NiWest Nickel Cobalt Project

Proposal description: 

Alliance Nickel Ltd is proposing to develop the NiWest Nickel Cobalt Project, a greenfield nickel and cobalt mine located approximately 50 km southeast of Leonora, near Mount Kilkenny. The primary product of the mine, nickel sulphate, is to be exported for use in the manufacturing of batteries in electric vehicles.

The proposal includes the development of mine pits and associated infrastructure, including but not limited to, a borefield, temporary waste rock landforms, accommodation camp, and access roads.

The proposal will result in the clearing of up to 4,253 hectares (ha) of native vegetation within an overall development envelope of 11,497 ha

Assessment Number: 
Referred under EP Act: 
Industry sector: 
Last updated: 
July 8, 2024
Current Status: 
Decision on whether to assess has been published
Decision on whether to assess has been published
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