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Last updated: March 24, 1992
The proposal is to undertake a landfill operation over a period of five years. The reason for the land filling is to re-contour the existing undulating land to an approximate grade of 1:10 to the western lakes edge, southern and northern property boundaries, so as to improve the the overall visual aspect. lt is proposed to retain all existing trees on site. Read more...Last updated: March 11, 1992
The proposal is to extend Pioneer's existing hard rock quarry, located three kilometres south-west of Byford, onto an adjoining lot (Lot 2279). The existing facilities would be retained and the rates of extraction would not be expected to change significantly. The proposal is located in a region of forest covering the western edge of the Darling Scarp providing aesthetic and recreational land uses, and is in proximity to expanding urban population areas. Work in the proposed extension... Read more...Last updated: March 6, 1992
Metro Brick (A Division of Bristile Ltd) currently excavate clay for brick making purposes in a quarry located on Part Lot 36 Coondaree Parade, Upper Swan, just east of Great Northern Highway and about 14 km north of Midland. The environmental impact of the project was previously assessed by the Environmental Protection Authority in 1988 prior to the Minister for the Environment setting conditions on the project. An Application for Renewal of Excavation Licence by Metro Brick Pty Ltd was... Read more...Last updated: February 17, 1992
Proposal to develop Lot 418 Liddelow and Gibbs roads Banjup to create 17 "Special Rural" lots ranging in size from 2 ha to 5.2 ha. The site is currently zones "Rural" under the City of Cockburn's Town Planning Scheme No 2. Read more...Last updated: February 17, 1992
The Peel-Harvey estuarine system is badly degraded. The system shows signs of severe eutrophication (nutrient enrichment), which results in excessive algal growth. The algae live on the nutrients, and multiply rapidly, stifling life in the Estuary in warmer weather. The algae accumulate on the shores of the Estuary and rot, causing odour problems, polluting the shore, and killing wildlife and fish. This results in a significant reduction in the recreational, environmental, social and economic... Read more...Last updated: February 14, 1992
Residential and Special Rural Rezoning and Subdivision of Locations 90 and 92 Hardey Road, Serpentine Read more...Last updated: February 10, 1992
Proposal by Homeswest to develop a 20 ha site in Brixton street, Kenwick. Under the proposalm 12 ha would be developed for a mix of housing densities and open space with the remainder being ceded to the Department of Conservation and Land Management for management as a conservation reserve. Read more...Last updated: January 20, 1992
The proposal is to rezone, subdivide and develop Swan Location 1739 on Neaves Road Mariginiup to create 11 "Special Rural" lots ranging in size from 2.01 ha to 2.34ha. The site is currently zoned "Rural" under the City of Wanneroo's Town Planning Scheme No 1 and has inadequate land use controls for the proposed "Special Rural" use. The development is seen by the proponent as an infill to develop the site in accordance with the surrounding area allowing for the... Read more...Last updated: January 20, 1992
The proponent, J Mazza, proposes to subdivide and develop Lot 219 on Myall Road, Jandakot to create 9 "Special Rural" lots ranging in size from 2 ha to 2.17 ha. The site is currently zoned "Special Rural" under the City of Cockburn's Town Planning Scheme No. 2 with corresponding special provisions designed to regulate land use. Read more...Last updated: January 20, 1992
Rural residential rezoning, subdivision and development of Lots 395 and 400 Beenyup Road, Jandakot Read more...Last updated: December 18, 1991
The proposal is to rezone Lot 1 Lakes Way, Jandakot to Special Residential and subdivide into 95 lots consisting of 90 lots from 2,000m 2 to 3,300m 2 , 1 lot of 8,000m 2 and 4 lots of 1ha along the Lakes Way frontage as a landscape buffer to the Special Rural zone. The development would be connected to deep sewerage and it is proposed to impose various land use controls on the development (including vegetation clearing controls) by the application of special provisions through the local Town... Read more...Last updated: December 10, 1991
Proposal to develop the Roller Oilfield within permit area TP/3 Part 1, specifically the drilling of a minimum of seven development wells from four monopod structures. Read more...Last updated: November 27, 1991
The proposal is to rezone, subdivide and develop Lot 30 Hope Valley Road, Wandi to create 22 "Special Rural" lots ranging in size from 2ha to 3.2ha. The site is currently zoned "Rural" under ihe Town of Kwinana's Town Planning Scheme No 1 with a corresponding lack of land use controls. Through the rezoning process it is intended to apply special provisions to the scheme limiting the the allowed uses and activities. The site is over a Priority 2 Source Area as defined by... Read more...Last updated: November 25, 1991
The proposal is to rezone, subdivide and develop land between Connolly Drive and the proposed alignment of the Mitchell Freeway, and north of Burns Beach Road for residential purposes. To enable Stage 2 to be developed for residential purposes, rezoning of the land to Urban and Urban Development in the Metropolitan Region Scheme and the City of Wanneroo's Town Planning Scheme respectively, and subsequent subdivision and development approval is required. Read more...Last updated: September 24, 1991
The proponents, the City of Cockburn, propose to duplicate a section of Farrington Road, approximately 450 m long from just west of Murdoch drive to approximately 150 m west of Bibra Drive to increase the number of lanes from two to four. The work will be carried out within the existing road reserve with the new carriage way to be constructed to the north of the existing one. Read more...Last updated: August 29, 1991
The proposal has changed since it was first referred to the Authority. The original proposal was for up to 500,000 marron and some trout with a low water usage. The waste water was to be discharged to a windbreak around the property consisting of 1,100 Casuarina trees. The proponent now proposes to install sufficient tanks for breeding and grow-out of 5,000 marron as stage one of the proposal and then annually increase the system to a total of between 200,000 to 300,000 marron. A biological... Read more...Last updated: August 29, 1991
The Peel-Harvey estuarine system is badly degraded. The system shows signs of severe eutrophication (nutrient enrichment), which results in excessive algal growth. The algae live on the nutrients, and multiply rapidly, stifling life in the Estuary in warmer weather. The algae accumulate on the shores of the Estuary and rot, causing odour problems, polluting the shore, and killing wildlife and fish. This results in a significant reduction in the recreational, environmental, social and economic... Read more...Last updated: August 27, 1991
The proposal is to rezone, subdivide and develop Lot 147 on Acourt Road, Banjup to create 20 "Special Rural" lots ranging in size from 2ha to 2.7ha. The site is currently zoned "Rural" under the City of Cockburn's Town Planning Scheme No 1 and the City of Cockburn's proposed Town Planning Scheme No 2 and has inadequate land use controls for the proposed "Special Rural" use. Through the rezoning process it is intended to apply special provisions to the... Read more...Last updated: August 16, 1991
Boral Resources (W.A) Limited has submitted a proposal for an extension to its existing hard rock quarrying operation on the foothills of the Darling Scarp at Maddington. The proposal is for an expansion of the quarry area between and to the east of ihe present quarry workings. This will give the operation a total projected life of a further 90 years based upon current extraction rates. Read more...Last updated: July 29, 1991
The proposal consists of modifications to, replacement of, or expansions of, eight units on the existing plant. The units involved include the: hydrofiner unit; propane production unit number 1; new straight run gasoline 'minalk' unit; new catalytic cracked spirit 'minalk' unit; new sour water treatment facilities; new sulphur recovery unit; residue cracker gas recovery unit and propane production unit number 2; and residue cracker unit - particulate emissions. Read more...