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Last updated: December 8, 2016
The referral received by the EPA is to develop Lot 701 for residential use. The land is zoned 'Urban' under the Metropolitan Region Scheme and 'Residential' (with a residential density coding of R30) under the City of Cockburn Town Planning Scheme No.3. Lot 701 totals approximately 1.71 hectares, of which Auro Pty Ltd proposes to develop approximately one hectare. The subdivision application proposes 16 residential dwellings and a proposed Public Open Space. Approximately... Read more...Last updated: December 8, 2016
The proposal is to expand the existing Baldivis Sand Quarry Stage 1 operation for approximately three years. The proposal is located within Department of Mines and Petroleum (DMP) mining lease M70/1046 and operates under Department of Environment Regulation (DER) Licence L8176/2007/2 and Department of Water Licence (GWL 162863(2)). The proposal is on Department of Parks and Wildlife managed land (State Forest). The area was previously a pine plantation which was then cleared, burned and... Read more...Last updated: December 7, 2016
The proposal is to construct and operate a single entrance onshore marina to accommodate up to 500 boat pens and moorings and a surrounding land development comprising tourism, commercial, public open space and residential land uses. Read more...Last updated: December 7, 2016
Hanson Australia Pty Ltd (‘the proponent’) proposes to develop three sand quarries within the Gnangara Pine Plantation on tenements E70/3279 (Smokebush Hill), E70 - 3275 (Tamega Road) and M70- 1306 (Mulga Road) (‘the proposal’). Smokebush Hill is located in Two Rocks, approximately 55 kilometres (km) north of Per th Central Business District (CBD) . Tamega Road is located in Pinjar, approxi mately 47 km north of Perth CBD. Mulga Road is located in Gnangara, approxi mately 20 km north of Perth... Read more...Last updated: December 6, 2016
Subdivision of various lots, Patterson Road, Rockingham identified In WAPC Subdivision Application 153179. Read more...Last updated: December 6, 2016
The University of Western Australia (UWA) and the Water Corporation propose to subdivide Lots 4 and 105 Underwood Avenue, Shenton Park into three superlots for clearing and development. Read more...Last updated: December 6, 2016
The proposal is to construct a single residence on Lot 1613 Barrett Street, Southern River. The proposal includes a residence, garage, swimming pool, stables, paddocks, access way and landscaping with an ornamental lake. Read more...Last updated: December 2, 2016
The proposal is to construct, operate and maintain a 1.5 km section of Keane road between Anstey and Skeet roads, Forrestdale. The proposal is located within Bush Forever Site 342 (approximately 369 hectares (ha)), which meets all six of the EPA’s criteria for the identification of regionally significant natural areas, contains one of the largest remaining areas of damplands of high conservation value on the Swan Coastal Plain, and is the largest consolidated area of Southern River vegetation... Read more...Last updated: November 30, 2016
The Department of Minerals and Petroleum has referred a Programme of Work application. The application, from Holcim (Australia) Pty Ltd, is to undertake an air core drilling exploration programme on M70/1248 and M70/1250. The exploration site is cleared pine plantation to the East of Lake Jandabup. Read more...Last updated: November 30, 2016
The Site is approximately 16.9 ha and is proposed to be remediated and regenerated. It was previously mined for building and construction sands and was later used as a licensed “inert” landfill. It has been reported that non-approved waste streams were disposed of at the Site. In October 2010 following a compliance inspection the Site was classified “Contaminated – Remediation Required” under Section 13 of the Contaminated Sites Act 2003 The proponent is proposing to redevelop the area by... Read more...Last updated: September 27, 2016
The proposal area is approximately 33.4 hectares of Lot 4 Underwood Ave in Shenton Park. Within this area the University intends to establish a conservation area (13.9 hectares), Public Open Space (2 hectares) and a development area (17.5 hectares). The development area includes approximately 13 hectares to be developed for residential purposes with the remainder of the area for “University purposes - future use and development”, as it is affected by odour from the Subiaco Wastewater Treatment... Read more...Last updated: September 19, 2016
The proposal is to develop a Waste Transfer and Resource Recovery Facility approximately 10 kilometres from Perth at 25 Jackson Street, Bassendean in the Bassendean Industrial Area. The proposal would include: a Materials Recovery Facility (MRF) for the processing of co-mingled recyclables; acceptance, short term stockpiling and baling of source separated recycled commodities; glass crusher for management of waste glass from the MRF; a metal shredder for the processing of metal commodities; a... Read more...Last updated: September 12, 2016
The Commissioner for Main Roads Western Australia proposes to construct and maintain the Ellenbrook Bus Rapid Transit to provide a dedicated busway from the Ellenbrook town centre to Reid Highway. It involves the construction of: approximately 10 kilometres of dedicated busway; grade separations of the busway at road crossings; upgrades of all existing intersections; three bus stations with Park and Ride facilities; realignment of Lord Street from Reid Highway to Youle-Dean Road and from Park... Read more...Last updated: September 6, 2016
The proposal is to develop a granite quarry in Gidgegannup, which is expected to yield up to 500,000 tonnes of rock per annum. The proposal is further documented in EPA Report 1375 and Ministerial Statement 861 . Read more...Last updated: September 1, 2016
The Public Transport Authority of Western Australia proposes the Forrestfield-Airport Link, a 9km extension of the Perth rail network from Bayswater to Forrestfield. Read more...Last updated: July 18, 2016
Keppel Holdings proposes the development and operation of a mobile concrete batching plant at Lot 105 (No. 2) Clune Street, Bassendean. The proposal site is located within the Bassendean Industrial Area. The proposal includes the construction of buildings and associated car and truck parking. Read more...Last updated: July 4, 2016
Urban Resources Pty Ltd proposes to develop a sand quarry on tenement M70/1262, located in Karnup approximately 48 kilometres (km) south of the Perth Central Business District. The proposal would extract 1.5 million cubic metres over a project life of around five years with a total disturbance footprint of around 42 hectares including the mining area, stockpiles, a haul road and site compound. The proponent has advised that the overall post-mining land use is expected to be consistent with the... Read more...Last updated: June 20, 2016
The Department of Defence proposes to undertake maintenance dredging of accumulated sediments alongside its marine infrastructure on the eastern side of Garden Island, in Cockburn Sound, to return naval waters to navigable depths. Approximately 1,900 cubic metres (m 3 ) of material is to be excavated from four locations in Careening Bay and 5,480m 3 of material from the Armaments Wharf in Sulphur Bay. The proposed dredging method is to use a long reach excavator with a bucket fitted with a... Read more...Last updated: April 26, 2016
The proposal is to construct and operate a Wood Waste to Energy Plant at the existing Hazelmere Recycling Centre on Part Lot 100 and Lot 301, Lakes Road, Hazelmere. Read more...