This "Search Proposal" function provides all assessment documentation associated with a specific proposal, from referral through to Ministerial Statement, where relevant. Information on a specific proposal not available through this search function can be obtained by contacting DWER, EPA services:
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Last updated: January 6, 1995
Reid Highway is identified on the Metropolitan Region Scheme as a 'Controlled Access Highway'. When completed, Reid Highway would connect the Mitchell Freeway and Marmion Avenue in the west with Roe Highway just north of Midland. This proposal is for the 8.3km section of Reid Highway between Beechboro Road and the Great Northern Highway/Roe Highway intersection, which would complete the link between Mitchell Freeway and Roe Highway. Read more...Last updated: April 18, 1994
This is an inquiry under s46 regarding a proposal to subdivide the northern portion of Lot 121 Illawarra Crescent, Malaga into 45 separate industrial lots. Lots fronting Illawarra Crescent are proposed for showroom/semi-commercial use. IBT's brick and tile manufacturing facility is located on the south side of Lot 121. In the original proposal approved by the Minister for the Environment ( Ministerial Statement 3 , 1 September 1987) the northern portion of the lot was intended to serve as... Read more...Last updated: March 8, 1994
The former Gasworks site at East Perth was used for the production of gas from coal between 1922 and 1971. Since decommissioning of the gas plant in 1971, structures have been progressively demolished. The site is now used as a services depot by the State Energy Commission of Western Australia, which is the owner of the site. As a result of past operations, extensive contamination by coal tars, including known carcinogenic and toxic organic chemicals, exists on the site and in adjacent areas of... Read more...Last updated: August 5, 1993
Ransberg Pty Ltd (the proponent) proposes to open up a hard-rock quarry located about 4km east of Mundijong in the Darling Ranges. The Environmental Protection Authority previously assessed the quarry proposal and reported in December 1992 ( Bulletin 662 ). The Environmental Protection Authority concluded that the proposal was environmentally acceptable provided that, before the quarry was expanded such that it would be visible from the Swan Coastal Plain, the proponent obtain further approval... Read more...