This "Search Proposal" function provides all assessment documentation associated with a specific proposal, from referral through to Ministerial Statement, where relevant. Information on a specific proposal not available through this search function can be obtained by contacting DWER, EPA services:
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Last updated: October 22, 2018
Kondinin Energy Pty Ltd is proposing to construct and operate up to 46 wind turbines, an accompanying 125 ha of solar farm, energy storage and associated infrastructure, approximately 5 kilometres north east of Kondinin, Western Australia. The proposal will be established encompassing parts all or part of 19 freehold rural lots comprising approximately 3,105 hectares. Read more...Last updated: April 30, 2018
Ramelius Resources Ltd propose to extend the life of the Edna May Gold Project operations by developing a new open pit immediately to the west of the existing operations. The project implementation would result in disturbance of up to 55.3 hectares of vegetation. The Edna May Gold Project is located approximately 1 km north-west of the township of Westonia and 312 km east of Perth. Read more...Last updated: December 8, 2017
The Class II Landfill, Lot 7778 Diagram 209805, 1189 Wannamal Road South proposal is to construct and operate a landfill accepting Class II-type waste in Gingin, Western Australia. The proposal includes a landfill gas collection and utilisation plant. The EPA notes that Lot 7778 Diagram 209805 has been subdivided and the proposal is now located on Lot 98 on Deposited Plan 75926, Wannamal Road South. Read more...Last updated: July 17, 2017
The proposal is for the development and operation of the Parker Range Project, located in the Mount Caudan section of the Parker Range within the Shire of Yilgarn. It includes the development and operation of an above and below the watertable greenfields iron ore mine and associated infrastructure. This is an inquiry under s46 into a request to extend the Time Limit of Authorisation of Ministerial Statement 892 . Read more...Last updated: December 7, 2016
The Shire of Gingin has referred an application to make alterations and additions to an existing Poultry farm. The application, from Allerding and Associates on behalf of Snowdale Holdings Pty Ltd, is to add four additional free range chicken sheds and associated paddocks, a manure storage shed, workers accommodation for staff, and to relocate the proposed caretakers dwelling. The purpose of the alterations and additions is to increase the farm capacity from 120,000 to 240,000 chickens. Read more...Last updated: December 7, 2016
The Shire of Gingin has referred an application for planning approval to the EPA for a decision on whether or not to assess the proposal and, if so, the level of assessment. The application, from Saratoga Holdings Pty Ltd, is for turf production on Lot 5, 55 Clark Road, Neergabby in Gingin (Shire of Gingin). Read more...Last updated: December 6, 2016
The proposal is to clear approximately 77 hectares of native vegetation for pasture and cropping at Melbourne Location 926, approximately 27 kilometres East of Watheroo. Read more...Last updated: April 26, 2016
Brikmakers Pty Ltd proposes to extract clay from Lot 7 Toy Rd Bindoon, within the Shire of Chittering. Approximately 15 hectares (ha) of predominately pasture land will be disturbed for the construction of two clay excavation pits, a stockpile area, two dams, and bunds. Upgrading of a causeway across the Brockman River, which traverses west to east along the southern portion of the property, together with a new crossover to Toy Road is also proposed. Read more...Last updated: March 16, 2015
The Wagin Voluntary Group of Councils (WVGC), which is composed of the Shires of Pingelly, Wickepin, Cuballing, Williams, Dumbleyung, Wagin, Narrogin and Town of Narrogin in the Great Southern, and the current landowners of Lot 23, Mr PJ Dowdell and Mrs HM Dowdell propose to develop a Class II putrescible landfill operation designed to accept clean fill, Type 1 inert waste, putrescible wastes, contaminated solid waste meeting waste acceptance criteria specified for Class II landfills, Type 2... Read more...Last updated: December 30, 2014
The proposal is to construct a mineral sands mine at Cataby approximately 150 km north of Perth. The project will consist of a series of 13 open pits over approximately 25 kilometres, which will be progressively mined by dry mining techniques. The proposal will produce approximately 760 to 780 kilotonnes of Heavy Mineral Concentrate per annum. Read more...Last updated: July 30, 2014
The extension of open pit mining of mineral sands by dredging and dry mining adjacent to existing operations. Existing dry mining and processing practices, plant and equipment will be used. Approximately 3.1 million tonnes of ore will be extracted, slurried and processed by the dry mine concentrator to extract heavy mineral concentrate for transporting to the Chandala facilities. Inquiry under s46 to amend condition 7-1 of Ministerial Statement 790 . Read more...Last updated: July 2, 2014
To construct and operate a landfill accepting Class II-type waste. Six cells will be constructed with a total operational lifetime of not more than 30 years. A landfill gas collection system and utilisation plant facility will also be constructed. Inquiry under s46 to change condition 3 - extension of Time Limit of Authorisation - Ministerial Statement 796 . Read more...Last updated: January 7, 2014
The proposal is for processing of mineral and other sands and preparation of synthetic rutile including by-products at the Tronox Chandala processing facility near the town of Muchea. Inquiry under s46 for a review of conditions of Ministerial Statement 412 . Read more...Last updated: November 20, 2013
Portman Iron Ore Limited proposes to expand the existing Koolyanobbing iron ore mine by commencing new mining at Windarling Range and Mt Jackson and linking the new minesites to Koolyanobbing by a haul road or railway. Read more...Last updated: October 7, 2013
Opal Vale Pty Ltd propose to develop a Class II Landfill site within an existing clay pit at Lot 11 Chitty Road, Toodyay. The site is the Williamson's Clay Pit which is situated on the south eastern portion of Lot 11, approximately 1.25 km to the east of Chitty Road. Read more...Last updated: August 5, 2013
AAA Egg Company Pty Ltd proposes to develop a Poultry Farm in the Shire of Gingin on Lot 7974 Cowalla Road, Wanerie. Lot 7974 is approximately 191.15 hectares (ha) in size and is located approximately 27 km northeast of the Gingin townsite. The proposal is for a three staged free range egg production development. The development is to include three blocks of four Free-Range Sheds and associated infrastructure for a total of 360,000 birds. Stage 1 of the development is for one block of four Free... Read more...Last updated: April 29, 2013
The development and operation of a quarry. Inquiry under s46 to delete conditions 11, 12 and 17 of Ministerial Statement 706 and condition 6 of Ministerial Statement 872 . Read more...Last updated: January 22, 2013
Establishment of an Industrial Park at Meenaar 18 km east of Northam - Inquiry under s46 of the, Environmental Protection Act 1986, to remove the entire implementation conditions and proponent commitments of Ministerial Statement 293. Read more...