This "Search Proposal" function provides all assessment documentation associated with a specific proposal, from referral through to Ministerial Statement, where relevant. Information on a specific proposal not available through this search function can be obtained by contacting DWER, EPA services:
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Last updated: January 20, 2011
The proposal is for the construction and operation of two nominal 229 Megawatt (208 Megawatt net sent-out) subcritical coal-fired base-load generation plants (i.e. Bluewaters Power Station Phases III and IV) on a site adjacent to the existing Bluewaters Phase I and Phase II generating plants located approximately 4.5 kilometres north-east of Collie. The proposal also involves the construction and operation of an approximately 63 kilometre long wastewater discharge pipeline following the same... Read more...Last updated: November 4, 2010
Identification of potential corridors and areas for future installation of water and waste water pipelines and associated infrastructure throughout the southern suburbs of Perth. Read more...Last updated: September 17, 2010
The proposal is to construct and operate the Coolimba Power Station on a site located approximately 15 kilometres (km) south-south-west of Eneabba, and to establish an approximately 20 km long and 100 metre (m) wide infrastructure corridor that will accommodate the construction and operation of: a natural gas pipeline lateral to connect the power station to either the Dampier to Bunbury Natural Gas Pipeline (DBNGP) or the Parmelia Gas Pipeline; and a 330 kV electricity transmission line to... Read more...Last updated: December 1, 2009
The proposal is to construct a deepwater port to service fully loaded Panamax sized vessels (65 000 DWT) at Oakajee, approximately 23 kilometres north of Geraldton. Three site locations (north, south and central) and two different design options (inshore and off-shore) were considered in developing the proposal. The design option favoured by the proponent is an in-shore port design at the northern sector. The port study area is approximately 23 kilometres north of Geraldton. The port will... Read more...Last updated: March 13, 2009
The proposal involves the construction and operation of a 40 Megawatt power plant fuelled by up to 380,000 tonnes (+/-10%) per annum of, Eucalyptus globulus, (Bluegum) and pine plantation wastes, a pipeline for water supply, and a power line connecting the power plant to the sub-station. Read more...Last updated: February 12, 2009
The proposal is to develop an iron ore (haematite) mine at Jack Hills approximately 100 km west of Meekatharra. The project will have a lifespan of approximately seven years (five years of mining, two years of closure activities) and will be a contract mining operation. The project will consist of an open cut mine with one pit up to 140 metres deep (approximately 41.2 MT of ore and waste rock). The floor of the pit will be above the watertable and the pit will not be backfilled. Product will be... Read more...Last updated: March 20, 2008
The proposal is to establish materials stockpiling and handling facilities with a capacity of approximately 4 million tonnes at Cape Preston, approximately 60km west-south-west of Dampier. Read more...Last updated: July 12, 2007
The proposal is for the construction and operation of an ethanol bio-refinery on a 19 hectare site in the Kwinana Industrial Area. Read more...Last updated: October 31, 2006
The proposal involves the construction and operation of an approximately 2.8 million tonnes per annum mineral sands mine and concentrator plant on part Swan Location 128, 354 & 508, Lot 2; part Swan Location 128 & 340, Lot 3; part Swan Location 128, 354, 355, 506, Lot 9; Swan Location 506; portion of each of Swan Locations 354 & 508, Lot 1 and part Swan Location 511 & 536, Lot 7, near the intersection of Brand Highway and Dewar Road, approximately 2.5 kilometres north-west of... Read more...Last updated: June 30, 2006
The proposal is to develop a mineral sand mine one kilometre north of the township of Waroona, which is approximately 140 km south of Perth. The area for assessment has been identified as Mining Tenements M70/735, M70/797 and M70/1089. Read more...Last updated: May 17, 2006
The proposal is for the development of a titanium minerals mine at Tutunup, approximately 20 km east of Busselton. The proposal has the following main components: disturbance of 120 hectares of mainly cleared agricultural land; construction of water and fines dams, and topsoil, tails and overburden stockpiles; dewatering and mining, using dry mining techniques at up to two million tonnes per annum; abstraction of groundwater from the Yarragadee aquifer for process use; haulage of the Heavy... Read more...Last updated: December 5, 2005
The proposal is to expand Hamersley Iron's iron ore operations at Dampier Port from 95 million tonnes per annum (Mtpa) to 120 Mtpa. The Hamersley Iron Dampier Port operations include rail and port facilities, rail maintenance workshops, a 120MW power station, laboratories and other service and administrative functions. The port operations are located at two terminals – Parker Point (PP) and East Intercourse Island (EII). The proposal is to increase the capacity of the Parker Point terminal... Read more...Last updated: October 17, 2005
The proposal is to construct and operate a 330MW capacity advanced sub-critical coal-fired power station (known as Collie B) at the Collie Power Station Site, immediately adjacent to the existing ‘Collie A’ Power Station. It will be an advanced sub-critical coal fired base-load generation facility with a nominal generating capacity of up to 330MW. The Collie B Power Station will supply electricity to Western Power for the South West Interconnected System (SWIS) under the SWIS Power Procurement... Read more...Last updated: September 21, 2005
CSBP currently produces approximately 235,000 tpa of ammonium nitrate at its Kwinana operations which are located within the Kwinana Industrial Area. This proposal is to expand the ammonium nitrate production capacity to approximately 580,000 tpa by debottlenecking and duplicating its existing facilities. The expansion includes: duplication and/or debottlenecking of the existing 500 tpd nitric acid plant; duplication and/or debottlenecking of the existing 635 tpd ammonium nitrate reaction plant... Read more...Last updated: June 13, 2005
Wesfarmers Energy Limited proposes to construct and operate the 300MW Collie B Power Station on a site directly adjacent to the existing Collie A Power Station and located approximately 10km east-north-east of Collie. It will be a supercritical coal-fired base-load generation facility with a nominal generating capacity of approximately 300MW. The Collie B Power Station will supply electricity to the South West Interconnected System (SWIS). Read more...Last updated: November 17, 2004
The Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) has been required by the Minister for the Environment to provide further assessment on the proposal by James Point Pty Ltd (JPPL) to construct and operate a private container and general cargo Port (referred to as the Stage 1 Port) to the north of James Point in Cockburn Sound. See the original assessment here . Read more...Last updated: December 4, 2003
The Conservation Commission of Western Australia has prepared through the agency of the Department of Conservation and Land Management, a Proposed Forest Management Plan to apply to the Swan, South West and Warren Regions of the Department of Conservation and Land Management during 2004-2013. This is the EPA's assessment of the environmental factors relating to the proposed plan and the Authority's advice and recommendations to the Minister for Environment. Read more...Last updated: November 24, 2003
Proposal by Hamersley Iron to increase the capacity of its Dampier Port operations from 80 million tonnes per annum (Mtpa) (licensed capacity) to 95 Mtpa. Read more...Last updated: August 11, 2003
Proposal by Ace Nominees Pty Ltd (ANPL) to construct and operate an outdoor entertainment venue on Lot 2 Toodyay Road, Red Hill which is located adjacent to the northern boundary of the John Forrest National Park (JFNP). Read more...Last updated: August 6, 2003
The proposal is for a poultry litter fired power station at a site approximately 70 kilometres north of Perth on the Brand Highway near Muchea. The power station would receive poultry litter from farms across the broad Perth region. Delivery would be by covered trucks, which would enter the enclosed litter reception shed and tip onto a concrete floor. A front-end loader would be used to place the litter on to a conveyor which would place it on the stockpile. The trucks would be washed down... Read more...