This "Search Proposal" function provides all assessment documentation associated with a specific proposal, from referral through to Ministerial Statement, where relevant. Information on a specific proposal not available through this search function can be obtained by contacting DWER, EPA services:
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Last updated: November 25, 2024
The Western Green Energy Hub is a proposal to design, construct and operate a large-scale wind and solar power project to produce value added products, with the base case assuming green ammonia production. The proposal is situated on WA Mirning Native Title determined land in the far southeast of Western Australia in the Shire of Dundas and City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder, to the northwest of Eucla in the South Coast Region. The proposal will be located on Unallocated Crown Land and pastoral leases... Read more...Last updated: November 25, 2024
Perdaman Chemicals and Fertilisers Pty Ltd intends to construct and operate a urea plant with a production capacity of approximately 2 million tonnes per annum (Mtpa) on Sites C and F within the Burrup Strategic Industrial Area (SIA) on the Burrup Peninsula. Both sites are located adjacent to the Murujuga National Park. The EPA considered the Study of the Cumulative Impacts of Air Emissions in the Murujuga Airshed in its assessment of the Perdaman Urea Project. Read more...Last updated: November 19, 2024
Saracen Properties Pty Ltd (representing 5 Star Margaret River Pty Ltd and The Beach Village Pty Ltd) proposes to develop various lots along Wallcliffe Road Gnarabup for a 121 room five star resort, and beach village comprising of short-stay accommodation, residential dwellings and commercial premises. The proposal development envelope is 8.11 hectares. The proposal is located on the western side of Wallcliffe Road, Gnarabup Beach. Following the seven day public comment period and consideration... Read more...Last updated: November 14, 2024
The Proposal is to construct and operate a new multimodal port in the Kwinana Industrial Area (KIA), approximately 30 km south of Perth. The Proposal includes: A port facility. Adjacent areas of landside development. An offshore breakwater. Dredging for a second main channel. Dredging for access channels, turning basins and berthing areas. Use of dredge material for beneficial re-use and, where required, placement in approved marine placement areas. Removal of the disused Kwinana Bulk Berth 1 (... Read more...Last updated: October 14, 2024
The Mid West Ports Authority is proposing marine infrastructure upgrades at the Port of Geraldton. The Proposal has a disturbance footprint of up to 38 hectares (ha), of which 17 ha is a new footprint and 21 ha the existing port, within a 75 ha development envelope. The Proposal is a significant amendment to the Geraldton Port Enhancement Project and Preparatory Works for the Town Beach Foreshore Redevelopment (Original Proposal) (Ministerial statement 600), and consists of: dredging and land... Read more...Last updated: September 16, 2024
The Proposal is to extend and redevelop the existing Army Groyne into a barge operations facility in South Thomson Bay at Wadjemup / Rottnest Island. The Proposal includes: Dredging for the purpose of construction for a breakwater/laydown area and for a barge turning circle. Use of dredge spoil for re-use as reclamation to create a laydown area. Extension of the existing Army Groyne to create a breakwater. Barge landing ramp. Ferry berth. Small craft landing facility. Fuel storage and... Read more...Last updated: August 12, 2024
Smiths 2014 Pty Ltd proposes to develop Lot 4131 Smiths Beach Road, Yallingup (City of Busselton) into a coastal tourism village, including: Hotel accommodation and wellness centre Campground 61 holiday homes Community hub and café Surf Lifesaving Club facilities and beach ramp The proposal is located at the southern end of Smiths Beach, adjacent to the Leeuwin Naturaliste National Park. The total proposed development envelope is 40.53 hectares (ha). The major elements of the proposal include:... Read more...Last updated: August 2, 2024
The Proposal will use combined onshore wind and solar energy of approximately 5.2 gigawatt (GW) capacity to produce green hydrogen which will be converted to an estimated 2 Million tonnes per annum (Mtpa) of green ammonia for export to emerging green energy markets. The Proposal is located within the Shire of Northampton, Western Australia (WA), approximately 20 km north of Kalbarri. The Proposal comprises the following major components: a wind and solar farm with a combined installed capacity... Read more...Last updated: July 31, 2024
The South West Development Commission is proposing an upgrade to the marine structures that are intended to meet existing demand and future requirements for small craft maritime infrastructure and include new mooring facilities for commercial and recreational vessels, floating jetties, a boat servicing facility, improved public ablution facilities and up upgraded boat launching and storage facilities. Read more...Last updated: July 23, 2024
