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Last updated: September 10, 2020
The Tims Thicket Waste Management Facility is located approximately 15 km south of Mandurah. The Site covers an area of 28 hectares. The Site has been in operation since 1995. The proposal seeks to recommence acceptance of liquid waste at the facility by implementing a suite of improvements, including refurbishing and repurposing the existing infrastructure. The proposed design capacity is up to 6500 kL of liquid waste per year, consisting of septage and grease trap waste., s43A Change to... Read more...Last updated: August 6, 2020
Section 46 change to conditions - Inquire into the suitability of the implementation conditions and whether any of them should be changed. Read more...Last updated: July 21, 2020
ACH Minerals proposes to develop the Kundip Mine Site located approximately 17 km south-east of Ravensthorpe in the Shire of Ravensthorpe. The proposal involves the development and operation of a gold and copper mine including open cut and underground mining, processing facilities, waste rock landforms, a tailings storage facility and associated infrastructure. The project will have an 8 year mine life and a disturbance area of 244.7 hectares including 197.8 hectares of native vegetation within... Read more...Last updated: July 9, 2020
Robe River Mining Co. Pty Limited (the proponent) proposes to develop the Mesa H deposit to sustain its iron ore production operations within the Robe Valley, Pilbara. The proposal is located approximately 16 km south west of Pannawonica. The proposal would include a total disturbance of 2,200 hectares to develop above and below water table open cut iron ore pits and associated infrastructure, including water management infrastructure. The proposal is located adjacent to the existing Mesa J... Read more...Last updated: June 3, 2020
Reward Minerals propose to develop the Lake Disappointment Potash Project (located approximately 320 km east of Newman). The proposal is to abstract brine from sediments and use solar evaporation ponds on the surface of the lake to create the potash product. The proposal would disturb 7,250 ha of land which includes 437 ha of vegetation, with the remainder of disturbance to the surface of Lake Disappointment. Read more...Last updated: May 20, 2020
Venturex Resources Limited propose to develop the Sulphur Springs Zinc-Copper Project located approximately 144 kilometres (km) south-east of Port Hedland and 57 km west of Marble Bar. The project includes an open pit mine to extract the upper portion of the orebody and an underground mine to extract the lower portion of the orebody. The project has a disturbance footprint of 313.6 hectares (ha) within an 889.2 ha development envelope and consists of the following physical and operational... Read more...Last updated: May 5, 2020
The proposal is to develop an iron ore mine located approximately 68 kilometres south-east of Yalgoo and 30 kilometres north-east of the Greater Karara Iron Ore Project in the Shire of Yalgoo. Read more...Last updated: April 28, 2020
To develop and operate an iron ore mine, processing facilities and supporting infrastructure, 45 km south-south-east of Pannawonica in the Shire of Ashburton, and a 176 km haul road from the mine site to the customer delivery point near Cape Preston. Read more...Last updated: April 6, 2020
Hamersley Iron Pty Limited propose to expand its existing Brockman 4 Syncline Iron Ore Mine. The expansion would include further clearing of up to 4,800 hectares and expand its current development envelope by 2,567 hectares. Additional dewatering would also take place resulting in dewater discharge extending further along Boolgeeda Creek by nine kilometres. Read more...Last updated: January 15, 2020
The proposal is to revise the Mining Area C operation (located approximately 90km WNW of Newman) to include a new satellite ore body which is located approximately 8 km to the south of the existing approved Mining Area C operations. The revised proposal would require the additional clearing of approximately 19,850 hectares of vegetation and mining below the water table. Read more...Last updated: November 26, 2019
The Proposal is located within the Pilbara Interim Biogeographic Regionalisation for Australia (IBRA) region and is located within the Fortescue and Hamersley IBRA subregions. The Approved Project (authorised by Ministerial Statement 933 , 1 February 2013) is an above the water table open cut mine and associated infrastructure, located on mining tenement M470/1439. This proposal is to mine below the water table. Read more...Last updated: October 1, 2019
The proposal is for the works and operation of a wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) and woodlot reuse scheme for the first three years. This will enable monitoring and evaluation to be undertaken to determine a longer term strategy for development and operation of the scheme. The proposed works and operation for the first three years form part of planned Stage 1 of the scheme, which will extend to the year 2010. A further two stages (extending to 2040) are planned for the future. Read more...Last updated: August 29, 2019
Italia Stone Group proposes to develop a hard rock quarry at Lot 800 Pruden Road Whitby, approximately 3.5 kilometres east of Mundijong in the Shire of Serpentine-Jarrahdale. The proposed quarry is on freehold land and is for the extraction of 50,000 to 100,000 tonnes of hard rock per annum for a period of 20 years. The material will be extracted by drill and blast methods and hauled by truck to a processing area for crushing and stockpiling on site. Read more...Last updated: August 21, 2019
Robe River Mining Co Pty Ltd is seeking to extend the existing Mesa A / Warramboo Iron Ore Mining Project by extending the existing mining operation and developing four new nearby deposits. The proposal is 43 kilometres west of Pannawonica in the Pilbara Region. The proposal would require an additional 3000 hectares of clearing of native vegetation, with some below water table mining. A water supply would also be required and discharge of any excess water to Warramboo Creek. Read more...Last updated: August 14, 2019
Fortescue Metals Group Limited proposes to build a 120 km railway linking their existing Solomon Mine with their proposed Eliwana Iron Ore Mine, located 90 km west-northwest of Tom Price (Shire of Ashburton). The eastern section of the proposed Eliwana Railway Project development envelope is adjacent to Karijini National Park. Proposed Infrastructure within the Rail Development Envelope includes: Railway and associated embankment; Rail loop; Crossing/passing loops; Railway overpass; Train... Read more...Last updated: July 29, 2019
The proposal is to develop and operate a mineral sands mine approximately 25 kilometres south-east of the township of Dongara in the Midwest Region of Western Australia. Read more...Last updated: June 7, 2019
Kalium Lakes Potash Pty Ltd is seeking to develop a sub-surface brine deposit to produce approximately 150 kilotonne per annum of Sulphate of Potash product and by-products. The process will involve evaporation and processing operations at the Beyondie, 10-Mile and Sunshine Lakes area. The Project is located approximately 160 kilometres south east of Newman, and 75 km east of the Kumarina Roadhouse, in the eastern Pilbara region of Western Australia. The proposal includes the development of... Read more...