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Last updated: October 9, 1998
The proposal is to manage the environmental impact of a former liquid waste disposal site in Southern River Road, Gosnells. The site includes 13 unlined lagoons constructed from sand. Discharges to the lagoons included primarily septage and brewery wastes, however unknown quantities of other wastes were also discharged. Read more...Last updated: September 18, 1998
The proposal is for the subdivision of part Lot 402, Rae Road, Rockingham for Residential and Commercial Purposes and the ceding of the Parks and Recreation reserve and the important regional road reserve to the Crown. Read more...Last updated: August 21, 1998
The Water Corporation proposes to construct a 500mm-600mm diameter pressure sewer main and associated pump station to service the sewage requirements of residential development within the vicinity of the Ellenbrook Development located 26km north of the Perth CBD. Read more...Last updated: May 5, 1998
The proposal is to develop a soccer and recreation facility at lot 14 Progress Drive, Bibra Lake. The development is proposed for council owned land, within the Beliar Regional Park and System 6 Reserve M93 and the land proposed to be developed is zoned "Parks and Recreation". Read more...Last updated: April 6, 1998
The proposal is to rehabilitate the silica and concrete sand mine pit at Lot 166 Clifton Road, Canning Vale by establishing a golf course and recreation park. The proposal also includes an application to the Water and Rivers Commission for a well license to irrigate the proposed golf course. The site is located within the proclaimed Priority 2 Underground Water Pollution Control Area (UWPCA) of the Jandakot Water Mound and is within a Public Water Supply well field. Read more...Last updated: December 19, 1997
The proposal is to manage an additional 67 ,500m 3 of contaminated material as part of the rehabilitation of former industrial land at McCabe Street, Mosman Park . Clean-up of this industrial land commenced in 1995 and has been subject to three previous assessments (EPA Bulletins 324, 699 and 807). The proponents are seeking to amend the existing conditions of approval ( Ministerial Statement 338 ) under Section 46 of the, Environmental Protection Act 1986, to allow for disposal of the... Read more...Last updated: November 21, 1997
The proposal is to establish Class IV waste disposal cells at the proponent's existing Red Hill Waste Disposal Facility. These waste cells would provide for the disposal of low hazard wastes, including contaminated soils and household hazardous wastes, within the Perth metropolitan area. The facility is located approximately 12 km north east of Midland on Toodyay Road, Red Hill. Read more...Last updated: July 15, 1997
Main Roads of Western Australia has proposed to build further portions of the Roe Highway from Welshpool Road, Beckenham to South Street, Canning Vale. Main Roads has indicated that Roe Highway will provide access to areas of manufacturing concentration and access to the termini of National Highways, airports, ports, freight forwarding centres and major rail heads. In summary, Roe Highway along with Reid and Tonkin Highways, will join other arterial roads to provide easy access to these... Read more...Last updated: June 30, 1997
The proposal is to increase the production capacity of Tiwest's titanium dioxide plant at Kwinana. The proposal is to modify/expand the existing plant to allow an increase in production capacity from 80,000 tonne per annum (tpa) to 180,00 tpa of titanium dioxide pigment in three notional stages: Stage I: increase to 120,000 tpa, Stage 2: increase to 165,000 tpa and Stage 3: increase to nominally 180,000 tpa. The first and second stages of the expansion wilI require major modifications to... Read more...Last updated: May 26, 1997
Mrs A MMW Bennett proposes to dredge a portion of the Swan River to provide access for a 25 m long motor boat to an underground private boatshed at Lot 55 Saunders Street Mosman Park. Access to the boatshed would involve cutting a channel through a portion of foreshore land privately owned to High Water Mark but reserved for 'Parks and Recreation'. Public access is proposed to be maintained along the foreshore across the channel via swing footbridge. Read more...Last updated: May 19, 1997
The proposal is to to expand NufarmCoogee Pty Ltd's Chlor-alkali Plant at Kwinana to allow an increase in chlorine gas production to 42,000 tonnes per annum (tpa) through the installation of a new electrolysis processing circuit. Storage of chlorine held on site will rise from a nominal 50 tonnes to 150 tonnes. Read more...Last updated: November 6, 1996
The proposal is to dredge two channels to connect the Swan River with an internal artificial water body. Construction of the channel will involve: dredging of one 15m wide, 1 m deep channel through the System 6 area and near shore sandbars at the northern end of the wetland; the excavation of a 55m wide channel to -2.5m AHD, through the southern end of the tip site; plus the dredging of a 320m long, 55m wide navigation channel to -2.5m AHD through river shallows to connect with the main deep... Read more...Last updated: March 15, 1996
The proposal is to place contaminated materials into an enlarged portion of an engineered containment cell located onsite at McCabe Street in Mosman Park. The proponent wishes to increase the size of the containment cell and to amend the environmental conditions of Ministerial Statement 338 relating to removal of drainage outfalls at the site. This is the inquiry under s46 into the requested amendments. Read more...Last updated: November 21, 1994
Multiplex Constructions Pty Ltd are proposing a major residential development intended to provide some 3,650 residential lots on 495 ha of land located at Egerton, about 20km from Perth in the North East Corridor. Read more...Last updated: October 25, 1994
An alignment for the Perth-Darwin National Highway from Reid Highway to Muchea and a future public transport corridor have been included by the State Planning Commission in a major amendment to the Metropolitan Region Scheme for the North East Metropolitan Corridor (Amendment No. 950/33). The amendment proposes to reserve land necessary to accommodate the future highway and an adjacent public transit corridor. In view of the environmental issues associated with the highway proposal, the... Read more...Last updated: May 28, 1994
Oxleigh Holdings Pty Ltd proposes to develop part of Lot 2 near the corner of Alexander Drive and Gnangara Road Landsdale for residential purposes. A portion of this Lot known as 'Snake Swamp' was identified in recommendation M8 (Wanneroo Wetlands - Eastern Chain) of the Environmental Protection Authority's System Six report, as being valuable for conservation because of its wetland functions. Read more...Last updated: April 19, 1993
Metroplan - a planning strategy for the Perth metropolitan area released in 1990 - included a commitment to develop the Stirling Regional Centre, extending from Scarborough Beach Road in the south to the Stirling Rail Station and the City of Stirling municipal offices in the north. Development of this centre will entail the filling of the Cedric Street Wetland to accommodate the establishment of the 'core precinct'. The proposal is to relocate the ecological, hydrological and social... Read more...Last updated: November 23, 1992
The proposal is to develop a 30 hectare site on Lot 48 and Part Lot 35 Brixton Street, Kenwick, for mixed density housing. The land immediately to the north of this site is subject to a System 6 recommendation and is managed as a conservation reserve by the University of Western Australia, the owner of the land. The land, the subject of this proposal, is ecologically similar to the reserves north and south and forms a link between these areas. Read more...Last updated: May 19, 1992
The Water Authority of Western Australia has proposed to develop the western portion of the Jandakot Mound for both private and public water supply purposes. Read more...Last updated: May 13, 1992
An application for Renewal of Excavation Licence by Midland Brick Company Ltd was referred to the Environmental Protection Authority by the Shire of Swan in August 1990. the Authority assessed the environmental impact of the proposal by way of a Consultative Environmental Review in conjunction with four other nearby clay excavation proposals which, together with this proposal were thought to potentially impact on Ellen Brook Nature Reserve and to have common regional issues of rehabilitation... Read more...