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Last updated: April 22, 2024
The proposal is to operate the Beenyup Wastewater Ocean Outlets into Marmion Marine Park that are associated with the Beenyup Wastewater Treatment Plant and Advanced Water Recycling Plant. Read more...Last updated: April 19, 2024
The Water Corporation submitted a proposal 'Burrup Peninsula Desalinated Water and Seawater Supplies Project' in May 2001 (Water Corporation, 2001a) to service the requirements of new industrial developments on the Burrup Peninsula. The proposed scheme was designed to supply seawater and desalinated water to the Syntroleum Sweetwater Corporation (Syntroleum) gas to liquids plant, with additional capacity to supply one or possibly two other process plants. The EPA released its report (... Read more...Last updated: April 17, 2024
The Western Australian Water Corporation is proposing to construct the Alkimos Seawater Desalination Plant (ASDP) as part of Perth’s Integrated Water Supply Scheme which aims to provide additional sources of drinking water to supplement the existing metropolitan water supply. The ASDP Proposal will be located within the Alkimos Water Precinct (Lot 1050 Marmion Avenue), approximately 40 km north of the Perth, within the northwest corridor, north of Quinns Rock beach and south of Yanchep beach.... Read more...Last updated: October 16, 2023
Water Corporation propose to conduct a 6- month water source abstraction trial to assess the long-term viability of a new water source for Walpole, Western Australia. The trial will be conducted during the summer peak water demand period and will use existing infrastructure. The source comprises three existing deep fractured rock bores located within the following Water Corporation Lots: • Bore 5/09 is located within the Swan Road road reserve • Bore 3/20 is located within part of Lot on Plan... Read more...Last updated: June 14, 2023
Remove Condition 2 (Proponent Commitments) if the proponent commitments in schedule 2 have been completed, are no longer relevant to the proposal or can be managed under Part V of the Environmental Protection Act 1986 (EP Act)., The EPA, in response to a request by the Water Corporation and pursuant to s40A of the EP Act, has terminated the inquiry under s46 of the EP Act into changing the implementation conditions of Ministerial Statement 568 Read more...Last updated: November 23, 2021
Changes to Schedule 1 and Condition 12 (Odour Management) of Ministerial Statement 755 in order to: • Amend a key proposal characteristic in Schedule 1 regarding venting of odours. • Review the suitability of Condition 12 in light of the proposed change to Schedule 1 and having regard to the Licence requirements under Part V of the EP Act. Read more...Last updated: June 28, 2021
The Water Corporation are proposing to construct a new 12.5 km pressured wastewater pipeline, primarily along Gnangara Road, from the Barrambie Way Sewerage Pumping Station in Ellenbrook to the Gnangara Branch Sewer in Wangara. The total disturbance area for the proposal is 30 ha, with a total clearing of no more than 0.3 ha of native vegetation. Read more...Last updated: May 31, 2021
The Water Corporation propose to construct a seawater desalination plant to supply potable water to the town of Onslow, WA. Seawater intake and brine wastewater release will occur in Beadon Bay, approximately 1 km seaward from the shoreline. The desalination processing facility is to be located at Lot 551, 552 and/or 553 Beadon Creek Road, Onslow. The proposal will involve the installation of permanent subtidal infrastructure in Beadon Bay (intake head, brine diffusers and transport pipes), a... Read more...Last updated: November 25, 2019
The Western Australian Water Corporation is proposing to construct the Perth Seawater Desalination Plant 2 (PSDP 2) as part of Perth’s Integrated Water Supply Scheme which aims to provide additional sources of drinking water to supplement the existing metropolitan water supply. The PSDP2 Proposal will be located within the Kwinana Industrial Area, approximately 38 km south of the Perth Metropolitan Area, on Lot 1864, Riseley Road in Naval Base. PSDP2 will be developed in two stages (each with a... Read more...Last updated: October 1, 2019
