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Last updated: August 28, 1989
The proposal is for an intensive ten-month programme aimed at total eradication of the limited infestation of Queensland fruit fly in the Perth metropolitan area. The proposed eradication programme is based on baits formulated with either male only or combined male and female lures and containing between 1 and 2 g of the insecticide malathion, followed by a strategic release of sterile male fruit flies. Urgent implementation of the eradication programme is proposed to avoid the spread of this... Read more...Last updated: August 7, 1989
The proposal is to subdivide land on West Parade, South Guildford adjacent to the Helena River and west of the Rosehill Country Club, and is currently zoned Rural. The northern portion of the land is affected by System 6 Recommendation M33 (Helena River Guildford to Darlington) and is reserved for Parks and Recreation in the Metropolitan Region Scheme. The proposal is to subdivide the land to create approximately 14 rural/residential lots no smaller than 4,000 m 2 and cede 8.26 hectares (53% of... Read more...Last updated: July 15, 1989
Proposal by Australian Gold Reagents Pty Ltd to double the size of its existing sodium cyanide plant at Kwinana to a capacity of 30,000 tonnes of sodium cyanide per annum and to use existing rail/road routes to transport it as a 30% solution to gold mines in the state. Read more...Last updated: June 26, 1989
The State Planning Commission has proposed an amendment to the Metropolitan Regional Scheme (MRS) to create the reserve for the Kwinana Freeway extension from Thomas Road to the southern boundary of the Metropolitan Region, north east of Mandurah. Read more...Last updated: May 3, 1989
In November 1987 the TiO 2 Corporation submitted to the Environmental Protection Authority an ERMP describing a proposal which included the establishment of a mineral sands dry separation plant at a site just north of Muchea on the Brand Highway. The EPA assessed that proposal subject to the implementation of several commitments and recommendations (EPA Bulletin 330, March 1988) and found it environmentally acceptable. Subsequently the proponent submitted a proposal for the establishment of a... Read more...Last updated: March 14, 1989
The State Energy Commission is proposing to establish a gas turbine power station at Pinjar, north east of Wanneroo. At the completion of the construction in 1994, the station will comprise eight 35 MW gas turbine units. Read more...Last updated: March 1, 1989
Proposal to build a new horticultural college of TAFE at Bull Creek in the City of Melville Read more...Last updated: March 1, 1989
Inquiry under section 46 of the Environmental Protection Act 1986 to change Condition 7 which currently requires the proponent to prepare an Environmental Management Plan prior to construction Read more...Last updated: March 1, 1989
Petrochemical Industries Company Limited proposes to establish an integrated petrochemical complex in the Kwinana industrial area. The facility will utilise natural gas and salt to produce a range of products. Read more...Last updated: March 1, 1989
A proposal for a major road system in the eastern corridor of the Perth metropolitan region has been put forward by the joint proponents, the State Planning Commission, Main Roads Department, Shire of Mundaring and Shire of Swan. The proposal is for an upgrading of the Great Eastern Highway, the development of a Hills Spine Road by extending Cameron road and a new route referred to as the Orange Route in combination with upgrading of Toodyay road. Read more...Last updated: February 1, 1989
Proposal to establish a 54 000 tonne per year chloride process, titanium dioxide pigment plant at Kwinana. This represents the final stage of a four part vertically integrated mineral sands industry consisting of: a mineral sands mine at Cooljarloo a dry separation plant at Muchea a synthetic rutile plant at Muchea and a pigment plant at Kwinana Read more...Last updated: January 1, 1989
Lot 1 Stephenson Avenue City Beach is part of the System 6 Recommendation M47 which deals with Bold Part and adjacent land. The land in question was included in the 1983 System 6 Recommendation because it was "Open space of regional significance... because of its high conservation, recreation and educational value and its proximity to Perth residential areas". This is the second proposal for residential development of Lot 1 Stephenson Avenue, City Beach lodged by Bond Corporation... Read more...Last updated: January 1, 1989
Proposal by Cooljarloo Joint Venture to build and operate a synthetic rutile plant next to its dry separation plant which would be sited 4 km north of Muchea. Cooljarloo Joint Venture is proposing a four part vertically integrated mineral sands industry consisting of: a mine at Cooljarloo a dry separation plant at Muchea a synthetic rutile plant at Muchea and a pigment plant at Kwinana Read more...Last updated: December 21, 1988
The location of the existing Mundaring Primary School on the corner of Stoneville Road and Great Eastern Highway is considered by the Shire of Mundaring to be inappropriate for several reasons including traffic noise, safety and location of student population. It has therefore been proposed that the school be relocated to Pt Location Stevens Street that proposal being the subject of Bulletin 333 (Stage 1 of land use development in Mundaring). This assessment addresses Stage 2 - redevelopment of... Read more...Last updated: December 21, 1988
Proposal for an emergency waste water outlet into Jervoise Bay on the north east side of Cockburn Sound Read more...Last updated: November 3, 1988
A V Jennings Homes is investigating the possibility of participating in development of the Careniup Swamp environs. The development concept being investigated involves a variety of residential and related uses around a core of open space containing the wetland. As part of its investigations, Jennings has had discussions with the Authority regarding the environmental issues that would need to be resolved if development as envisaged was to proceed. Read more...Last updated: November 1, 1988
Sherwood Overseas Co Pty Ltd and the State Planning Commission propose to develop the north west sector of Herdsman Lake, to be known as Floreat Lakes Residential Development. The proposal, which is dependent upon realignment of the Stephenson Highway road reserve, entails: Dredging of both public and private land to continue the protective moat around Herdsman Lake and provide fill for urban land removal of peat from urban land and road reserve, placement of peat in adjacent Industrial Lake on... Read more...Last updated: October 25, 1988
Inquiry under s46 into a proposed change to the conditions of Ministerial Statement 15 - change to conditions regarding hours of opening. Read more...Last updated: October 14, 1988
The proposal is for a 330 kV transmission line from Harvey to Kwinana, a distance of approximately 102 km. The first 51 km of the route parallels the existing Bunbury - Cannington 132 kV line from the Harvey Substation site almost to Pinjarra. There are a number of deviations to avoid major road intersections, dwellings and their environs and Pinjarra townsite. Following this , the route joins the existing Muja - Southern Terminal 330 kV line and follows it for most of the next 44 km. There is... Read more...Last updated: October 12, 1988
The proposal is to deepen the Inner Harbour of the Port of Fremantle by dredging the harbour by 2 metres to achieve a depth of approximately 13 metres. The dredge spoil would be used to reclaim an area of 27 hectares to the north of the North Mole, to be contained by a sea wall to the west and a bund wall to the north. A small harbour (14 hectares) would be located adjacent to the reclamation, capable of providing for up to 150 vessels. It is proposed that the reclaimed land be used to create... Read more...