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Last updated: November 24, 2003
Proposal by Hamersley Iron to increase the capacity of its Dampier Port operations from 80 million tonnes per annum (Mtpa) (licensed capacity) to 95 Mtpa. Read more...Last updated: August 11, 2003
Proposal by Ace Nominees Pty Ltd (ANPL) to construct and operate an outdoor entertainment venue on Lot 2 Toodyay Road, Red Hill which is located adjacent to the northern boundary of the John Forrest National Park (JFNP). Read more...Last updated: August 6, 2003
The proposal is for a poultry litter fired power station at a site approximately 70 kilometres north of Perth on the Brand Highway near Muchea. The power station would receive poultry litter from farms across the broad Perth region. Delivery would be by covered trucks, which would enter the enclosed litter reception shed and tip onto a concrete floor. A front-end loader would be used to place the litter on to a conveyor which would place it on the stockpile. The trucks would be washed down... Read more...Last updated: May 26, 2003
The proposal involves the construction and operation of a 30 GL desalination plant at one of two locations in the Kwinana Industrial Area. The alternative sites are at the Kwinana Power Station (KPS) or on the corner of Patterson and Office Roads, East Rockingham. Read more...Last updated: May 23, 2003
The proposal is for the construction, operation, and maintainance of a natural gas fired combined cycle gas turbine (CCGT) power plant with a nominal generation capacity of 120 megawatts (MW) on a site located at Part Lot 131 Mason Road, on the southwestern corner of Donaldson Road and Burton Place, off Mason Road, Kwinana. The plant will provide approximately 1,045 gigawatt hours (GWhr) of electricity annually into the South West Interconnected System (SWIS) electricity market. Read more...Last updated: May 12, 2003
Cable Sands (WA) Pty Ltd proposal to develop a mineral sands mine in a section of State Forest No.2, near Ludlow. Read more...Last updated: March 18, 2003
The proposal is for construction of a natural gas fired cogeneration facility on a 2.5ha site located within Alcoa’s Pinjarra Alumina Refinery. Alinta Cogeneration (Alcoa Pinjarra) Pty Ltd will own the facility and will supply steam to Alcoa for refinery purposes. Alinta Cogeneration (Alcoa Pinjarra) Pty Ltd will sell the power generated to customers within the South-West Interconnected System (SWIS). Alcoa will operate the facility within the framework of the Pinjarra refinery operations. The... Read more...Last updated: December 20, 2002
Methanex proposes to develop a methanol complex on the Burrup Peninsula, approximately 1300 kilometres north of Perth. The selected project site is located in the King Bay – Hearson Cove Industrial Area, approximately 6 and 10 kilometres from the towns of Dampier and Karratha respectively. Approximately 84 hectares of the 100 hectare site will be cleared to accommodate the methanol complex. Read more...Last updated: December 20, 2002
The proposal is for construction and operation of a methanol plant of 1.05 million tonnes per annum (Mt/a) nominal capacity, at Withnell East industrial area on the Burrup Peninsula The proposal includes the installation of a gas supply pipeline, product pipeline, seawater supply pipeline and wastewater discharge pipeline to be situated in infrastructure corridors for which the Department of Mineral and Petroleum Resources (MPR) will be proponent. The plant footprint will occupy approximately... Read more...Last updated: December 10, 2002
WA Plantation Resources propose to develop a 1.0 million tonnes per annum capacity woodchip mill approximately 6km south east of Donnybrook. Read more...Last updated: December 6, 2002
Proposal by Hope Downs Management Services Pty Ltd (hereafter referred to as HDMS) to construct a rail line and port facilities to support the development of an iron-ore mine, based on the Hope 1 Deposit. Read more...Last updated: November 18, 2002
The proposal is to construct and operate a commercial scale HIsmelt Process Plant at Kwinana in Western Australia. The plant will be located at the site currently occupied by the existing HIsmelt Research and Development Facility (HRDF) within the northern portion of the Kwinana Industrial Area (KIA), 40km south of Perth. The Stage 1 plant will initially produce around 820,000 tonnes per annum of pig iron. If the Stage 1 plant is found to be technically and commercially viable, the proponent... Read more...Last updated: September 13, 2002
The proposal being assessed is for the diversion of 8 gigalitres a year (on average) (GL/yr) of unallocated water resources in the Samson Catchment to be diverted for public water supply, the construction of a pipe head dam and related infrastructure. The Samson Brook Redevelopment Scheme is a key element of the Water Corporation’s drought recovery plan. Read more...Last updated: August 5, 2002
AGR is a joint venture between Wesfarmers CSBP Limited and Coogee Chemicals Pty Ltd which was formed to manufacture and market sodium cyanide. The AGR facility is located at Wesfarmers CSBP's fertiliser and chemicals complex in Kwinana (Figure 1). It currently operates two liquid sodium cyanide plants which have a combined production capacity of 50,000 tonnes per annum (tpa) of pure (100 percent) sodium cyanide, with the potential to expand to 70,000 tpa. These plants produce sodium... Read more...Last updated: July 2, 2002
The construction and operation of a 110 MW gas-fired power station at the Boddington Gold Mine approximately 12 km north-west of Boddington and the construction of a natural gas pipeline to the power station, predominantly along the railway reserve between Pinjarra and Boddington. Read more...Last updated: June 5, 2002
Inquiry under section 46 of the, Environmental Protection Act 1986, (EP Act) to amend condition 13 of Ministerial Statement 27 . Read more...Last updated: April 10, 2002
The proposal involves an expansion of the existing Dampier Public Wharf to provide improved facilities capable of servicing the future needs of industry in the area. The key components of the proposal are: construction of a 60-81 m long load-out facility south of the existing wharf; cut and fill operations to create a land backing to the facility (1.9 ha, of which 0.8 ha is reclaimed land); and quarrying of a 4.1 ha cargo lay-down and storage area. Read more...Last updated: February 6, 2002
Proposal by the Midland Redevelopment Authority (MRA) to remediate 22 hectare (ha) of land which includes a portion of the former Midland Railway Workshop Site (Area E) within the Clayton Precinct, Clayton Street road extension and the Helena Street and Viveash Road rail crossings outside of the Clayton Precinct in Midland. Read more...Last updated: February 6, 2002
The proposal is to develop a raw sugar industry on the Weaber, Keep River and Knox Creek Plains. The M2 Project is located near Kununurra within the Victoria-Bonaparte Biogeographic Region and the project area extends over approximately 76,000 ha of land comprising the Weaber, Keep River and Knox Creek Plains, and involves approximately equal areas within WA and the NT. The proposal has been assessed in two parts: biodiversity and management. This assessment is of the management component. See... Read more...