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Last updated: September 2, 2019
Brikmakers (BGC Australia Pty Ltd) propose to extract clay and sand at Lots 5 and 6 (1728) Great Northern Highway, Bullsbrook. The site was historically used for the grazing of cattle. Therefore, the majority of the site has been previously cleared of vegetation. Several stands of native trees are located mostly to the west of Lot 5 and to the north of Lot 6. The proposal would include the clearing of 7 hectares of native vegetation and excavation of up to 26 metres in depth. Read more...Last updated: September 2, 2019
The Commissioner of Main Roads is proposing to undertake modification works within the existing Tonkin Highway Road Reserve between Guildford Road and Hepburn Avenue. The proposed modification works allow for: Future upgrade of Tonkin Highway to a four lane ‘all-lane-running’ scenario Future construction and operation of a mass transit system within the Tonkin Highway media by other agencies. The proposed modification works will require realignment and reconstruction of the Tonkin Highway Road... Read more...Last updated: August 29, 2019
Italia Stone Group proposes to develop a hard rock quarry at Lot 800 Pruden Road Whitby, approximately 3.5 kilometres east of Mundijong in the Shire of Serpentine-Jarrahdale. The proposed quarry is on freehold land and is for the extraction of 50,000 to 100,000 tonnes of hard rock per annum for a period of 20 years. The material will be extracted by drill and blast methods and hauled by truck to a processing area for crushing and stockpiling on site. Read more...Last updated: August 21, 2019
Robe River Mining Co Pty Ltd is seeking to extend the existing Mesa A / Warramboo Iron Ore Mining Project by extending the existing mining operation and developing four new nearby deposits. The proposal is 43 kilometres west of Pannawonica in the Pilbara Region. The proposal would require an additional 3000 hectares of clearing of native vegetation, with some below water table mining. A water supply would also be required and discharge of any excess water to Warramboo Creek. Read more...Last updated: August 14, 2019
Fortescue Metals Group Limited proposes to build a 120 km railway linking their existing Solomon Mine with their proposed Eliwana Iron Ore Mine, located 90 km west-northwest of Tom Price (Shire of Ashburton). The eastern section of the proposed Eliwana Railway Project development envelope is adjacent to Karijini National Park. Proposed Infrastructure within the Rail Development Envelope includes: Railway and associated embankment; Rail loop; Crossing/passing loops; Railway overpass; Train... Read more...Last updated: July 29, 2019
The proposal is to develop and operate a mineral sands mine approximately 25 kilometres south-east of the township of Dongara in the Midwest Region of Western Australia. Read more...Last updated: July 8, 2019
The proposal is to revise the existing Pilbara Iron Ore and Infrastructure Project: East-West Railway and Mine Sites Stage B located approximately 70 to 100 km north of Newman in the Pilbara region of Western Australia. The proposal includes mines and associated infrastructure at Christmas Creek and Mindy Mindy, and an east-west railway to link the Stage A north-south railway (to Port Hedland) to the Christmas Creek Mine. The revision includes modification/expansion or development of additional... Read more...Last updated: July 8, 2019
The proposal involves the construction and commissioning of a new tailings storage cell (Cell 12A) for the storage of lithium processing tailings at the Banksia Road Waste Management Facility (Banksia Road WMF) located at Lot 2 on Plan 65861, Crooked Brook in Western Australia (WA). It is proposed that Cell 12A will have the capacity to contain approximately 522,000 tonnes of tailings. Read more...Last updated: June 24, 2019
Salt Lake Potash proposes to develop the Lake Way SOP Demonstration Plant. The proposal is ocated in and around Lake Way, approximately 25 kilometres south of Wiluna. The proposal will extract and evaporate natural brines to produce up to 50,000 tonnes per year of Sulphate of Potash (SOP). The activities and infrastructure include: On-playa infrastructure – brine extraction trenches; pond infrastructure; and associated pipework. Off-playa infrastructure – processing plant, process water... Read more...Last updated: June 24, 2019
The Shire of Esperance propose to demolish the heritage listed Esperance Tanker Jetty as it has fallen into disrepair and no longer deemed economically viable for the Shire to maintain. The Shire proposes to build a replacement jetty in close alignment with the old structure and extending 400m of its original 512m length. The old piles of the Tanker Jetty will be retained in-situ at mean sea level for the length of the old structure and three meters below the lowest astronomical tide past the... Read more...Last updated: June 10, 2019
The City of Albany (CoA) proposes to construct an artificial surfing reef (ASR) at Middleton Beach, southern Western Australia. The proposed ASR will be built at the southern end of the beach with the aim of enhancing the recreational surfing conditions for local residents and tourists. The ASR will be designed to target beginner-intermediate surfers. Read more...Last updated: June 7, 2019
Kalium Lakes Potash Pty Ltd is seeking to develop a sub-surface brine deposit to produce approximately 150 kilotonne per annum of Sulphate of Potash product and by-products. The process will involve evaporation and processing operations at the Beyondie, 10-Mile and Sunshine Lakes area. The Project is located approximately 160 kilometres south east of Newman, and 75 km east of the Kumarina Roadhouse, in the eastern Pilbara region of Western Australia. The proposal includes the development of... Read more...Last updated: May 23, 2019
Inquiry under s46 into the request for a number of substantial changes to the Ravensthorpe Nickel Project, located approximately 35 km east of Ravensthorpe, the subject of Ministerial Statement 509 . In summary, the proposed changes include: mining of additional ore reserves contained within the Shoemaker-Levy and Hale-Bopp deposits and a resulting increase in clearing within the Bandalup Corridor; changes to the processing of ore and the final product: a) deletion of nickel electrowinning,... Read more...Last updated: May 20, 2019
The Proposal is to undertake essential maintenance works on the Cape Lambert Port A (CLA) wharf facility and associated jetty. The Proposal consists of two components, the CLA Dolphin Life Extension Project and the CLA Jetty Strengthening Project, collectively referred to as CLA Marine Structures Refurbishment Project (the Proposal). The CLA dolphins were constructed between 1972 and 2002, with recent inspections indicating that the current dolphins are near end of life and need replacement. In... Read more...Last updated: May 15, 2019
Subsea 7 proposes to construct and operate an onshore pipeline fabrication facility at Lots 233 and 1586 to the east of Minilya-Exmouth Road, Learmonth, approximately 35km south of the Exmouth Townsite. A pipeline bundle co-locates a number of services within a single pipeline for use in the development of offshore gas fields. The proposal consists of an onshore pipeline bundle fabrication site and associated infrastructure, two bundle tracks (approximately 10km in length) along which the... Read more...Last updated: April 15, 2019
The proponent, Kelliher Bros. plan to expand their grass-fed beef production business from 6 weeks a year to year-round grazing. To achieve this, the proponent would like to trial the installation of a single 40 ha centre pivot irrigator for irrigating pasture within an area of Lot 209 Paterson Road, Ravenswood (88 ha). The proposal occurs within the, Environmental Protection Peel Inlet - Harvey Estuary Policy 1992, policy area. Read more...Last updated: April 1, 2019
Changes to condition 7 (Restricted areas and management of Tetratheco paynteroe ssp. paynterae at the Windarling Range) to allow future ground disturbing access to the restricted 'Area B', and condition 10 (Residual impacts and risk management measures) in terms of revised research and management offset measures for threatened flora species. Read more...