This "Search Proposal" function provides all assessment documentation associated with a specific proposal, from referral through to Ministerial Statement, where relevant. Information on a specific proposal not available through this search function can be obtained by contacting DWER, EPA services:
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Last updated: January 7, 2002
This proposal is to clear approximately 580 hectares (ha) of native vegetation on Melbourne Location 3544 within the Shire of Dandaragan for agriculture. Specifically, the stated purpose of the proposed clearing is to allow for grazing and a timber plantation. Read more...Last updated: January 2, 2002
The proponent, Mr R Klaassen, proposes to clear approximately 477 hectares of native vegetation on Victoria Location 10335, Shire of Dandaragan for agriculture and / or plantation forestry. Read more...Last updated: November 14, 2001
The proposal involves the construction and operation of a road/rail corridor, and associated infrastructure, to provide direct access to the Port of Geraldton from the Geraldton-Mt Magnet Road, Walkaway Road and North West Coastal Highway. The implementation of this proposal would allow removal of the current rail line along the city foreshore, allowing redevelopment of this area, and remove existing social and environmental effects associated with this rail line alignment through Geraldton and... Read more...Last updated: October 31, 2001
Extension of mine area to include an area containing Declared Rare Flora (DRF) and a Threatened Ecological Community (TEC). The proponent has proposed a Resource Access and Conservation Package to enable mining of this area whilst providing biodiversity conservation benefits for the community and the State. Inquiry under s46 into amending the conditions of Ministerial Statement 27 and Ministerial Statement 279 . Read more...Last updated: December 18, 2000
The proposal is to clear approximately 265 hectares of native vegetation for the establishment of Tagasaste, a perennial fodder crop species. The area of vegetation proposed for clearing is located on the proponent's farming property, Swan Locations 5434 and 5433, near Mogumber West Road approximately 35 kms north of Gingin. The area is part of a formerly more extensive area of native vegetation recommended for reservation and protection by the EPA through the 1983 System 6 recommendations. Read more...Last updated: November 10, 2000
The proposal is to mine titanium minerals from Orebodies 27, 200 and 28000, adjacent to the southern mining operations of the existing Cooljarloo Mineral Sands mine, located 10 kilometres north-west of Cataby, Shire of Dandaragan. Read more...Last updated: June 12, 2000
Proposal to clear approximately 600 ha of native vegetation on Victoria Location 10322 within the Shire of Dandaragan for agriculture. Specifically the stated purpose of the proposed clearing is to enable an expansion of an existing grazing enterprise. Read more...Last updated: April 19, 2000
Inquiry under section 46 of the Environmental Protection Act 1986 to extend the time limit of the environmental approval for the Great Eastern Highway Northam bypass. Read more...Last updated: March 13, 2000
Aurex Pty Ltd in joint venture with Mr KJ Fitzgerald, proposes to mine gypsum at Red Lake, 46 km north-east of Merredin within Mining Lease application M77/528 which is a vacant Crown land "window" within the Lake Campion "C" Class Nature Reserve 24789. Read more...Last updated: March 10, 1999
To clear approximately 183 hectares of native vegetation on Victoria Location 10323, Shire of Dandaragan. Read more...Last updated: February 15, 1999
The Minister for Environment directed the EPA to reassess this proposal, previously Assessment no. 880 , pursuant to s43 of the EP Act. The proposal is to clear 870 hectares of native vegetation on Victoria Location 10598 Cockleshell Gully Road, Shire of Dandaragan to plant tagasaste. Victoria location 10598 comprises 1,705 hectares of which 500 hectares (30%) is currently cleared. It is proposed to retain 350 hectares (21%) of the property as native vegetation in accordance with the farm plan... Read more...Last updated: July 28, 1998
The proposal is to clear 870 hectares of native vegetation on Victoria Location 10598 Cockleshell Gully Road, Shire of Dandaragan to plant tagasaste. Victoria location 10598 comprises 1,705 hectares of which 500 hectares (30%) is currently cleared. It is proposed to retain 350 hectares (21%) of the property as native vegetation in accordance with the farm plan prepared by Agriculture Western Australia. The Minister for Environment directed the EPA to reassess this proposal pursuant to s43 of... Read more...Last updated: March 27, 1998
The proposal is for a 33 kilometre coastal road linking the town-sites of Cervantes and Jurien. Read more...Last updated: April 9, 1996
The proponent, Tiwest Joint Venture (Tiwest), seeks an amendment to the environmental conditions of Ministerial Statement 59 under Section 46 of the, Environmental Protection Act 1986, , to allow the synthetic rutile plant at Chandala an increase in nameplate production from 130,000 to 200,000 tonnes per annum (tpa) of synthetic rutile. The plant was originally assessed by the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) in December 1988 and was approved by the Minister for the Environment to build... Read more...Last updated: March 31, 1995
The proposal is to establish a special industrial park at Inkpen Estate, Bakers Hill 80km east of Perth. The park is to cater for the development of industries related to animal products processing such as abattoirs, rendering plants, fellmongeries, tanneries and wool scourers. Inkpen Estate was identified as the preferred locality based on: a 1981 review by the Special Projects Section of the former Town Planning Department that identified the Northam region as a preferred area; and the... Read more...Last updated: July 13, 1994
The Great Eastern Highway presently runs through the Town of Northam.This current alignment has inherent problems for local traffic in terms of congestion and the frequency of accidents. Further problems include noise and visual pollution caused by traffic, particularly heavy vehicles. To alleviate these problems, three different alignments around the town have been put forward by Main Roads Western Australia for environmental impact assessment. Read more...Last updated: June 14, 1994
The proposal is to clear 197 hectares of remnant native vegetation on farmland located at North Kukerin in the Shire of Dumbleyung. Remnant vegetation is the native vegetation that has been left after clearing for other land uses. Read more...Last updated: January 24, 1994
This proposal by the Water Authority of Western Australia is to harvest and store water from a large, high granite outcrop known as Mt Hampton. Mt Hampton is located in a reserve for the purpose of "Water and Conservation of Flora and Fauna" about 60 km south-west of Southern Cross. The proponent has endeavoured to demonstrate to the Environmental Protection Authority that this proposal can be implemented without a significant impact to, or reduction of, conservation values of both... Read more...Last updated: January 13, 1994
Rutherford Resources Pty Ltd proposes to develop a gold deposit in 'C' Class Nature Reserve No 18584 near Westonia, halfway between Southern Cross and Merredin in the eastern wheatbelt. The reserve has important conservation value due to the small area of land set aside for nature conservation in the wheatbelt. Mining is a potentially acceptable land use in 'C' Class Nature reserves under Government Policy if a proposal is considered to be environmentally acceptable. Read more...Last updated: November 30, 1992
The proposal is to establish an industrial park at Meenaar, 18km east of Northam and adjacent to the Great Eastern Highway. The park is to cater for mainly agricultural and mineral processing industries. The site was chosen because of its relatively poor environmental and agriculture value, poor groundwater quality, suitable soils for wastewater treatment systems, its remoteness, and the necessity to be located near a major road, railway, and water supply. Of the site area of 639 ha, only 290... Read more...