This document has been prepared for the first future derived proposal of the Koombana Bay Marine Structures Strategic Proposal (Assessment Number 2049 and Ministerial Statement 1226), namely the Casuarina Boat Harbour (Figure 1 Proposal Content Document). This document supports the Department of Transport’s (DoT’s) request to the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) under section 38E of the Environmental Protection Act 1986 (EP Act) that the referred Casuarina Boat Harbour (CBH) future... Read more...Last updated: July 4, 2024
Time limit for substantial commencement, review of the adequacy of existing implementation conditions to ensure consistency with the EPA’s current objectives for each environmental factor. Read more...Last updated: May 9, 2024
The proposal is for the development of eco-friendly tourism accommodation including holiday units, a restaurant/function centre, and associated facilities, at Lot 660 La Perouse Court, Goode Beach. The proposed development envelope is 7.71 hectares (ha) and includes a 2.23 ha clearing footprint, a 0.402 ha wastewater reticulation zone, and a 5.02 ha conservation area. The proposal is located approximately 50m west of the Goode Beach foreshore and immediately east of Lake Vancouver, a... Read more...Last updated: February 19, 2024
The requested change relates to condition 3 of Ministerial Statement 1056 (as relevant to Ministerial Statement 891) for an extension to the Time Limit for Proposal Implementation for the proposal approved under MS 891. With the agreement of the proponent, the Environmental Protection Authority will take no further action in relation to the s.46 inquiry into the proposed changes to condition 3 of Ministerial Statement 1056 (as relevant to Ministerial Statement 891) Read more...Last updated: February 5, 2024
Province Resources Ltd propose to use combined onshore wind and solar energy to produce green hydrogen and ammonia for export to the green energy market. The proposal is distributed across 3 distinct locations within the Shire of Carnarvon, Western Australia. The proposal will comprise the following major elements: • up to 945 ha (6.8 GW) of wind turbines and up to 10,000 ha of solar arrays (5.2 GW) • a new multiuser port facility with a material offloading facility and export terminal •... Read more...Last updated: September 4, 2023
K plus S Salt Australia Pty Ltd is seeking approval to construct and operate a 3.5 million tonnes per annum (Mtpa) Solar Salt Project located approximately 40 km south-west of the township of Onslow, within the Shire of Ashburton. Read more...Last updated: July 31, 2023
The proposal will provide additional port facilities at Port Hedland to receive and stockpile the product from emerging miners, specifically the various mines owned by the proponent’s shareholders, and load this product onto ships for export. Each of the shareholders is exploring and developing new iron ore projects in the Pilbara, with one company actively mining ore and exporting through the existing facilities in the Port of Port Hedland. The current shareholders of the proponent are Atlas... Read more...Last updated: July 31, 2023
The proposal is to construct and operate port infrastructure which includes a stockyard facility, rail loop, conveyor, wharf and ship-loading facility at Port Hedland. Inquiry under s46 in response to a request to change condition 3 - Time Limit for Proposal Implementation of Ministerial Statement 891 . This proposal has been superseded by the Roy Hill Port Expansion Project . Read more...Last updated: July 31, 2023
The proposal is to construct and operate port infrastructure which includes a stockyard facility, rail loop, conveyor, wharf and ship-loading facility at Port Hedland. This proposal has been superseded by the Roy Hill Port Expansion Project . Read more...Last updated: July 31, 2023
The proposal is to construct and operate port infrastructure which includes a stockyard facility, rail loop, conveyor, wharf and ship-loading facility at Port Hedland. Inquiry under s46 regarding amending the conditions of Ministerial Statement 858 . This proposal has been superseded by the Roy Hill Port Expansion Project . Read more...Last updated: June 26, 2023
Inquiry into implementation Condition 10 (Terrestrial and Marine Quarantine Management System), Condition 16 (Long-term Marine Turtle Management Plan) and Condition 25 (Coastal Stability Management and Monitoring Plan) to ensure that they are effective and reflect a contemporary outcome-based condition setting. It is noted a preceding Section 46 inquiry into Ministerial 800 (dated 11-03-2023) has been requested by the Minister for Environment in relation to Conditions 9, and 15 (Inquiry 1).... Read more...