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Last updated: July 4, 2024
Time limit for substantial commencement, review of the adequacy of existing implementation conditions to ensure consistency with the EPA’s current objectives for each environmental factor. Read more...Last updated: November 6, 2023
The proposal is for a desalination plant located approximately five kilometres (km) west of Cape Riche, and approximately 19 km from the nearest town of Wellstead. The desalination plant would be based on reverse osmosis technology. A seawater intake and pump station would be located 500 m east of Cheyne Inlet, and a brine outfall would be located on the south side of Cape Riche. Pipelines and infrastructure would be also constructed. Read more...Last updated: July 21, 2022
Change to condition 3 – Time Limit for Proposal Implementation. Extension of time limit of five years to 18 November 2025. Read more...Last updated: July 23, 2020
Changes to Condition 3 in order to extend the Time Limit of Authorisation for commencement of the proposal. Read more...Last updated: July 21, 2020
ACH Minerals proposes to develop the Kundip Mine Site located approximately 17 km south-east of Ravensthorpe in the Shire of Ravensthorpe. The proposal involves the development and operation of a gold and copper mine including open cut and underground mining, processing facilities, waste rock landforms, a tailings storage facility and associated infrastructure. The project will have an 8 year mine life and a disturbance area of 244.7 hectares including 197.8 hectares of native vegetation within... Read more...Last updated: January 24, 2018
The Shire of Denmark proposes to extend the existing quarry and crush limesand within an A Class Parkland and Recreation Reserve vested in the Shire of Denmark. Read more...Last updated: May 4, 2015
The proposal is for the dredging of 12 million cubic metres of sediments to widen and deepen the existing shipping channel into Princess Royal Harbour and to extend the shipping channel into King George Sound to allow access of cape-size vessels to the Port. Dredged material will be disposed offshore at a location in King George Sound. A portion of the dredged material will be used for reclamation of up to 9 hectares of Princess Royal Harbour to construct a new berth (Berth 7). Inquiry under... Read more...Last updated: October 24, 2014
The construction and operation of an open pit magnetite mine located approximately 90 kilometres east-north-east of Albany, and pipelines for ore slurry transport and return water, connecting the mine site and new port loading facilities in the Port of Albany. Inquiry into amending the conditions of Ministerial Statement 816 (extension of term). Read more...Last updated: August 9, 2013
Plan for the future urban development and conservation of Lots 37, 38 and Part Lot 39 Elizabeth Street, Lots 2, 3, and 286 Alison Parade, Lot 1000, 1001 and Part Lot 42 Lower King Road, Part Lot 1 Yatana Road, Location 476 Sibbald Road and Lot 0 Bayonet Head, within the Bayonet Head Outline Development Plan Area (as defined in City of Albany Town Planning Scheme No. 3). Read more...Last updated: June 13, 2013
The proposal is to develop a residential subdivision on Lots 3000 (formerly Lot 1512) and 1523 Emu Point Drive, Albany and provide associated infrastructure. Inquiry under s46 into a requested change of conditions of Ministerial Statement 894 . Read more...Last updated: November 22, 2011
The proposal involves the construction and operation of an open pit magnetite mine located approximately 90 kilometres east-north-east of Albany, and pipelines for ore slurry transport and return water, connecting the mine site and new port loading facilities in the Port of Albany. Read more...Last updated: December 3, 2010
The proposal is for the dredging of 12 million cubic metres of sediments to widen and deepen the existing shipping channel into Princess Royal Harbour and to extend the shipping channel into King George Sound to allow access of cape-size vessels to the Port. Dredged material will be disposed offshore at a location in King George Sound. A portion of the dredged material will be used for reclamation of up to 9 hectares of Princess Royal Harbour to construct a new berth (Berth 7). Read more...Last updated: September 6, 2010
Revised proposal by the Esperance Port Authority (EsPA) to increase iron ore export from the Esperance Port at a rate of up to 8 million tonnes per annum (Mtpa). Read more...Last updated: February 19, 2009
LandCorp proposes to construct a boat harbour for commercial and recreational craft through the expansion of the existing Albany Town Jetty with a breakwater that will shelter a 6.6 hectare area of water. Read more...Last updated: January 14, 2009
The request for the EP A to inquire into the environmental conditions and commitments under section 46 resulted from the Water Corporation applying to add an additional tree farm (Albany Tree Farm 2) to the existing proposal. This additional area, which did not include a treated wastewater storage dam, would not be licensed under Part V of the Act under licensing procedures applying at that time. A decision was made, therefore, to include the additional tree farm in the original proposal by a... Read more...Last updated: March 28, 2007
Inquiry under s46 regarding splitting Ministerial Statement 421 into two separate statements to allow different proponents for separate components of the project. Read more...Last updated: April 28, 2006
The proposal is to reclaim a maximum of 3.5 hectares (ha) of Hanover Bay in Princess Royal Harbour to create a commercial and urban development along the Albany foreshore. This development involves tourist and residential accommodation, and industrial and maritime uses. As part of the development plan, it is proposed to provide services including drainage, sewerage, and connection to water mains and power. The foreshore redevelopment is part of a larger redevelopment plan for the Town of Albany. Read more...Last updated: August 14, 2001
The proposal is for construction and operation of facilities for annual export of 1.5 million tonnes of iron-ore, including the installation of a railcar dumper facility, iron ore storage, dust control systems and conveyor and loading equipment. Inquiry under s46 into amending the conditions of Ministerial Statement 325 , specifically in relation to noise. Read more...Last updated: June 4, 1999
The proposal is for the mining and processing of up to 4 million tonnes per annum of nickel ore from Bandalup Hill approximately 35 kilometres east of Ravensthorpe, producing 30,000 tonnes per annum of nickel metal and 2,200 tonnes per annum of cobalt sulfide over a period of 20 years. Read more...