The proposal is for a breeding herd of 50 - 100 Red Deer on the cleared portion of the property, approximately 5 ha. The deer are to be kept for the commercial production of velvet for the Asian market, and venison production for both the local and export markets. it is not intended to slaughter animais on the property. The proposed development is not intended to be used as a tourist attraction. The proposal also includes the construction of a residence and sheds.
The site of the proposed development is a 15.67 ha property located in the Darling Range adjacent to the Darlington townsite. The property is in the Lower Helena Valley Water Catchment Area, and the general topography consists of hill country with moderate slopes and gravelly foams/clays/silts typical of the area with some laterite outcrops. Approximately two thirds of the property is covered with native vegetation. The head-waters of a small stream which eventually flows into the Helena River, begin on the property.
Lot 38 Nelson Road is located adjacent to an area reserved for Parks and Recreation under the Metropolitan Region Scheme and which is included in the recommended system 6 Regional Park M34. This area, which covers the Helena Valley downstream of the Mundaring weir, is considered to be of important regional significance because of its "extremely high conservation value for both fauna and flora" (including rare flora) and its proximity to the Perth urban area. Drainage from the proposed site flows into the recommended Regional Park about 250 metres downstream.