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Last updated: October 31, 2006
The proposal involves the construction and operation of an approximately 2.8 million tonnes per annum mineral sands mine and concentrator plant on part Swan Location 128, 354 & 508, Lot 2; part Swan Location 128 & 340, Lot 3; part Swan Location 128, 354, 355, 506, Lot 9; Swan Location 506; portion of each of Swan Locations 354 & 508, Lot 1 and part Swan Location 511 & 536, Lot 7, near the intersection of Brand Highway and Dewar Road, approximately 2.5 kilometres north-west of... Read more...Last updated: June 30, 2006
The proposal is to develop a mineral sand mine one kilometre north of the township of Waroona, which is approximately 140 km south of Perth. The area for assessment has been identified as Mining Tenements M70/735, M70/797 and M70/1089. Read more...Last updated: June 29, 2006
The proponent proposes to construct and operate a number of looping sections adjacent (and connected) to the existing underground gas transmission pipeline within the DBNGP corridor. There are nine separate looping sections proposed from CS 1 south of Karratha, to CS 9, north of Gingin. Looping is a process of duplicating an existing pipeline between compressor stations for a certain distance. Once the specified distance is reached, it then ties back to the parallel pipeline. This design... Read more...Last updated: May 25, 2006
The proposal is for residential development on the East Clontarf site, approximately 18ha in size. The site is bounded by Manning Road, Centenary Avenue and the Canning River. It is zoned Urban in the Metropolitan Region Scheme (MRS) and Residential in the City of South Perth Town Planning Scheme. The foreshore area adjacent to the proposed development is identified for protection as Bush Forever site 333 and reserved for Parks and Recreation in the MRS. Read more...Last updated: March 28, 2006
The proposal is for the developing of mining operations at the areas of Trilogy and Kundip, construction of a haul road, construction and operation of a processing plant, and disposal of tailings at the RAV 8 site. Read more...Last updated: January 25, 2006
Main Roads Western Australia (MRWA), propose to construct an On-ramp from Abernethy Road to Tonkin Highway, Kewdale. This report provides the Environmental Protection Authority’s (EPA’s) advice and recommendations as required by Section 44 of the, Environmental Protection Act 1986, to the Minister for the Environment, on the environmental factors relevant to the proposal. Read more...Last updated: January 24, 2006
Proposal by BHP Billiton Iron Ore Pty Ltd (BHPBIO) to expand existing mining operations at Orebody 25 Mine (OB25), within mining lease (ML) 244SA. Read more...Last updated: December 28, 2005
The proposal is to construct and operate a 23-kilometre pipeline from Kwinana Junction, in Kwinana to Hopelands (between Punrak Road and Henderson Road). This proposal is known as the Southern Looping Project, and comprises loop 10. The proponent has also referred a proposal to construct and operate a 194-kilometre pipeline from Compressor Station 1 south of Karratha, to Compressor Station 9, north of Gingin. This proposal, known as the Northern Looping Project , and comprising loops 1 to 9,... Read more...Last updated: December 5, 2005
The proposal is to expand Hamersley Iron's iron ore operations at Dampier Port from 95 million tonnes per annum (Mtpa) to 120 Mtpa. The Hamersley Iron Dampier Port operations include rail and port facilities, rail maintenance workshops, a 120MW power station, laboratories and other service and administrative functions. The port operations are located at two terminals – Parker Point (PP) and East Intercourse Island (EII). The proposal is to increase the capacity of the Parker Point terminal... Read more...Last updated: September 21, 2005
CSBP currently produces approximately 235,000 tpa of ammonium nitrate at its Kwinana operations which are located within the Kwinana Industrial Area. This proposal is to expand the ammonium nitrate production capacity to approximately 580,000 tpa by debottlenecking and duplicating its existing facilities. The expansion includes: duplication and/or debottlenecking of the existing 500 tpd nitric acid plant; duplication and/or debottlenecking of the existing 635 tpd ammonium nitrate reaction plant... Read more...Last updated: August 31, 2005
The City of Gosnells proposes to amalgamate 23 individual lots within Campbell Estate totalling 49.32ha, then subdivide this into three lots to create: a ‘core’ conservation area incorporating significant high quality wetlands (6.9ha); a ‘buffer’ to the conservation area that will also provide some stormwater management (2.38ha); and a residential development area (34.7ha). The remaining 10.68ha, which is included in the Campbell Road Estate ODP is not part of this proposal. Read more...Last updated: March 4, 2005
The proposal is to construct and operate the South West Metropolitan Railway from Perth to Mandurah. The proposal includes the establishment of rail infrastructure between Perth and Mandurah with the northern section of the line running from the Perth Central Business District to Anketell tunnel via the Kwinana Freeway. South of the Anketell tunnel, the proposed railway passes through the local government areas of the Town of Kwinana, the City of Rockingham and the City of Mandurah, and... Read more...Last updated: September 20, 2004
Proposal to subdivide approximately 89 hectares of land being Lot 502 bounded by North Lake, Phoenix and Sudlow Roads and a rail reserve, for industrial and mixed business purposes. The proponent for the proposal is the Western Australian Land Authority trading as LandCorp (LandCorp). Read more...Last updated: July 8, 2004
The proposal is to construct an international standard motorsports complex in Picton, near Bunbury. This comprises a racing circuit, pit area, rally and off-road testing facility, grandstand, control centre, and associated roads and car parks. It is intended that accommodation and a racing technology park will be constructed at a later date. However, these will be subject to separate assessment, as will the use of the complex for other purposes, such as concerts. Read more...Last updated: June 25, 2004
Proposal by the Water Corporation to construct a Water Treatment Plant in Mundaring and Water Storage Tanks in Sawyers Valley. Read more...Last updated: May 12, 2003
Cable Sands (WA) Pty Ltd proposal to develop a mineral sands mine in a section of State Forest No.2, near Ludlow. Read more...Last updated: December 20, 2002
The proposal is for construction and operation of a methanol plant of 1.05 million tonnes per annum (Mt/a) nominal capacity, at Withnell East industrial area on the Burrup Peninsula The proposal includes the installation of a gas supply pipeline, product pipeline, seawater supply pipeline and wastewater discharge pipeline to be situated in infrastructure corridors for which the Department of Mineral and Petroleum Resources (MPR) will be proponent. The plant footprint will occupy approximately... Read more...Last updated: September 13, 2002
The proposal being assessed is for the diversion of 8 gigalitres a year (on average) (GL/yr) of unallocated water resources in the Samson Catchment to be diverted for public water supply, the construction of a pipe head dam and related infrastructure. The Samson Brook Redevelopment Scheme is a key element of the Water Corporation’s drought recovery plan. Read more...Last updated: July 2, 2002
The proposal is to undertake a hydrogeological research programme at the Marandoo mine site. Marandoo mine site, on Marandoo Mining Lease (M272SA), is 35 kilometres north-east of the town of Tom Price in the Pilbara, and abuts Karijini National Park. Read more...Last updated: March 1, 2002
The Western Australian government has committed to remediating three contaminated sites on the west side of Morangup Road, approximately 25km south-west of Toodyay. A small amount of contamination from Site C has entered Lot 12. This contamination will be removed as part of Site C’s remediation. Read more...