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Last updated: May 10, 2023
The Commissioner of Main Roads Western Australia is proposing to construct and operate the northern section and upgrade the central section of the Bunbury Outer Ring Road (BORR). The proposal includes 19km of freeway-standard dual carriageway and associated interchanges between Forrest Highway and Boyanup-Picton Road (northern section) and between Boyanup-Picton Road and South West Highway (central section). The proposal would require the clearing of up to 73 hectares of native vegetation and... Read more...Last updated: February 15, 2023
Main Roads Western Australia is proposing to construct and operate the southern section of the Bunbury Outer Ring Road (BORR). The proposal includes 10.5 km of freeway-standard dual carriageway, 3 km of rural distributor roads and other associated road-infrastructure. The BORR southern section will connect to the proposed northern and central sections of BORR near South West Highway, which together will complete a bypass around Bunbury City from Forest Highway to Bussell Highway. The BORR... Read more...Last updated: August 6, 2020
Section 46 change to conditions - Inquire into the suitability of the implementation conditions and whether any of them should be changed. Read more...Last updated: July 27, 2020
MRWA is proposing to construct and operate Stage 2 (the Southern Link) and 3b (part of the Western Link) portion of the Albany Ring Road Proposal (ARR). The proposal includes construction and operation of seven kilometres of new road which will connect the intersection of South Coastal Highway and Link Road to the Port of Albany around the City of Albany. Stage 2 of the ARR is the southern link of the ring road located between the Lower Denmark Road George Street Intersection and Frenchman... Read more...Last updated: December 13, 2017
The proposal is to extend the Kwinana Freeway 2x2 lane, dual carriageway from Forrest Road to Thomas Road, with major on and off ramps at Russel/Gibbs Roads, Rowley Road, Hope Valley Road and Thomas Road. Provision for upgrading the freeway to a 2x3 lane dual carriageway has been included in the proposal. It has also been proposed to incorporate a dual use path within the freeway reserve, located to the west of the road surface. The alignment of the Forrest Road to Thomas Road section of the... Read more...Last updated: June 6, 2017
The proposal is to construct and operate a freeway-standard dual carriageway between the Reid Highway/Tonkin Highway junction and the Great Northern Highway at Muchea. Read more...Last updated: September 12, 2016
The Commissioner for Main Roads Western Australia proposes to construct and maintain the Ellenbrook Bus Rapid Transit to provide a dedicated busway from the Ellenbrook town centre to Reid Highway. It involves the construction of: approximately 10 kilometres of dedicated busway; grade separations of the busway at road crossings; upgrades of all existing intersections; three bus stations with Park and Ride facilities; realignment of Lord Street from Reid Highway to Youle-Dean Road and from Park... Read more...