This "Search Proposal" function provides all assessment documentation associated with a specific proposal, from referral through to Ministerial Statement, where relevant. Information on a specific proposal not available through this search function can be obtained by contacting DWER, EPA services:
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Last updated: January 11, 2013
The referral received by the EPA is for the construction and operation of the stadium. The EPA considers that the main environmental issues are associated with the pre-construction site works, which will stabilise and prepare parts of the site before the main construction phase. The site was previously used as a landfill facility and has been classified as "possibly contaminated - investigation required" under the Contaminated Sites Act 2003. Preconstruction site works will... Read more...Last updated: January 11, 2013
The proposal is to develop and operate an iron ore mine on the Blacksmith tenement located approximately 70 km north-west of Tom Price in the Pilbara region of Western Australia. Read more...Last updated: December 4, 2012
The proposal is for mining of iron ore below the watertable from the Orebody 23 deposit on the Ophthalmia Range, including de-watering operations, approximately 13 kilometres north-east of Newman, Shire of East Pilbara. Read more...Last updated: December 3, 2012
The advice applies to a proposal referred to the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) by Capital Recycling on 6 November 2012. The proposal is to extract gravel from Lot M1822 on Diagram 8755 Horton Road, Woottating in the Shire of Northam. The proposal is a small scale gravel quarry which is not operating on a continual basis. The potential impacts of dust, noise and groundwater exposure from this proposal are not considered to be such a significant matter that assessment by the Office of... Read more...Last updated: October 22, 2012
To develop an open-cut vanadium mine and process plant at Barrambie, 75 kilometres north-west of the Sandstone townsite and 116 kilometres south-east of Meekatharra Read more...Last updated: October 4, 2012
Request to change implementation conditions of Ministerial Statement 126 . Read more...Last updated: August 1, 2012
The proposal is for the construction of an onshore marina (and associated boating infrastructure e.g. boat pens, jetties, navigational aids, entrance channel, protective groynes, public boat ramps and car parks) on the western side of the Point Grey peninsula. The proposal also includes the construction of a 2.5 kilometre navigation channel across the Harvey Estuary from the marina to the Dawesville Channel. Read more...Last updated: July 24, 2012
The proposal is to develop and operate a direct shipping iron ore project in the Pilbara. The project involves the open-cut mining of eight small pits approximately 70 kilometres east of Port Hedland to obtain direct shipping ore quality haematite. Annual ore production will be 1.5 million tonnes. Read more...Last updated: July 16, 2012
The proposal referred to the EPA and to which this advice applies is for Landcorp's Stormwater and Drainage Management Plan for Cockburn Central Stage 2. Stormwater management for Cockburn Central Stage 2 is proposed on Lot 9504 Beeliar Drive, which is adjacent to the main development site of Cockburn Central and contains a Resource Enhancement Wetland (REW) that is also a lake listed under the Environmental Protection (Swan Coastal Plain Lakes) Policy 1992. Read more...Last updated: May 30, 2012
The proposal is to clear up to 3.7 hectares of native vegetation for a limestone quarry, to screen the material on-site, re-establish an access road and rehabilitate all of the disturbed areas. Read more...Last updated: May 22, 2012
The project site is located approximately 15 kilometres south of Eneabba in the Shires of Coorow and Carnamah, Western Australia. The CWC Project involves open cut mining and supply of approximately 75 Mt of sub-bituminous grade coal to the proposed Coolimba Power Station at a rate of 2 to 2.5 Mtpa over 30 years. The South Eneabba Nature Reserve is at the southern end, east of the proposed mine, while the Lake Logue Nature Reserve is towards the northern end and on the western side of the... Read more...Last updated: April 4, 2012
The proposal is to increase the throughput of iron ore to 85 million tonnes per annum at the Cape Lambert Port operations. Read more...Last updated: April 2, 2012
The proposal is to expand Fortescue Metals' current operations within the Pilbara region, Western Australia to include the development of a new iron ore project, known as the Io Project, which is located within the Nyidinghu Study Area. The Project is located on Marillana Station approximately 40 kilometres (km) south of Fortescue’s Cloudbreak operations and approximately 100 km north-west of Newman. The major components of the Project are: An iron ore mine and resource comprising Brockman... Read more...Last updated: March 28, 2012
The original proposal, as set out in the proponent’s PER, comprised four iron ore mines in the Pilbara region, an ore beneficiation plant, a borefield, an accommodation village and 160km of east-west railway connecting to the north-south link to Port Hedland. Since release of the PER, FMG has made several major modifications to the proposal: the proposed mines at Mt Lewin and Mt Nicholas have been excised; the connecting infrastructure to those minesites is not now needed, leading to a change... Read more...Last updated: November 24, 2011
The proposal is for the construction and operation of a mineral sands mine at Gwindinup, approximately 25 kilometres south-south-east of Bunbury and between two and ten kilometres south of the town of Boyanup. Read more...Last updated: November 22, 2011
The proposal involves the construction and operation of an open pit magnetite mine located approximately 90 kilometres east-north-east of Albany, and pipelines for ore slurry transport and return water, connecting the mine site and new port loading facilities in the Port of Albany. Read more...Last updated: August 5, 2011
The proposal is to construct and operate a number of looping sections adjacent (and connected) to the existing underground gas transmission pipeline within the DBNGP corridor. There are eleven separate looping sections proposed from south of Dampier to Wagerup West. Read more...Last updated: August 1, 2011
The proposal is to increase the mine dewatering rate up to 50 Gigalitres per annum and to inject surplus water into two brackish and one saline injection zones at the Christmas Creek Mine. Read more...Last updated: April 21, 2011
The proposal is to develop a granite quarry in Gidgegannup, which is expected to yield up to 500,000 tonnes of rock per annum. Read more...