ProjectProponent: CSBP and Farmers Ltd Norsk Hydro ASProposal description: The proposal is to establish a $450 million ammonia/urea facility in the Kwinana industrial area which will produce 500 000 tonnes per annum (t/a) of ammonia . Approximately half of this ammonia is proposed to be utilised to manufacture 430 000 t/a of urea. The proposal calls for the storage of 30 000 tonnes of ammonia. The bulk of the finished product is proposed to be exported. Assessment Number: 20Region: PerthReferred under EP Act: s38Industry sector: IndustrialLast updated: August 2, 1988Current Status: Ministerial Statement published 1. ReferralReferral documentation: Notice of Intent (PDF, 9.09 MB) 2. Decision on whether to assess this proposalChair's Determination: Environmental Review and Management Programme (ERMP) 3. AssessmentEnvironmental ReviewPublic submissions: Saturday, 4 July, 1987 to Friday, 11 September, 1987Environmental Review documentation: ERMP document (PDF, 16.07 MB) ERMP preliminary risk analysis (PDF, 6.63 MB) 4. EPA Report on assessmentEPA Report Number: 309EPA Report: Proposed ammonia-urea plant at Kwinana (PDF, 8.03 MB)Date published: Sunday, 1 November, 1987 5. Decision on proposal and implementation of proposalMinisterial StatementDate of approval: Tuesday, 2 August, 1988Ministerial Statement: Ministerial Statement 34 (PDF, 472.85 KB)