Caravel Copper Project

Proposal description: 

Caravel Minerals Limited is seeking to develop the Caravel Copper Project, located in the Western Australian (WA) Wheatbelt approximately 150 km north of Perth. The Proposal will produce copper concentrate, which will be transported to port by road. 

The Proposal includes mine pits, waste rock landforms, tailings storage, ore processing and transfer infrastructure and associated infrastructure such as workshops, laydown areas, landfill, communications, offices, ablutions, wastewater treatment, fuel storage, renewable energy and water storage, and a remote bore field and pipeline network. 

A long-term accommodation village will be located on site; however, may be located in a surrounding residential area (outside the scope of this Proposal). A temporary construction village will be required to accommodate construction personnel. 

The proposal would include a maximum of 6,767 hectares (ha) of disturbance within a 17,726 ha development envelope. This includes 6,547 ha within the 8,541 ha Mine Site Development Envelope, 100 ha within the 8,257 ha Borefield Development Envelope (BDE) and 120 ha within the 928 ha Pipeline Development Envelope (PDE). The majority of the area to be disturbed has been previously cleared for agricultural use.

Assessment Number: 
Referred under EP Act: 
Industry sector: 
Last updated: 
March 14, 2024
Current Status: 
Environmental Scoping Document approved
Environmental Scoping Document approved
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