ProjectProponent: Doral Mineral Sands Pty LtdProposal description: The proposal includes the expansion of a mineral sands mine including mine pits with dewatering to facilitate dry mining techniques. Existing processing facilities, services and support infrastructure will be utilised. Mine voids will be progressively backfilled with sand and clay tailings and rehabilitated to pre-disturbance landuse (i.e. pasture). Assessment Number: 2445Region: South WestReferred under EP Act: s38Industry sector: Mineral sandsLast updated: May 24, 2024Current Status: Decision on whether to assess has been published 1. ReferralComment on this referral: Northern Extension to Yalyalup Minerals Sands ProjectComment period: Wednesday, 17 April, 2024 to Wednesday, 24 April, 2024Referral documentation: Amend proposal Form _ Yalyalup Northern Extension.pdf (PDF, 277.26 KB) Template- Proposal Content Document - Yalyalup Northern Extension.pdf (PDF, 168.71 KB) (ZIP, 15.59 KB) (ZIP, 5.93 KB) DMS23-014_Section 40AA_Referral_Yal Nth_V1.pdf (PDF, 2.93 MB) Fig 1_1 Regional Location.pdf (PDF, 2.83 MB) Fig 1_2 Site Location.pdf (PDF, 2.66 MB) Fig 1_3_Northern Extension Proposal Area.pdf (PDF, 2.37 MB) Fig 1_4 Lot Boundaries.pdf (PDF, 2.75 MB) Fig 1_5 Transport Route.pdf (PDF, 1.4 MB) Fig 5_1 Soil Landscape Systems.pdf (PDF, 2.52 MB) Fig 5_2 Vegetation Complexes.pdf (PDF, 6.84 MB) Fig 5_3 Veg Units.pdf (PDF, 2.37 MB) Fig 5_4 Veg Condition.pdf (PDF, 2.2 MB) Fig 5_5 Con Sig Veg.pdf (PDF, 2.66 MB) Fig 5_6 Consig Flora.pdf (PDF, 2.55 MB) Fig 5_7 Weeds.pdf (PDF, 2.54 MB) Fig 5_8 Wetlands.pdf (PDF, 1.82 MB) Fig 5_9 GDEs.pdf (PDF, 2.54 MB) Fig 6_1 BC Trees Area 1.pdf (PDF, 2.27 MB) Fig 6_1 BC Trees Area 2.pdf (PDF, 2.06 MB) Fig 6_1 BC Trees Area 3.pdf (PDF, 1.69 MB) Fig 6_1 BC Trees.pdf (PDF, 2.77 MB) Fig 6_2 BC Hollows.pdf (PDF, 2.64 MB) Fig 7_1 AVG_Watertable_Rl's S.pdf (PDF, 2.73 MB) App 1 Ministerial Statement 1168.pdf (PDF, 1.06 MB) App 2 Compliance Assessment Report 2023.pdf (PDF, 13.97 MB) App 3 Proposal Content Document.pdf (PDF, 2.88 MB) App 4 Certificates of Title.pdf (PDF, 933.14 KB) App 5 Flora and Vegetation Survey.pdf (PDF, 11.2 MB) App 6 Dieback Assessment.pdf (PDF, 3.31 MB) App 7a Flora and Vegetation EMP.pdf (PDF, 3.14 MB) App 7b Terrestrial Fauna EMP.pdf (PDF, 1.23 MB) App 7c GDE EMP.pdf (PDF, 2.75 MB) App 7d Dust EMP.pdf (PDF, 1.18 MB) App 7e Noise EMP.pdf (PDF, 9.64 MB) App 7f Reveg EMP.pdf (PDF, 731.31 KB) App 8 GLOS.pdf (PDF, 4.78 MB) App 9 Fauna Assessment.pdf (PDF, 7.1 MB) App 10 Inland Waters.pdf (PDF, 42.46 MB) App 11 ASS Investigation.pdf (PDF, 30.95 MB) App 12 Ethnographic and Archaeology Surveys.pdf (PDF, 8.69 MB) App 13 Noise Assessment.pdf (PDF, 9.26 MB) App 14 NGER.pdf (PDF, 347.61 KB) 2. Decision on whether to assess this proposalChair's Determination: Assess - Additional Assessment Information (public review)Extract of determination: Northern Extension to Yalyalup Mineral Sands Project (PDF, 376.73 KB)Preliminary Environmental Factors: Social SurroundingsFlora and VegetationTerrestrial FaunaInland WatersDate published: Friday, 24 May, 2024