This "Search Proposal" function provides all assessment documentation associated with a specific proposal, from referral through to Ministerial Statement, where relevant. Information on a specific proposal not available through this search function can be obtained by contacting DWER, EPA services:
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Last updated: January 24, 2001
The proposal is for a regional waste processing facility within the Kwinana Heavy Industrial Estate. The site is located on the Swan Coastal Plain approximately 30 kilometres south west of the Perth Central Business District and 3 kilometres north-west of the Town of Kwinana. The site is a large undeveloped piece of land which is adjacent to the British Petroleum (BP) refinery. The nearest residences are located to the north east in Hope Valley (approximately 2.6 kilometres) and to the east in... Read more...Last updated: December 11, 2000
The proposal is for the subdivision of approximately 89 hectares of land being Lot 502 bound by North Lake, Phoenix and Sudlow Roads and a rail reserve. The subdivision proposes approximately 190 lots for general industrial and mixed business use, and sets aside land for open space and road purposes. The site is immediately to the west of South Lake. South Lake is part of Beeliar Regional Park and Bushplan Site No. 254, and is subject to the provisions of the Environmental Protection (Swan... Read more...Last updated: July 13, 2000
The Proposal is for the construction and operation of a facility for the export of iron ore. The facility would consist of three separate parts; a marine component, a terrestrial component and a rail component- Constructed and operated by FPA, KIPL and Westrail respectively. Read more...Last updated: April 19, 2000
The Western Australian Planning Commission proposes to remediate portions of 50.56 hectares (ha) of government land along the Owen Anchorage coastline in South Coogee. Read more...Last updated: April 4, 2000
The proposal is to construct and operate an extension to the Bibra Lake Main Sewer. Read more...Last updated: March 13, 2000
Subdivision of Lots 1 and 2 Baldivis Road, City of Rockingham. Read more...Last updated: February 24, 2000
Inquiry under section 46 of the, Environmental Protection Act 1986, to change condition 4 of the existing environmental conditions relating to Tonkin Industrial Park Stage II development to be changed to allow the proponent to remediate the Tonkin Park Stage II site in Bassendean by the use of one or a combination of the following remediation options: Containment on site and/or Disposal at a landfill site Read more...Last updated: December 23, 1999
The Western Australian Sports Centre Trust proposes to construct a motor sports facility (the Kwinana International Motorplex) adjacent to Rockingham Road between Anketell and Thomas Roads, Kwinana. The EPA is aware that the Government has evaluated a number of sites and has chosen Kwinana as the preferred option. Read more...Last updated: December 16, 1999
Proposal by LandCorp to dredge, reclaim land and create up to three level lots at Lots 165-168, Henderson Road Cockburn for use by shipbuilding industry within the Northern Harbour of Jervoice Bay, which may include a ship-lift facility. Read more...Last updated: December 16, 1999
The Waste Management Division of the Department of Environmental Protection (the proponent), proposes to remediate the contaminated lands of the OMEX site located between Clayton Street and Purton Place in Bellevue, WA. The Proponent has assumed responsibility for remediating the contamination caused by the previous operator of the site, Western Oil Refining Company. Read more...Last updated: December 7, 1999
The proposal is to demolish the existing buildings on site, remediate the site, and develop it for a number of uses, including residential, special commercial, tourist and recreational uses, as shown in the proposed Burswood Peninsula Precinct Plan. Read more...Last updated: October 29, 1999
Proposal to redevelop the Harvey and Stirling Reservoir system in order to divert an additional quantity of water from the Harvey Basin for the Perth Metropolitan Water Supply Scheme (PMWSS). The proposal involves the construction of a new pipeline from Harris Sam to Stirling Reservoir to enable transfer of water. Read more...Last updated: October 17, 1999
Proposal to deviate the alignment of Kalamunda Road around the southern perimeter of the Guildford Cemetery. Read more...Last updated: August 20, 1999
The proposal is to update and reopen the existing Toodyay Abattoir to comply with local, state and federal government requirements, including meeting all Environmental Protection Authority and other relevant government requirements. This is an inquiry under s46 in regard to a request for a change to environmental conditions of Ministerial Statement 221 . Read more...Last updated: July 22, 1999
Saracen Properties Pty Ltd propose to construct and operate a brick and tile manufacturing plant in Hazelmere, south of the Midland town center, approximately 16 km north-east of the Perth metropolitan area. Read more...Last updated: June 30, 1999
The proposal is to subdivide a 19.7 hectare lot into two lots of two hectares, each one lot of 15.7 hectares. The land contains Threatened Ecological Communities. Read more...Last updated: June 4, 1999
The Western Australian Planning Commission proposes to rezone the majority of the Forrestfield Marshalling Yards to "Industrial" from the current Metropolitan Region Scheme reservation of "Railways" and to relocate the "Important Regional Road" (Dundas Road) to a site within the Forrestfield Marshalling Yards. Read more...Last updated: April 27, 1999
The proposal is to subdivide lots 5,8,9 and 10 Haigh Road (Garden Street) and lots 15 and 16 Shreeve Road, Canning Vale (City of Gosnells) for residential purposes. The subdivision has a gross area of approximately 12 hectares. It includes approximately 150 single residential lots ranging in size from around 480 square metres to around 815 square metres, several duplex size lots, public open space and roads. Read more...Last updated: April 27, 1999
The proposal is to subdivide for residential purposes Lot 11 Bridge road and Lot 6 Haigh Road, Canning Vale. The subdivision has a gross area of approximately 3.2 hectares. It includes approximately 27 single residential lots ranging in size from around 540 square metres, several duplex size lots, public open space and roads. Read more...Last updated: February 17, 1999
The scope and objectives of the East Gnangara Environmental Water Provisions Plan encompassed a number of factors, including: identification of ecosystem components with high environmental and social values, determination of environmental water requirements (EWRs) and EWPs for each ecosystem component, determination of quantity of water available for public and private groundwater abstraction, computer modelling of differing abstraction scenarios to model likely impact of groundwater... Read more...