The existing sites used by Swan Wool Scouring and Fremantle Steam Laundry, are proposed to be redeveloped by the Superannuation Board of WA (now Government Employees Superannuation Board) and Saland Pty Ltd, necessitating the relocation of these and other industries.
The proposal would see purpose-built facilities being established for Swan Wool Scouring and Fremantle Steam Laundry fronting onto Tydeman Road, and the container storage operations of Conaust Pty Ltd and Keywest Pty Ltd being located further to the north, with road access along Barker Street and Irene Street respectively.
Included in the proposal is the combination of effluents produced by Swan Wool Scouring and Fremantle Steam Laundry, both of which would have substantially expanded operating capacity, and the discharge of this effluent into the Swan River beneath the Fremantle Traffic Bridge. Currently, both industries separately discharge their effluent to the river under the provisions of licences issued by the Swan River Management Authority.