This "Search Proposal" function provides all assessment documentation associated with a specific proposal, from referral through to Ministerial Statement, where relevant. Information on a specific proposal not available through this search function can be obtained by contacting DWER, EPA services:
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Last updated: January 6, 2025
Development of a wind farm approximately 7 km east of the township of Williams and 9 km west of the township of Narrogin in Western Australia. The Proposal will involve the construction and operation of up to 25 turbines, a battery energy storage system (BESS) and ancillary infrastructure. It is located across numerous freehold properties that are primarily cleared for agricultural purposes. The proposal includes no more than 7.41 ha of remnant native vegetation clearing and 0.98 of planted... Read more...Last updated: November 27, 2024
The proposal is to conduct a 3D seismic survey within an area consisting of private land, the proposed Big Soak Plain Conservation Park and the Watheroo National Park approximately 60 kilometres east of Jurien Bay. The survey would involve the rolling of vegetation for vehicle access to the seismic lines. Read more...Last updated: August 19, 2024
Crimson Metals Pty Ltd is proposing to develop the Mount Gibson Gold Project, located approximately 280 km northeast of Perth and less than 10 km east from the Great Northern Highway, in the Avon Wheatbelt region of Western Australia. Substantial mining occurred in the 1980’s and 1990’s and as a result, historical disturbance and infrastructure remain in the area. The proposal encompasses the re-opening and enlargement of existing open cut mines, utilisation of existing infrastructure where... Read more...Last updated: April 24, 2024
Simcoa Operations Pty Ltd is proposing to establish a new quartzite mine approximately 15 km north of Moora, in the Wheatbelt region of Western Australia, and 2 km north of the existing mine. The proposal will include the establishment of an above groundwater mine pit, waste rock landform, infrastructure corridor and associated infrastructure. Quartzite would be trucked to Simcoa’s existing smelter in the Kemerton Strategic Industrial Area 17 km north-east of Bunbury. It is anticipated the... Read more...Last updated: March 14, 2024
Caravel Minerals Limited is seeking to develop the Caravel Copper Project, located in the Western Australian (WA) Wheatbelt approximately 150 km north of Perth. The Proposal will produce copper concentrate, which will be transported to port by road. The Proposal includes mine pits, waste rock landforms, tailings storage, ore processing and transfer infrastructure and associated infrastructure such as workshops, laydown areas, landfill, communications, offices, ablutions, wastewater treatment,... Read more...Last updated: June 21, 2023
FutureEnergy Australia is proposing to construct and operate a biorefinery processing plant to produce a renewable biodiesel. The proposed proposal is located on Lot 31 on Plan 404104, Narrogin, within the shire of Narrogin, Western Australia. The proposal includes a biorefinery plant, a feedstock receival area, woodchip drying beds, and supporting infrastructures. The biorefinery plant will utilize waste lignocellulose biomass as feedstock which will undergo pyrolysis followed by non-catalytic... Read more...Last updated: May 22, 2023
The proposal involves the construction and use of a landfill and associated infrastructure for receiving Class II and III waste of 150,000 to 250,000 tonnes per annum (tpa) over a period of 20 years. The proposal is located at Allawuna Farm, St Ronans, within the Shire of York. Read more...Last updated: August 22, 2022
Synergy Renewable Energy Developments Pty Ltd proposes to develop a wind farm approximately 35 kilometres north-east of Hyden townsite in the Western Australian Wheatbelt. The proposal consists of up to 30 wind turbines generating up to 150 MW, electrical substations and switchyards. The turbines will be installed on towers up to 150 m tall with blades up to 90 m long for a total height of up to 240 m. All turbines are proposed to be located at least 100 m from remnant vegetation. The proposal... Read more...Last updated: August 1, 2022
Resource Group (WA) Pty Ltd proposes to construct and operate a hard rock quarry at the location of Grass Valley, 17 kilometres east of Northam WA. The project will process blasted rock from the quarry into smaller sized proportions suitable for use in concrete, roadworks and other civil works. The operation will produce no more than 70,000 tonnes of saleable product per annum. Products will be transported from the quarry by road using truck and semi-trailers, both locally and to various sites... Read more...Last updated: July 11, 2022
Strike South West Pty Ltd propose to construct and operate the Walyering Conventional Gas Development. The proposal will comprise two free-flowing conventional gas wells, a gathering system of flowlines, a production facility and a tie-in point to the third-party operated Parmelia Gas Pipeline. The proposal is located within an agricultural area approximately 6.5 kilometres (km) northwest of Cataby and 21 km west of Dandaragan (Shire of Dandaragan). The proposal would include a total... Read more...Last updated: May 18, 2022
The proposal is to excavate and process gypsum ore and overburden from mining lease 70/1161. Inquiry under s46 to change the conditions of Ministerial Statement 730. Read more...Last updated: June 24, 2021
Open cut dry mining of mineral sands and the processing of mined material through primary and secondary concentration plants and dry minerals separation. It includes the construction and operation of associated infrastructure and a modification to the intersection of Brand Hwy with Wannamal Road West. Read more...Last updated: May 14, 2021
Change to condition 8-4 of Ministerial Statement 892, relating to the removal of one inactive Malleefowl mound. Read more...Last updated: May 14, 2021
To mine a series of open pits over approximately 25 kilometres, within the Cataby Mineral Sands Project located approximately 150 km north of Perth. Inquiry under s46 relating to Ministerial Statement 720 and EPA Report 1212 . Read more...Last updated: January 22, 2021
Tronox Management Pty Limited proposes to develop the Cooljarloo West Titanium Minerals Project, 30 kilometres west from Cervantes, Shire of Dandaragan. The proposal involves the dredge mining of three orebodies: Woolka, Harrier and Kestrel. The proposal will require movement of the mining dredge and ore processing plant (concentrator) from the existing Cooljarloo Mine to Cooljarloo West and back again via flotation across an open channel. Read more...Last updated: June 26, 2020
The proposal is for the development and operation of the Parker Range Project, located in the Mount Caudan section of the Parker Range within the Shire of Yilgarn. It includes the development and operation of an above and below the watertable greenfields iron ore mine and associated infrastructure. An existing gazetted road (Parker Range Road) runs across the ore body. A gazetted bypass road would be required around the proposed mine site requiring approximately 10 ha of clearing. Ore from the... Read more...Last updated: June 3, 2020
UIL Energy Ltd proposes to conduct a 2D seismic survey within exploration permits 447, 488 and 489 near the town of Badgingarra (Shire of Dandaragan). The proposal would involve clearing of up to 24 hectares of native vegetation within a proposal area of 101,813 hectares. Clearing will occur within Badgingarra National Park, Wongonderrah and Twyata Nature Reserve, unallocated Crown Land, road reserves, and private properties. Read more...Last updated: November 20, 2019
Remove reference to Claypans of the Swan Coastal Plain and remove requirement to vest land with the Conservation and Parks Commission. Read more...Last updated: March 28, 2019
The EPA has received a third party referral for the development and operation of a Class II or III Putrescible Landfill on a property known as Allawuna, within the Shire of York. The proponent has advised the EPA that only Class II waste will be accepted. The proposal is located on Lots 9926, 26934, 4869 and 5831 Great Southern Highway, Saint Ronans. The proposal has a nominal life expectancy of 37 years and will accept between 150,000 and 250,000 tonnes of waste each year. Read more...