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Last updated: October 31, 2006
The proposal involves the construction and operation of an approximately 2.8 million tonnes per annum mineral sands mine and concentrator plant on part Swan Location 128, 354 & 508, Lot 2; part Swan Location 128 & 340, Lot 3; part Swan Location 128, 354, 355, 506, Lot 9; Swan Location 506; portion of each of Swan Locations 354 & 508, Lot 1 and part Swan Location 511 & 536, Lot 7, near the intersection of Brand Highway and Dewar Road, approximately 2.5 kilometres north-west of... Read more...Last updated: May 25, 2006
The proposal is for residential development on the East Clontarf site, approximately 18ha in size. The site is bounded by Manning Road, Centenary Avenue and the Canning River. It is zoned Urban in the Metropolitan Region Scheme (MRS) and Residential in the City of South Perth Town Planning Scheme. The foreshore area adjacent to the proposed development is identified for protection as Bush Forever site 333 and reserved for Parks and Recreation in the MRS. Read more...Last updated: January 25, 2006
Main Roads Western Australia (MRWA), propose to construct an On-ramp from Abernethy Road to Tonkin Highway, Kewdale. This report provides the Environmental Protection Authority’s (EPA’s) advice and recommendations as required by Section 44 of the, Environmental Protection Act 1986, to the Minister for the Environment, on the environmental factors relevant to the proposal. Read more...Last updated: December 28, 2005
The proposal is to construct and operate a 23-kilometre pipeline from Kwinana Junction, in Kwinana to Hopelands (between Punrak Road and Henderson Road). This proposal is known as the Southern Looping Project, and comprises loop 10. The proponent has also referred a proposal to construct and operate a 194-kilometre pipeline from Compressor Station 1 south of Karratha, to Compressor Station 9, north of Gingin. This proposal, known as the Northern Looping Project , and comprising loops 1 to 9,... Read more...Last updated: December 21, 2005
The Red Hill quarry, located at Lot 11 Toodyay Road, Red Hill has been in operation since late 1997. The quarrying operation involves the extraction of hard rock from the West Pit by blasting and/or excavation by wheeled loader. Quarried rock is then transferred to the onsite crushing and screening plant where it is converted into the various products required in the construction of buildings, roads, railways and other infrastructure. The approval of this proposal in 1991 included two quarry... Read more...Last updated: December 7, 2005
Inquiry under Section 46(1) of the, Environmental Protection Act 1986, , on whether the conditions of the implementation of Ridgepoynt Pty Ltd's (Ridgepoynt) proposal, to remediate the Tonkin Park Industrial site by containment of the waste on-site in a cell, should be changed. Specifically, the conditions regarding the timeline for implementation, ongoing monitoring of the groundwater and ongoing management of the cell are to be reviewed. Read more...Last updated: October 17, 2005
Proposal by Wambo Power Ventures Pty Ltd (WPV) to construct and operate a 320 megawatt (MW) continuous base load, combined cycle gas turbine (CCGT) power station situated in Kwinana. Read more...Last updated: October 5, 2005
CSBP Limited propose to remediate the former Cresco site in Bayswater. There is up to 280,000 m 3 of contaminated soil present on site. The contamination was caused by the disposal of pyritic wastes or cinders, lead chamber washings, sodium bisulphate, den-scrubber effluent, superphosphate and other building wastes during the site’s history. The cinders, sodium bisulphate and den-scrubber effluent were deposited in excavated pits while the other wastes were disposed of on a more random basis.... Read more...Last updated: September 21, 2005
CSBP currently produces approximately 235,000 tpa of ammonium nitrate at its Kwinana operations which are located within the Kwinana Industrial Area. This proposal is to expand the ammonium nitrate production capacity to approximately 580,000 tpa by debottlenecking and duplicating its existing facilities. The expansion includes: duplication and/or debottlenecking of the existing 500 tpd nitric acid plant; duplication and/or debottlenecking of the existing 635 tpd ammonium nitrate reaction plant... Read more...Last updated: August 31, 2005