The proposal is for the works and operation of a wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) and woodlot reuse scheme for the first three years. This will enable monitoring and evaluation to be undertaken to determine a longer term strategy for development and operation of the scheme. The proposed works and operation for the first three years form part of planned Stage 1 of the scheme, which will extend to the year 2010. A further two stages (extending to 2040) are planned for the future. Read more...Last updated: January 28, 2019
The Water Corporation is proposing to divert wastewater from the Bullsbrook Waste Water Treatment Plant (WWTP) to the Beenyup WWTP, 20 km away. A new pipeline will be installed predominantly along the Great Northern Highway to the Millhouse Road Pump Station in Ellenbrook. The pipeline alignment traverses Main Roads WA and local government road reserves. The alignment is adjacent to Ellen Brook Nature Reserve, several Bush Forever Sites and intersects Bush Forever site 300 at Ellen Brook,... Read more...Last updated: December 4, 2018
The proposal is to duplicate the existing Advanced Water Recycling Plant (AWRP) at the Beenyup facility in Craigie. The proposal also includes the construction of two water recharge sites and pipeline infrastructure along a 12.8 km route through the suburbs of Woodvale, Wanneroo, Ashby and Neerabup to recharge approximately 14 GL of recycled water to the Leederville and Yarragadee aquifers. The proposal forms Stage 2 of the Perth Groundwater Replenishment Scheme (GRWS) with the expansion of 14... Read more...Last updated: February 6, 2017
The Water Corporation proposes the construction and operation of the Balannup Pressure Main, a 4.5 km wastewater pressure main from the Collared Street Pump Station to the Waterworks Road Pump Station in Armadale. Read more...Last updated: December 8, 2016
In September 2011 Chevron Australia Propriety Limited (CAPL) and the Department of State Development (DSD) executed an agreement (Ashburton North State Development Agreement (Wheatstone Project) (SDA)) that required CAPL, to develop and execute a project that increased potable water supply to Onslow by 2 ML/day. This project is referred to as the Onslow Water Infrastructure Upgrade Project. After completion of the works the assets will be handed-over to the Water Corporation for ongoing... Read more...Last updated: December 7, 2016
The Water Corporation proposes to construct a wastewater pressure main from Monash Boulevard Pump Station to Bunbury Wastewater Treatment Plant and has referred a small portion of the pipeline between Verschuer Place and Southwest Highway, Davenport, to the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA). In considering the proposal the EPA notes that the section of pipe alignment referred intersects the corner boundary of a wetland mapped under the, Environmental Protection (Swan Coastal Plain Lakes... Read more...Last updated: February 20, 2015
The proposal is to discharge up to 30 megalitres per day (ML/day) of industrial wastewater, in addition to treated wastewater from Woodman Point and Cape Peron wastewater treatment plants and water from the Jervoise Bay Groundwater Recovery Scheme, to the Sepia Depression via the Cape Peron outlet line from the Kwinana Wastewater Reclamation Plant (KWRP); BP Refinery (Kwinana); CSBP Limited; Edison Mission Energy, and further unspecified sources. Read more...Last updated: April 22, 2014
The proposal is for the construction and operation of an ocean outlet and associated infrastructure, for the Bunbury wastewater treatment plant. The outlet extends approximately 1.7 kilometres from the shoreline adjacent to the plant, for the disposal of treated wastewater Read more...Last updated: February 7, 2014
The Water Corporation of Western Australia proposes to construct, commission, operate and maintain a new wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) on a portion of the C class Crown reserve No. 29778 (Forestry Purposes) on Chugg Street, north-east of the Walpole townsite. That portion of the reserve is predominantly cleared and used as a depot for the Department of Conservation and Land Management. Read more...Last updated: February 7, 2014
The proposal is to construct, commission, operate and maintain a 1,000 equivalent persons capacity wastewater treatment plant to serve the Walpole town site and its environs. Inquiry under s46 into a request to remove conditions - Ministerial Statement 493 . Read more...Last updated: September 2, 2013
Water Corporation is proposing to implement a 14 gigalitre per annum groundwater replenishment scheme (GWRS) of recycled wastewater to the Leederville and Yarragadee aquifers, located on the Swan Coastal Plain. Read more...