This "Search Proposal" function provides all assessment documentation associated with a specific proposal, from referral through to Ministerial Statement, where relevant. Information on a specific proposal not available through this search function can be obtained by contacting DWER, EPA services:
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Last updated: October 7, 1993
The proposal is to expand the capacity of the Whitemans Brick plant, located on the corner of Great Northern Highway and Middle Swan Road. The proponent seeks approval for the second stage of the plant modernization and expansion, which requires the addition of a second tunnel kiln. Read more...Last updated: September 30, 1993
The proposal is to extend the existing Safety Bay Road so that it becomes a major east-west link road between the eventual extension of the Kwinana Freeway beyond its currently planned termination at Thomas Road Kwinana, to Ennis Avenue and the established residential areas of Waikiki and Warnbro. Read more...Last updated: August 5, 1993
Ransberg Pty Ltd (the proponent) proposes to open up a hard-rock quarry located about 4km east of Mundijong in the Darling Ranges. The Environmental Protection Authority previously assessed the quarry proposal and reported in December 1992 ( Bulletin 662 ). The Environmental Protection Authority concluded that the proposal was environmentally acceptable provided that, before the quarry was expanded such that it would be visible from the Swan Coastal Plain, the proponent obtain further approval... Read more...Last updated: June 30, 1993
The proposal is to develop an Inlet along the existing alignment of Claisebrook Drain in East Perth to provide a focus for urban redevelopment in the area. The Inlet will be a canal waterway that provides an aesthetic and direct connection with the Swan River and will have publicly owned faciiities along its edge. The construction of the waterway and adjacent edge facilities has the following components: an entrance channel, main basin, perched water feature, habitat island and surrounding hard... Read more...Last updated: April 28, 1993
The proposal is to irrigate approximately 6 hectares of Lot 1 Pinjar Road. The proponent has not determined the type of crops to be grown because the the proponent would seek a lessee to operate the proposed market garden if it gained approval. Read more...Last updated: April 19, 1993
Metroplan - a planning strategy for the Perth metropolitan area released in 1990 - included a commitment to develop the Stirling Regional Centre, extending from Scarborough Beach Road in the south to the Stirling Rail Station and the City of Stirling municipal offices in the north. Development of this centre will entail the filling of the Cedric Street Wetland to accommodate the establishment of the 'core precinct'. The proposal is to relocate the ecological, hydrological and social... Read more...Last updated: March 17, 1993
H A & KM Athorn (the proponent) received approval from the Minister for the Environment to develop a non organic (dry) landfill at Reserve 25252, Wanneroo Road, Nowergup on 7 June 1991 subject to a number of legally binding Environmental Conditions ( Ministerial Statement 145 ). The site has been operational since early September 1991 and is expected to be operational for only a few more months. In providing a definition of dry inert materials which would be acceptable at the site, the... Read more...Last updated: March 5, 1993
The proposal is for the development of a church and school on Lot 68 Bertram Road, Wellard. The proponent has indicated that they wish to commence construction of Stage One of the proposal which includes two classrooms and an ablution block. Condition 2 of Ministerial Statement 160 states that: "Prior to use, the proponent shall connect both the church and the school to a reticulated sewerage service." It is intended to connect to reticulated sewerage via a pump station which will be... Read more...Last updated: February 2, 1993
The West Coast Highway has a record of accidents in the vicinity of Challenger Parade in South City Beach. The local community has indicated distress at the frequency of accidents, both reported and unreported. To improve safety, the City of Perth and Main Roads have been investigating options for the realignment of the section of West Coast Highway between Rochdale Road and Helston A venue. This proposal has the potential to degrade the values recommended for conservation in the System 6... Read more...Last updated: January 12, 1993
