This "Search Proposal" function provides all assessment documentation associated with a specific proposal, from referral through to Ministerial Statement, where relevant. Information on a specific proposal not available through this search function can be obtained by contacting DWER, EPA services:
Visit Environment Online Portal if you cannot locate a specific proposal here.
Last updated: April 3, 2017
The Western Australian Planning Commission and the City of Armadale propose to develop a water-based recreation park incorporating an international rowing course and other facilities including a residential component on land situated on Lake Road in the City of Armadale. Read more...Last updated: December 19, 1997
The proposal is to manage an additional 67 ,500m 3 of contaminated material as part of the rehabilitation of former industrial land at McCabe Street, Mosman Park . Clean-up of this industrial land commenced in 1995 and has been subject to three previous assessments (EPA Bulletins 324, 699 and 807). The proponents are seeking to amend the existing conditions of approval ( Ministerial Statement 338 ) under Section 46 of the, Environmental Protection Act 1986, to allow for disposal of the... Read more...