ProjectProponent: Lynas Kalgoorlie Pty LtdProposal description: Lynas Kalgoorlie Pty Ltd (Lynas) propose to construct and operate a new Rare Earths Processing Facility at Lot 500 Great Eastern Highway, Yilkari and a By-product storage facility on Common Reserve 8767, Yarri Road, Parkerston in the City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder. The Rare Earths Processing Facility will process rare earth concentrate from the Mt Weld mine to produce a rare earth carbonate for export. Assessment Number: 2269Region: Goldfields EsperanceReferred under EP Act: s38Industry sector: Rare earth elementsLast updated: February 1, 2022Current Status: Ministerial Statement published 1. ReferralComment on this referral: Lynas Kalgoorlie Rare Earths Processing FacilityComment period: Friday, 23 October, 2020 to Thursday, 29 October, 2020Referral documentation: Referral Form.pdf (PDF, 308.53 KB) Supporting information part 1.pdf (PDF, 87.75 MB) Supporting information part 2.pdf (PDF, 35.25 MB) 2. Decision on whether to assess this proposalChair's Determination: Assess - Additional Assessment Information (public review)Extract of determination: Lynas Kalgoorlie Rare Earths Processing Facility (PDF, 310.3 KB)Preliminary Environmental Factors: Social SurroundingsHuman HealthFlora and VegetationTerrestrial Environmental QualityTerrestrial FaunaInland WatersDate published: Monday, 30 November, 2020 3. AssessmentEnvironmental ReviewPublic submissions: Wednesday, 9 June, 2021 to Wednesday, 7 July, 2021Make a submission: Lynas Kalgoorlie Rare Earths Processing Facility - Public Environmental ReviewEnvironmental Review documentation: Environmental Review Document_Part1.pdf (PDF, 39.35 MB) Environmental Review Document_Part2.pdf (PDF, 57.89 MB) Lynas Kalgoorlie ERD Cover Letter.pdf (PDF, 114.04 KB) Appx A - EPBC Referral Decision.pdf (PDF, 53.33 KB) Appx B - EPBC Matters Search Results.pdf (PDF, 74.46 KB) Appx C - Lot 500 Detailed Flora and Veg_v2.pdf (PDF, 7.19 MB) Appx D - BSF Detailed Flora and Veg_v3.pdf (PDF, 8.4 MB) Appx E - Lot 500 Fauna Report_Final.pdf (PDF, 43.45 MB) Appx F - Lot 500 Fauna Assessment Peer Review_Final.pdf (PDF, 365.12 KB) Appx G - BSF Fauna Report_v2.pdf (PDF, 4.7 MB) Appx H - Arid Bronze Azure Butterfly Assessment_v1.pdf (PDF, 6.09 MB) Appx I - Lot 500 Baseline Soil Groundwater Hydro Report_Final.pdf (PDF, 12.23 MB) Appx J - BSF Surface Hydrology Assessment_Final.PDF (PDF, 13.25 MB) Appx K - BSF Landform Evolution Modelling_Final.PDF (PDF, 1.35 MB) Appx L - REPF BSF Seepage Assessment_v0.pdf (PDF, 291.69 KB) Appx M - REPF BSF AQA Report_v0.pdf (PDF, 7.21 MB) Appx N - Original AQA Peer Review_Final.pdf (PDF, 87.33 KB) Appx O - REPF BSF Dust Deposition_v0.pdf (PDF, 890.24 KB) Appx P - REPF Noise Assessment v4.0.pdf (PDF, 3.42 MB) Appx Q - TN20001-7 BSF Noise Assessment_v1.0.pdf (PDF, 653.35 KB) Appx R - Lynas Kalgoorlie REPF and Yarri Rd_OEMP_v1.pdf (PDF, 28.9 MB) Appx S - Lynas Kalgoorlie REPF and BSF_CEMP_v1.pdf (PDF, 23.28 MB) Appx T - REPF Radiation Impact Assessment_v7.pdf (PDF, 1.97 MB) Appx U - Lynas Kalgoorlie Radiation Management Plan_v1.pdf (PDF, 3.4 MB) Appx V - RIA Calytrix Peer Review Letter_Final.pdf (PDF, 131.33 KB) Appx W - Yarri Road Site - Environmental Review_v2.pdf (PDF, 36.07 MB) Appx X - MTW-HR-POL-0004_1 WA Community Statement.pdf (PDF, 1.15 MB) Appx Y - Lynas REPF and BSF_Provisional MCP_v1.pdf (PDF, 53.55 MB)Date Published (Environmental Review documentation): June 9, 2021Proponent response to submissions: Lynas Kalgoorlie - Rare Earth Processing Facility - Response to Submissions on ERD September 2021.pdf (PDF, 1.4 MB)Date published (Proponent response to submissions): September 10, 2021 Minor or preliminary work under s. 41A(3)s. 41A(3) notice: CMS17898 - Notice Under S41A(3) - 020321.pdf (PDF, 995.08 KB)Date of approval s. 41A(3): Tuesday, 2 March, 2021 Change to proposal during assessment under s. 43A s. 43A notice: CMS17898 - S43A Notice - 090921.pdf (PDF, 1.13 MB)Date of approval s. 43A: Thu, 09/09/2021 4. EPA Report on assessmentEPA Report Number: 1712EPA Report: EPA Report 1712 - Kalgoorlie Rare Earths Processing Facility - assessment report.pdf (PDF, 2.69 MB)Key Environmental Factors: Social SurroundingsHuman HealthDate published: Wednesday, 20 October, 2021Appeals close: Wednesday, 3 November, 2021 5. Decision on proposal and implementation of proposalMinisterial StatementDate of approval: Tuesday, 1 February, 2022Ministerial Statement: Ministerial Statement 1181 (PDF, 1.22 MB)