The City of Gosnells proposes to amalgamate 23 individual lots within Campbell Estate totalling 49.32ha, then subdivide this into three lots to create: a ‘core’ conservation area incorporating significant high quality wetlands (6.9ha); a ‘buffer’ to the conservation area that will also provide some stormwater management (2.38ha); and a residential development area (34.7ha). The remaining 10.68ha, which is included in the Campbell Road Estate ODP is not part of this proposal. Read more...Last updated: August 31, 2005
Inquiry under s46 into the environmental conditions applying to management of the Gnangara and Jandakot groundwater mounds. Three statements are applicable to this request, namely Nos 253 , 438 and 496 . The Department of Environment, on behalf of the Water and Rivers Commission, prepared a review of the environmental conditions applying to management of the Gnangara and Jandakot groundwater mounds and proposed a number of changes to conditions and commitments in these statements. Read more...Last updated: June 23, 2005
The proposal is to install improved pollution control equipment on the Liquor Burner at Kwinana in order to reduce emissions. The existing pollution control equipment on the Liquor Burner consists of a primary and secondary cyclone with water scrubbing. The proposed pollution control equipment consists of a primary cyclone, filter, wet scrubber and a regenerative thermal oxidiser (RTO). The stack height would also be increased. Alcoa predicts the proposed equipment will result in reductions of... Read more...Last updated: March 4, 2005
The proposal is to construct and operate the South West Metropolitan Railway from Perth to Mandurah. The proposal includes the establishment of rail infrastructure between Perth and Mandurah with the northern section of the line running from the Perth Central Business District to Anketell tunnel via the Kwinana Freeway. South of the Anketell tunnel, the proposed railway passes through the local government areas of the Town of Kwinana, the City of Rockingham and the City of Mandurah, and... Read more...Last updated: January 4, 2005
Inquiry under section 46 of the, Environmental Protection Act 1986, regarding amendments to conditions for the Cockburn 2 proposal. Read more...Last updated: January 4, 2005
Proposal by Western Power Corporation (Western Power) to construct and operate a second 240MW combined cycle gas turbine (CCGT) unit (known as Cockburn 2) on its site located in Kwinana, Western Australia. Read more...Last updated: December 30, 2004
The City of Wanneroo intends to construct an extension of Hepburn Avenue between Mirrabooka Avenue and The Avenue, in Landsdale. The major components of project include the: relocation of flora and fauna; collection of seeds; clearing of vegetation; mulching; stripping and stockpiling of topsoil; earthworks, including disposal of surplus spoil; re-spreading of topsoil; spreading of mulch; construction of the road; and management of adjacent land for conservation. Read more...Last updated: November 25, 2004
Australian Gold Reagents Pty Ltd (AGR) proposes a review of its Ministerial conditions relating to the manufacture, storage and transport of sodium cyanide in order to clarify their intent, remove obsolete or confusing aspects, update standard conditions and consolidate the relevant conditions into one Statement. Read more...Last updated: November 17, 2004
The Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) has been required by the Minister for the Environment to provide further assessment on the proposal by James Point Pty Ltd (JPPL) to construct and operate a private container and general cargo Port (referred to as the Stage 1 Port) to the north of James Point in Cockburn Sound. See the original assessment here . Read more...Last updated: November 14, 2004
The proposal is to construct and operate Stage 1 of a container and general cargo port, consisting of dredged channels, turning basin and berthing pocket, a cargo wharf on reclaimed land, an off-shore breakwater and associated cargo handling facilities, to the north of James Point in Cockburn Sound. The land area to be developed is located in the Kwinana Industrial Area within the Town of Kwinana. It is envisaged that the port will handle a range of cargoes, notably livestock, though other... Read more...Last updated: October 13, 2004
The proposal is to establish a Resource Recovery Facility (RRF) to process 100 ,00 tonnes per annum of municipal solid waste (MSW) in the Neerabup Industrial Area (NIA), City of Wanneroo Read more...