxB_Flora and Vegetation Reports.pdf (PDF, 31.62 MB) AppxC_Significant Species Management Plan.pdf (PDF, 16.6 MB) AppxD_Terrestrial Fauna Reports.pdf (PDF, 31.19 MB) AppxE_Greenhouse Gas Emissions Report.pdf (PDF, 1.08 MB) AppxF_GHG Management Plan and Peer Review.pdf (PDF, 1.54 MB) AppxG_Scope 3 Greenhouse Gas Assessment Report.pdf (PDF, 504.94 KB) AppxH_Subterranean Fauna Reports.pdf (PDF, 9.55 MB) AppxI_Preliminary Mine Closure Plan_Part1.pdf (PDF, 48.35 MB) AppxI_Preliminary Mine Closure Plan_Part2.pdf (PDF, 49.88 MB) AppxI_Preliminary Mine Closure Plan_Part3.pdf (PDF, 49.72 MB) AppxI_Preliminary Mine Closure Plan_Part4.pdf (PDF, 45.11 MB) AppxI_Preliminary Mine Closure Plan_Part5.pdf (PDF, 19.73 MB) AppxJ_Surface Water Assessments.pdf (PDF, 24.15 MB) AppxK_H3 Hydrological Report.pdf (PDF, 22.75 MB) AppxL_Soil Characterisation Report.pdf (PDF, 20.73 MB) AppxM_Waste Rock Characterisation Report.pdf (PDF, 19.63 MB) AppxN_Offset Strategy.pdf (PDF, 11.87 MB)Date Published (Environmental Review documentation): November 13, 2024