The proposal is to develop Lot 1001 Singleton, a 106 hectare area of land to the north and east of the existing township of Singleton within the City of Rockingham. This involves the rezoning of land which is currently almost entirely zoned Urban Deferred to Urban. As part of the proposal, the proponent has prepared a structure plan for Singleton which includes the major land uses of; Residential, Public Open Space, primary school, community center, resort hotel, and retirement village (Tingay... Read more...Last updated: January 12, 1993
The proposal is to develop 163.6 hectares of land to the north and east of the existing township of Golden Bay for Urban purposes. The land is currently mostly zoned Urban Deferred. A structure plan prepared for the proposal indicates that the major land uses proposed are; Residential, Regional Open Space, Local Open Space, primary school, roads, neighbourhood centre, community uses, tourist uses, and a service station (Alan Tingay & Associates, 1992). The Authority understands that this is... Read more...Last updated: December 18, 1992
The proposal is to open up a hard rock quarry located about 4km east of Mundijong in the Darling Ranges. For the initial development period of 10-15 years, the quarry and infrastructure would be located on the area of mainly cleared land in the northwestern part of the site. Subsequently, the main granite quarry would be developed on the southern side of Manjedal Brook which will involve the construction of an access track and a crossing. Following release of the EPA's report and... Read more...Last updated: November 23, 1992
The proposal is to develop a 30 hectare site on Lot 48 and Part Lot 35 Brixton Street, Kenwick, for mixed density housing. The land immediately to the north of this site is subject to a System 6 recommendation and is managed as a conservation reserve by the University of Western Australia, the owner of the land. The land, the subject of this proposal, is ecologically similar to the reserves north and south and forms a link between these areas. Read more...Last updated: October 13, 1992
The Ellenbrook proposal is a major residential development intended to provide for a community of approximately 58,000 people. The project encompasses a site of approximately 1,800 hectares in the Ellenbrook, Upper Swan, Belhus locality within the Shire of Swan. The site is20 kilometres north-east of Perth City and would accommodate in the region of 20,000 households. The Ellenbrook site is currently zoned "Rural" under the Metropolitan Region Scheme. A major Scheme amendment seeks to... Read more...Last updated: September 21, 1992
The proposal is to build a primary school and church complex within System 6 M93, and within the newly announced Beeliar Regional Park. Read more...Last updated: August 21, 1992
The proposal is for residential development on 829 hectares of land north of the Wanneroo town-site and east of Wanneroo Road. The site, comprising three parcels of land, is located between Clarkson Avenue, Pinjar Road, the eastern portion of Flynn Drive and the Carramar Special Rural Zone. Development will be largely comprised of normal residential densities with accompanying services yielding between 10 to 15 housing units per hectare. As a transition between this development and the... Read more...Last updated: August 4, 1992
The proposal is to develop a former industrial site between McCabe Street, Mosman Park and the Swan River for residential and parkland purposes. There is a need to clean up and manage the site such that it is safe for public use whilst at the same time realise the site's residential and recreational amenity. Landbank's proposal seeks to achieve this by various site treatments, by appropriate planning and by continued management and monitoring. This site was first used for commercial... Read more...Last updated: July 15, 1992
The land, Swan Location 887, is 16.59ha, and is owned by Midland Brick Company Pty Ltd. The proposal is to subdivide and develop the land to create seven "Special rural" lots ranging in size from 1.02ha to 5.64ha, and a 2.16ha lake foreshore area to be given up as public open space. The site is currently zoned "Special Rural" under the City of Wanneroo's Town Planning Scheme No 1, Zone Number 7. These zones are managed by the local authority through special provisions... Read more...Last updated: July 9, 1992
The proposal is to collect an existing backlog of waste polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and chlorinated pesticides which are stored at various centres in Western Australia and export them to the United Kingdom for destruction by high temperature incineration at the Rechem facilities at Fawley and Pontypool. The proposal does not cover waste which may be generated in the future as it is unlikely these materials would ever be used again in Western Australia. Environmental issues relating to... Read more...Last updated: July 1, 1992
Proposal to build and operate a landfill to take waste from the City of Rockingham and, for a fee, waste from other councils. Read more...