This "Search Proposal" function provides all assessment documentation associated with a specific proposal, from referral through to Ministerial Statement, where relevant. Information on a specific proposal not available through this search function can be obtained by contacting DWER, EPA services:
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Last updated: May 1, 2015
The proposal is for the construction and operation of two nominal 229 Megawatt (208 Megawatt net sent-out) subcritical coal-fired base-load generation plants (i.e. Bluewaters Power Station Phases III and IV) on a site adjacent to the existing Bluewaters Phase I and Phase II generating plants located approximately 4.5 kilometres north-east of Collie. The proposal is further documented in Ministerial Statement 837 and EPA Report 1349 . This assessment deals with a request for a change to the Time... Read more...Last updated: April 30, 2015
To expand the liquefied natural gas (LNG) production capacity of the existing proposal from 15 million tonnes per annum (Mtpa) to 20 Mtpa (nominal). Read more...Last updated: March 4, 2015
The proposal is for the construction and operation the Kintyre uranium project. The proposal includes the open cut mining of uranium ore, processing, and the transport of uranium ore concentrate to the Port of Adelaide. The project is located 260km north-east of Newman in the East Pilbara region of Western Australia. Read more...Last updated: February 26, 2015
The Minister for Environment has requested that the EPA inquire into and report on the matter of changing the implementation conditions relating to Ministerial Statement 905 in order to: extend the time limit on shipments of lead carbonate through Fremantle Port (condition 3A); and reduce the amount of the financial assurance required and allow the release and reinstatement of the financial assurance in the event operations are suspended (condition 18). Read more...Last updated: January 20, 2015
To build and operate a Waste to Energy and Materials Recovery Facility on Lot 1 Office Road, 3 kilometres north-east of Rockingham in the Rockingham Industrial Zone. Read more...Last updated: October 16, 2014
The proposal is to develop a mineral sands mine near the Keysbrook township. The proposal involves the extraction and processing of a low-grade heavy mineral sands deposit. This inquiry under s46 is in regard to a request for an extension of time for substantial commencement specified in Ministerial Statement 810 . Read more...Last updated: October 2, 2014
The proposal involves the construction and operation of a 40 Megawatt power plant fueled by up to 380,000 tonnes (+/-10%) per annum of, Eucalyptus globulus, (Bluegum) and pine plantation wastes, a pipeline for water supply, and a power line connecting the power plant to the sub-station. Inquiry under s46 in response to a request for extension of timeframe for substantial commencement, condition 3 of Ministerial Statement 791. Read more...Last updated: June 18, 2014
The proposal is to construct and operate a coal handling and export facility within the Bunbury Port Inner Harbour in the south-west region of Western Australia. Read more...Last updated: February 7, 2014
The Water Corporation of Western Australia proposes to construct, commission, operate and maintain a new wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) on a portion of the C class Crown reserve No. 29778 (Forestry Purposes) on Chugg Street, north-east of the Walpole townsite. That portion of the reserve is predominantly cleared and used as a depot for the Department of Conservation and Land Management. Read more...Last updated: January 7, 2014
The proposal is for processing of mineral and other sands and preparation of synthetic rutile including by-products at the Tronox Chandala processing facility near the town of Muchea. Inquiry under s46 for a review of conditions of Ministerial Statement 412 . Read more...Last updated: June 26, 2013
Chevron Australia Pty Ltd, as operator for the Gorgon Joint Venturers, proposes to extract, pipe, liquefy and export 10 million tonnes per annum of natural gas from the Greater Gorgon and Jansz gas fields using facilities offshore and on Barrow Island, Western Australia. Read more...Last updated: January 30, 2013
The proposal is to construct and operate a multi-user deep-water port with iron ore stockpiling, transfer and ship loading facilities and ancillary infrastructure at Anketell Point. The proposal allows for facilities required by the Proponent and future third parties to be developed. Read more...Last updated: January 22, 2013
Establishment of an Industrial Park at Meenaar 18 km east of Northam - Inquiry under s46 of the, Environmental Protection Act 1986, to remove the entire implementation conditions and proponent commitments of Ministerial Statement 293. Read more...Last updated: January 22, 2013
The proposal is for the construction of a deepwater port. Inquiry under s46 regarding changing condition 9 of Ministerial Statement 469 . Read more...Last updated: January 11, 2013
The proposal is to construct and operate a 25 million tonne per annum Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) facility and associated Domestic Gas (Domgas) facility in the proposed Ashburton North Strategic Industrial Area (ANSIA) 12 kilometres south west of the town of Onslow. The proposal includes: Subsea gas trunkline to bring produced hydrocarbons onshore to the LNG and Domgas plants; Product loading facility (PLF); Materials offloading facility (MOF); LNG and Domgas plants; Accommodation facilities;... Read more...Last updated: December 4, 2012
The proposal is for mining of iron ore below the watertable from the Orebody 23 deposit on the Ophthalmia Range, including de-watering operations, approximately 13 kilometres north-east of Newman, Shire of East Pilbara. Read more...Last updated: October 22, 2012
To develop an open-cut vanadium mine and process plant at Barrambie, 75 kilometres north-west of the Sandstone townsite and 116 kilometres south-east of Meekatharra Read more...Last updated: May 30, 2012
The proposal is to clear up to 3.7 hectares of native vegetation for a limestone quarry, to screen the material on-site, re-establish an access road and rehabilitate all of the disturbed areas. Read more...Last updated: May 22, 2012
The project site is located approximately 15 kilometres south of Eneabba in the Shires of Coorow and Carnamah, Western Australia. The CWC Project involves open cut mining and supply of approximately 75 Mt of sub-bituminous grade coal to the proposed Coolimba Power Station at a rate of 2 to 2.5 Mtpa over 30 years. The South Eneabba Nature Reserve is at the southern end, east of the proposed mine, while the Lake Logue Nature Reserve is towards the northern end and on the western side of the... Read more...Last updated: April 4, 2012
The proposal is to increase the throughput of iron ore to 85 million tonnes per annum at the Cape Lambert Port operations. Read more...