ProjectProponent: City of SubiacoProposal description: The Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) has received a referral on the proposal to maintain a permanent water body in Lake Jualbup. The proposal is to convert Lake Jualbup into a constructed lake by lining the lake bed with a polymer additive and constructing sloped banks and concrete walls to reduce water loss to the surrounding environment. The EPA considers that the potential environmental issues associated with the proposal are: • Water quality impacts on aquatic fauna, • Impacts on the Oblong Turtle through binding the sediment; and • Potential for Acid Sulphate Soils (ASS) exposure down gradient of the Lake. Region: PerthReferred under EP Act: s38Industry sector: Land useLast updated: March 18, 2013Current Status: Decision on whether to assess has been published 2. Decision on whether to assess this proposalChair's Determination: Referral examined, preliminary investigations and inquiries conducted. Proposal not to be assessed under Part IV of the EP Act. Advice given (Appealable)Extract of determination: Chairman's Determination - Management of water levels in Lake Jualbup (PDF, 23.18 KB)Preliminary Environmental Factors: Terrestrial Environmental QualityTerrestrial FaunaHydrological ProcessesInland Waters Environmental QualityPublic advice: Public Advice - Management of water levels in Lake Jualbup (PDF, 293.9 KB)Date published: Monday, 18 March, 2013 4. EPA Report on assessmentKey Environmental Factors: Terrestrial Environmental QualityTerrestrial FaunaWaterHydrological ProcessesInland Waters Environmental Quality