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Last updated: July 15, 1992
The land, Swan Location 887, is 16.59ha, and is owned by Midland Brick Company Pty Ltd. The proposal is to subdivide and develop the land to create seven "Special rural" lots ranging in size from 1.02ha to 5.64ha, and a 2.16ha lake foreshore area to be given up as public open space. The site is currently zoned "Special Rural" under the City of Wanneroo's Town Planning Scheme No 1, Zone Number 7. These zones are managed by the local authority through special provisions... Read more...Last updated: July 9, 1992
The proposal is to collect an existing backlog of waste polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and chlorinated pesticides which are stored at various centres in Western Australia and export them to the United Kingdom for destruction by high temperature incineration at the Rechem facilities at Fawley and Pontypool. The proposal does not cover waste which may be generated in the future as it is unlikely these materials would ever be used again in Western Australia. Environmental issues relating to... Read more...Last updated: July 1, 1992
Proposal to build and operate a landfill to take waste from the City of Rockingham and, for a fee, waste from other councils. Read more...Last updated: June 30, 1992
The proposal is to build a primary school at Larsen Road, Byford, in the Shire of Serpentine-Jarrahdale. The proposed school will be located about 35km south-east of Perth and is intended to accommodate about 250 students. The site lies at the base of the foothills. It is currently privately-owned land and used for grazing cattle. The ground on which the school is to be located contains a considerable amount of clay which, because of its impermeable nature, gives rise to substantial run-off... Read more...Last updated: June 25, 1992
The State Energy Commission have agreed to a request by the Department of Planning and Urban Development to change the proposed route of the Harvey - Kvvinana 330kV transmission line at Mandogalup (near Kwinana). The proposed realignment requires amendments to the environmental conditions of Ministerial Statement 41 , and this is the inquiry under s46 into the proposed amendments. Read more...Last updated: June 23, 1992
Swan Portland Cement propose to quarry limestone and construct and operate a quicklime plant in the Nowergup area, approximately 13 km north of Wanneroo. Read more...Last updated: May 29, 1992
The proposal is to excavate clay on Lots 23 and 51 Apple Street, Upper Swan, west of the Great Northern Highway and about 14km north of Midland. The property, which has been cleared of native vegetation and developed for pasture, is situated about 300 metres south-west of the fenced-off Wildlife Sanctuary at Ellen Brook Nature Reserve and less than 100 metres east of the Upper Swan townsite. The proposed excavation site would be about 120 metres from planned extensions to the Wildlife Sanctuary... Read more...Last updated: May 29, 1992
The proposal is to excavate clay on lots 21 and 22 Apple Street, Upper Swan, immediately west of Great Northern Highway and about 14km north of Midland. Lots 21 and 22, which are mainly cleared of native vegetation and developed for pasture, are situated about 200 metres south of the fenced-off Wildlife Sanctuary at Ellen Brook Nature Reserve and 500 metres east of the upper Swan townsite. The proposed excavation would be within 100 metres of planned extensions to the Wildlife Sanctuary for the... Read more...Last updated: May 29, 1992
The proposal is to excavate clay on Lot 6 Almeria Parade, Upper Swan, west of Great Northern Highway and Ellen Brook Nature Reserve, and about 14km north of Midland. The deposit of highly plastic clay occurs as a shallow clay pan which would be excavated and rehabilitated to a series of interconnecting dams within a three-year period. The clay would be mined in the dry season and carted to Midland for making bricks. Read more...Last updated: May 20, 1992
The City of Bayswater proposes to further rehabilitate and develop for passive recreation approximately 12 hectares of existing public open space situated on the former Bayswater Rubbish Tip adjoining the Swan River. The 12ha site is bounded on the eastern side by Milne Street, and on the western side by the Bayswater Main Drain. The area is proposed to be redeveloped by placing a 600mm layer of sand landfill on top of the existing surface of the site. The existing surface is currently grassed... Read more...Last updated: May 19, 1992
The Water Authority of Western Australia has proposed to develop the western portion of the Jandakot Mound for both private and public water supply purposes. Read more...Last updated: May 13, 1992
An application for Renewal of Excavation Licence by Midland Brick Company Ltd was referred to the Environmental Protection Authority by the Shire of Swan in August 1990. the Authority assessed the environmental impact of the proposal by way of a Consultative Environmental Review in conjunction with four other nearby clay excavation proposals which, together with this proposal were thought to potentially impact on Ellen Brook Nature Reserve and to have common regional issues of rehabilitation... Read more...Last updated: May 8, 1992
The proposal is to rezone, subdivide and develop Lot 415 Gaebler Road, Banjup to create nine Special Rural lots ranging in size from 2ha to 3.3ha. The site is currently zoned Rural under the City of Cockburn's District Zoning Scheme No. 1. As part of the rezoning process it is intended to apply special provisions to the development to control land use. The proposed scheme provisions form part of the proposal and are extremely important in aiding the management of environmental impacts... Read more...Last updated: May 5, 1992
The proposal involves the creation of a nature reserve and bird sanctuary and breeding ground for waterfowl, which would utilise existing wetlands as well as create additional wetlands habitats. The area of the lot is approximately 5.6 hectares. The proponent seeks to retain existing vegetation, as well as planting additional native plant species and an area of eucalypts to assist both in the establishment/maintenance of wildlife habitats and with the reduction of nutrients. Read more...Last updated: May 1, 1992
Special rural rezoning subdivision and development Lot 52 Braddock Road, Wellard Read more...Last updated: May 1, 1992
Town Planning Scheme No 2 - Amendment No 15, Lot 125 Doley Road and Lot 126 Orton Road, Byford. Read more...Last updated: April 22, 1992
Special Rural Rezoning, subdivision and development of Lot 683, Loyn Road Mandogalup Read more...Last updated: April 14, 1992
Proposal to rezone, subdivide and develop Swan Locations 934, 2383, 2482 portion location 934 and Lot 2 to create 145 "Special Rural" lots ranging in size from 1 ha to 1.297 ha. The site is currently zoned "Rural" under the City of Wanneroo's Town Planning Scheme No 1. Read more...Last updated: April 14, 1992
The proposal involves rezoning, subdivision and development of land bounded by Russell Road to the north, Rockingham Road to the east, Regional Open Space to the south and the proposed Fremantle-Rockingham Highway to the west for industria! purposes. lt is proposed to rezone a portion of the land from Rural to General Industry, and the remainder from Rural to Parks and Recreation. The boundary ol the proposed Parks and Recreation land would be consistent with the adopted boundary of the Beeliar... Read more...Last updated: April 2, 1992
The proposal is to recommence market garden operations and to irrigate up to 52 hectares for approximately eight months of the year. It is proposed that during the period December - March the area of market garden will be between 30 and 40 hectares so that groundwater abstraction is not in excess of groundwater well licence conditions. The proponent has not indicated the types of crop to be grown, but estimates that average phosphorus applications will be approximately 91 kilograms/annum/... Read more...