This "Search Proposal" function provides all assessment documentation associated with a specific proposal, from referral through to Ministerial Statement, where relevant. Information on a specific proposal not available through this search function can be obtained by contacting DWER, EPA services:
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Last updated: December 21, 2016
Note: In the matter of The Wilderness Society of WA (Inc) –v- Minister for Environment [2013] WASC, the Supreme Court of Western Australia found the Minister’s agreement decision invalid because the EPA’s decision to report was invalid., The proposal is a strategic environmental assessment for a common user LNG hub precinct for future Browse Basin gas processing in the Kimberley Region. Read more...Last updated: December 7, 2016
The proposal is to construct and operate a single entrance onshore marina to accommodate up to 500 boat pens and moorings and a surrounding land development comprising tourism, commercial, public open space and residential land uses. Read more...Last updated: November 22, 2016
The Bunbury Port Authority has prepared this plan to guide future development and decision making within the Inner Harbour and to conform to the strategic planning requirements under the, Port Authorities Act 1999, . It will also provide greater certainty of land use and development for port users, the Bunbury Port Authority and other decision making authorities, neighbouring landowners and the community. Read more...Last updated: November 14, 2016
The Port Rockingham Marina proposal is to construct and operate a new marina facility located at the intersection of Wanliss Street and Rockingham Beach Road, Rockingham, within Cockburn Sound. The EPA assessed the proposal at the level of Public Environmental Review and released its assessment report (Report 1339) in September 2009. Read more...Last updated: June 20, 2016
The Department of Defence proposes to undertake maintenance dredging of accumulated sediments alongside its marine infrastructure on the eastern side of Garden Island, in Cockburn Sound, to return naval waters to navigable depths. Approximately 1,900 cubic metres (m 3 ) of material is to be excavated from four locations in Careening Bay and 5,480m 3 of material from the Armaments Wharf in Sulphur Bay. The proposed dredging method is to use a long reach excavator with a bucket fitted with a... Read more...