This "Search Proposal" function provides all assessment documentation associated with a specific proposal, from referral through to Ministerial Statement, where relevant. Information on a specific proposal not available through this search function can be obtained by contacting DWER, EPA services:
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Last updated: December 17, 2012
Empire is proposing to conduct a 3D seismic survey over the Gingin Gas Fields including parts of the Boonanarring and Bartlett's Well nature reserves, utilising a helicopter assisted or 'heliportable' technique, transporting drilling and seismic receiver equipment by a long-line, suspended beneath a helicopter. The equipment is lowered into position and released at pre-programmed points. Charges are detonated one at a time and seismic data is recorded. Site remediation and site... Read more...Last updated: December 3, 2012
The advice applies to a proposal referred to the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) by Capital Recycling on 6 November 2012. The proposal is to extract gravel from Lot M1822 on Diagram 8755 Horton Road, Woottating in the Shire of Northam. The proposal is a small scale gravel quarry which is not operating on a continual basis. The potential impacts of dust, noise and groundwater exposure from this proposal are not considered to be such a significant matter that assessment by the Office of... Read more...Last updated: March 12, 2012
The proposal is for the mining of a 53-hectare area and processing of approximately 1.3 million tonnes of gypsum recovered from Mining Lease 70/1161 using the facilities currently employed for operations in the adjacent Mining Lease 70/750. The proposal involves dredging and will form a permanent hypersaline water body of approximately four metres maximum depth. Dredging operations are proposed to be undertaken every second year over a 2 to 4 week period to excavate approximately 100,000 tonnes... Read more...Last updated: February 13, 2012
The proposal is to excavate and process gypsum ore and overburden from mining lease 70/1161. Inquiry under s46 to amend condition 8.1 of Ministerial Statement 730 . Read more...Last updated: December 2, 2011
Inquiry under s46 in regard to amendment of conditions of Ministerial Statement 808 . Read more...Last updated: October 24, 2011
The proposal is to develop and operate an open pit nickel mine and associated infrastructure on Mining Lease 77/00583 and haulage road on Mining Lease 77/00545 within the Shire of Kondinin. Read more...Last updated: September 13, 2011
Koolyanobbing Iron Ore Expansion - proposal under s46 to remove condition 7 of Ministerial Statement 627. Read more...Last updated: August 8, 2011
The proposal is for the development and operation of a quarry incorporating excavation of approximately 60 million tonnes of hard rock, approximately 2 million tonnes of gravel and approximately 12 million tonnes of clay from the quarry footprint. Inquiry under s46 in regard to proposed changes to the environmental conditions of Ministerial Statement 706 . Read more...Last updated: October 28, 2010
The proposal is to develop an iron ore mine at the Koolyanobbing Iron Ore Project-Mt Jackson J1 Deposit (Mt Jackson J1 Deposit), located approximately 110 kilometres (km) north-north-east of Southern Cross in the Shire of Yilgarn. The proposal includes two mine pits to extract approximately 33 million tonnes of iron ore and associated mining infrastructure. The proposed mine required disturbance of approximately 605 hectares (ha) of native vegetation for pits, associated mine infrastructure,... Read more...Last updated: September 17, 2010
The proposal is to construct and operate the Coolimba Power Station on a site located approximately 15 kilometres (km) south-south-west of Eneabba, and to establish an approximately 20 km long and 100 metre (m) wide infrastructure corridor that will accommodate the construction and operation of: a natural gas pipeline lateral to connect the power station to either the Dampier to Bunbury Natural Gas Pipeline (DBNGP) or the Parmelia Gas Pipeline; and a 330 kV electricity transmission line to... Read more...Last updated: June 11, 2009
To construct and operate a landfill accepting Class II-type waste. Six cells will be constructed with a total operational lifetime of not more than 30 years. A landfill gas collection system and utilisation plant facility will also be constructed. Read more...Last updated: March 16, 2009
The extension of open pit mining of mineral sands by dredging and dry mining adjacent to existing operations. Existing dry mining and processing practices, plant and equipment will be used. Approximately 3.1 million tonnes of ore will be extracted, slurried and processed by the dry mine concentrator to extract heavy mineral concentrate for transporting to the Chandala facilities. Read more...Last updated: February 7, 2008
Proposal to carry out an onshore 3D seismic survey, 20 kilometres west of Brand Highway, northwest of Cataby in the Shire of Dandaragan, by Empire Oil Company (WA) Limited Read more...Last updated: September 10, 2007
The proposal is to clear approximately 779 ha of native vegetation at Roe Locations 2598 and 2599, Mallee Hill Road, Shire of Lake Grace. The subject property is located approximately 20 kilometres (km) south-east of Lake Grace. The Lakelands Nature Reserve and Lake Bryde are located to the south-east of the properties. Read more...Last updated: November 3, 2003
Proposal by Mr B Sorgiovanni to clear approximately 1128 hectares (ha) of native vegetation for agriculture on Victoria Location 10877 corner of Garibaldi-Willis and Willmott Roads, approximately 47 kilometres west of Coorow. Read more...Last updated: August 6, 2003
The proposal is for a poultry litter fired power station at a site approximately 70 kilometres north of Perth on the Brand Highway near Muchea. The power station would receive poultry litter from farms across the broad Perth region. Delivery would be by covered trucks, which would enter the enclosed litter reception shed and tip onto a concrete floor. A front-end loader would be used to place the litter on to a conveyor which would place it on the stockpile. The trucks would be washed down... Read more...Last updated: December 9, 2002
Proposal by Mr John Fernie to clear approximately 570 hectares (ha) of native vegetation for pine and sandalwood plantation on Lot 7778 Wannamal South Road, Wannamal. Lot 7778 has a total area of 1,750 ha and is located approximately 12 kilometres northeast of Gingin, in the Shire of Gingin. Read more...Last updated: August 21, 2002
The proposal is to build a transmission line with a maximum capacity of 330 kV from the Pinjar gas turbine station to the Cataby substation. The transmission line, which is primarily lattice tower construction up to 60 m high, traverses State Forest 65 South (Gnangara Park), Bush Forever Site 380, Gingin Stock Route Nature Reserve, State Forest 65 North and private property. The proposed line route is approximately 123 km long and involves the permanent clearing of up to approximately 2.9 ha of... Read more...Last updated: July 15, 2002
Two proposals to clear native vegetation for agricultural purposes on Melbourne Location 3927 within the Shire of Dandaragan. It is intended that the cleared land resulting from both proposals will be used for the purposes of horticulture and grazing. The level of assessment for the first proposal was published on 17 April 1998, and the second on 4 March 2002. Read more...Last updated: March 1, 2002
The Western Australian government has committed to remediating three contaminated sites on the west side of Morangup Road, approximately 25km south-west of Toodyay. A small amount of contamination from Site C has entered Lot 12. This contamination will be removed as part of Site C’s remediation. Read more...